Senate Bill 715 and Instructions

All contracts for employment of, or related employee worksheets for, a teacher or administrator by a district board of education shall include the following categories in a clear and concise format:


Senate Bill 715 Detailed Breakdown and Instructions 70 O.S. Supp. 2003 § 6-101.6

Section of Bill Information to be Included Sub Area Explanation
A1a Employee Information Employee's Name Self-explanatory
A1b Employee Information Degree Held Official transcripts must be on file in the Certification office at the State Department of Education. Degree must be from a college recognized by the State Board of Education. (70 O.S. § 18-114.7)
A1c Employee Information Number of years of teaching credit for salary purposes Years of teaching credit include teaching as a certified teacher in Oklahoma public schools, Oklahoma accredited private schools, accredited out-of-state or out-of-country public or private schools (limited to five years; school districts may grant additional years of experience), active duty military (limited to five years; weekends and two-week summer encampments do not count), university level teaching as a full-time professor when eligible for an Oklahoma teaching credential, Department of Corrections educational programs, and others. (70 O.S. § 18-114.7 and OAC 210:25-3-4)
A1d Employee Information Step placement on salary schedule From SDE, records based upon the information in A1c. For example, "0" step is for a teacher with no approved teaching or military experience; while "1" step would be for a teacher with one year of approved experience.
A2a Salary Information Pay based on state minimum salary schedule From the table in 70 O.S. § 18-114.7 (attached), includes additional pay for Special Education (5%), Alternative Education (5%), and Career Technology teacher stipend. Excludes any additional pay at the district level.
A2b Salary Information District salary supplement Salary supplements above the state minimum, but excluding extra duty. Includes additional salary from the school district such as pay for college work between one degree level and another (i.e., Masters + 15 semester hours), additional credit given for out-of-state teaching experience above the five years given by the state, and other negotiated SALARY (not benefits) between the school district and the employee.
A2c Salary Information Extra-duty or extracurricular salary amounts Any amounts paid that are not part of salary and benefits, (i.e., coach, club sponsor, activity sponsor, tutor, etc.). Extra-duty pay cannot be used to reach state minimum salary.
A2d Salary Information Other salary Other negotiated SALARY (not benefits) between the school district and the employee.
A2e Salary Information Total salary A2a + A2b + A2c + A2d
A2f Salary Information Dollar amount paid in cash Salary amount (May be the same amount as listed for A2g.)
A2g Salary Information Dollar amount paid in fringe benefits, as defined and allowed by 70 O.S. § 18-114.7 Value amount of the fringe benefits. The fringe benefits must be itemized with the dollar amount paid toward it listed. Inclusive of the benefits are all or part of hospital or medical benefits, and sickness, accident, health or life insurance, and retirement benefits, excluding the retirement contributions made pursuant to Subsection A of 70 O.S. § 17-108.1 and the flexible benefit allowance pursuant to 70 O.S. § 26-105.
A3a Benefits Information State Paid Flexible Benefit Allowance Amount This is the dollar amount paid for Flexible Benefits and cannot be used to reach state minimum salaries. For July 1-December 31, 2003, (2003-04 school year) this amount is $155.25 or the "In lieu of" amount is $69.71. Please note: These amounts may change effective January 1, 2004. Refer to 70 O.S. § 26-105(3) for specific information on the Flexible Benefit Allowance.
A3b Benefits Information District-paid retirement contributions Over any amount for retirement paid as part of salary and excluding any amounts paid pursuant to Section 17-108.1 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
A3c Benefits Information District-paid health contributions Over any amount paid as part of salary.
A3d Benefits Information Other district-paid benefits Includes life, dental, disability, salary protection, vision, cancer, health supplemental insurance (over any amount paid as part of salary).
A3e Benefits Information Other benefits Itemized list of each benefit and dollar amount paid toward it (not including and benefits paid as part of salary).
A3f Benefits Information Total district-paid benefits Not including any benefits paid as part of salary.


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Last updated on May 7, 2019