Training and Resources

Bullying Prevention Lesson Plans


Resource Library

The office or prevention services has a resource library with about 150 items that you can check out and have mailed to you at any time! There are 66 DVDs, 19 curriculums, and 64 books available. Click the links below to see the list and print the form to check out materials.

Resource Library Check-Out Form

Resource Library List

Bullying Prevention Research-Based Curriculum

Research studies have found that school-based, anti-bullying prevention programs reduced bullying and victimization by an average of 20%. A list of research-based bullying prevention programs examined and approved by federal agencies has been provided in the website below.

Bullying Prevention Programs


Internet Safety

Working together - teachers, parents, law enforcement, and concerned adults - to make the Internet a safer place for kids. We must safeguard our children's online experience and provide them with the protection from potential dangers and online predators.

Some suggestions for parents:

  • Monitor Internet use and find out which sites your child frequents.

  • Encourage your child to come to you if they encounter anything strange, uncomfortable or upsetting online.

  • Invest in monitoring software to help protect your child while using the computer.

  • Tell your child to NEVER give out any personal information or post photos and NEVER meet anyone in person met online without permission.

To report any indecent materials or pornography involving children or adolescents online, immediately notify your local FBI office or call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at (800) 843-5678.

Test your knowledge of& shorthand commonly used online in Instant Messenger and chatrooms.

Online Lingo, from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children - take the Internet Safety Quiz for Adults or Kids.

Bullying Prevention Professional Development

Looking for staff development on bullying prevention? The State Department of Education has presentation kits available to check out. The presentation kit helps staff understand how a school-wide program enhances bullying-prevention efforts. This presentation will help you quickly and easily educate school staff on traits and risk factors associated with children who bully, steps they can follow to help prevent bullying, interventions to use when bullying happens, strategies shown not to work well in bullying prevention, and more. Presentation kit includes a PowerPoint, take-home materials, and a leader guide. To check out the presentation kit, please e-mail [email protected].

Bullying Prevention Parent Education

Looking for parent education on bullying prevention? The State Department of Education has a presentation kit available to check out. Parents gain a better understanding of the pervasiveness and damaging effects of bullying, learn to recognize the signs of bullying and are prepared to implement effective strategies for preventing physical and emotional intimidation. This interactive presentation gives them the facts about bullying prevention, plus opportunities to learn, create, and practice bullying-prevention solutions they can pass on to their children. Presentation kit includes a PowerPoint presentation, take-home materials, and a leader guide. To check out the presentation kit, please e-mail [email protected].


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Last updated on September 18, 2020