Web Resources for Chronic Absenteeism
Click here to see a list of available toolkits.
Attendance Works is a national and state initiative that promotes better policy and practice around school attendance. They promote tracking chronic absence data for each student beginning in kindergarten or ideally earlier and partnering with families and community agencies to intervene when poor attendance is a problem for students or schools.
ASCD adopts a Whole Child approach in an effort to transition from a focus on narrowly defined academic achievement to one that promotes the long-term development and success of all children. Through this approach, ASCD supports educators, families, community members, and policymakers as they move from a vision about educating the whole child to sustainable, collaborative actions.
OSDE Students with Disabilities and Chronic Absenteeism FAQs
Special circumstances may exist for students with significant medical conditions. To learn more about Chronic Absenteeism as it relates to students with disabilities, see the Students with Disabilities and Chronic Absenteeism FAQs.
National Center for Education Statistics
The NCES works to improve the quality of education data gathered for use by policymakers and program decision makers. An approach to furthering their goal has been to pool the collective experiences of Forum members to produce "best practice" guides in areas of high interest to those who collect, maintain, and use data about elementary and secondary education.
Every School Day Counts: The Forum Guide to Collecting and Using Attendance Data
US Department of Education