Find a plethora of ideas and assistance for managing your family activities, academic and social/emotional needs. | Hoagies' Gifted Education Page: Parents Who are the gifted? What does this mean for your family? This site provides assistance for parents of gifted and talented children. | National Association for Gifted Children NAGC the premier education association for gifted and talented children. In addition to information for parents, NAGC offers links to resources for teachers, students, and advocacy groups. |
Oklahoma Association of Gifted, Creative & Talented (OAGCT) OAGCT is a volunteer association founded to bring together concerned professionals and other persons interested in gifted, creative, and talented youth for their mutual support and growth. | It’s short for twice-exceptional, a term often used to describe kids who are exceptional because they’re gifted and because they have learning disabilities, learning disorders, attention difficulties, or just plain learning differences. |
This is a search engine which allows you to ask questions not just type in keywords. | Find out how many crayons it would take to go around the world, how some of the colors are named, or what happens with crayons when they don't come out just right! Lots of fun activities for kids and adults. | Exciting information for students to explore on many subjects! |
Explore a weekly quiz of current events and a plethora of other interactive activities. | Search by topics or categories and have access to information to help with school assignments and projects. | This site has been developed to help students gain a better understanding of economics and personal finance. There are games about budgeting, interest rates, saving, spending, and much more! |
This site can be used by teachers, librarians, parents, and students to gain information from several databases. Simply enter a search term or select a database related to an academic subject area or specialty area. There are 14,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5% in education. | Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development Housed at the University of Iowa, the Belin-Blank Center focuses on all aspects of academic and social/emotional support of gifted and talented children. | Manages the Advanced Placement Program, the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and CLEP. |
Council for Exceptional Children: The Association for the Gifted (TAG) TAG was organized as a division of the Council for Exceptional Children in 1958. TAG plays a major part in helping both professionals and parents work more effectively with one of our most precious resources: the gifted child. | K-8 resources for teachers, students, and parents. | Lesson plan database in every subject area and monthly updates for teachers on new sites relevant to specific topics can be accessed through EW. |
This center serves parents, schools and advocacy groups with information about identification, assessment, counseling, learning styles, programs, presentations and resources for gifted children and adults. | Gifted Education Resource Institute (GERI) GERI conducts research on the psychology of talent development, trains professionals from all nations of the world to promote the development of individuals who have gifts and talents, and provides services to talented individuals and their families. | Hoagies' Gifted Education Page This site is a comprehensive resource guide for the education of gifted children. It's full of great information, with links to the most complete, easiest to use, resources on nearly every aspect of gifted education available on the Internet, plus lots of annotations and first-hand information provided by parents facing the same challenges that you are facing. |
When a child is gifted or talented, their parents and educators are faced with many issues and challenges. These articles and digests provide ideas, guidance, and activities for both parents and educators of gifted students. While some of these articles are written specifically for educators, they can also benefit parents who are seeking to create or influence a program for their children. | National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) NAGC is a national advocacy organization for gifted and talented education. Various resources and links are available on this site.
| Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development Housed at the University of Connecticut, the Neag Center also includes the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented.
A worldwide, nonprofit organization that promotes creative team-based problem-solving in a school program for students from kindergarten through college. The program helps students learn divergent thinking and problem-solving skills while participating in a series of challenging and motivating activities, both inside and outside their regular classroom curriculum. | Oklahoma Advanced Placement Incentives Program This program is funded with legislative-appropriated money, includes materials and equipment grants, professional development for Oklahoma public school educators, and test fee assistance for qualifying students.
| Teachers.Net Lesson Plan Exchange This excellent site is full of classroom-tested lesson plans shared by teachers just like you! You may also post your own great lesson plans for others to use.
Great ideas from Nestle for kids' activities.
| This is a collection of inquiry-oriented activities in which most or all of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. WebQuests are designed to use learners' time well, to focus on using information rather than looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Also available at this site are teacher and student training materials and evaluation rubrics to assess the merit of the WebQuests created.
| This contest addresses higher-level word comprehension and logical abilities such as those measured for high school students by the verbal SAT. It does this by challenging students to complete analogies based on a relationship among words they have learned and based these analogies on special vocabulary lists, drawn up for each grade by experienced teachers, which participants are encouraged to study before each meet. |