The Contract is awarded on behalf of the Oklahoma State Department of Education for mental health and prevention asset mapping for the State of Oklahoma. Resources and services to be mapped will include but may not be limited to: community agencies or entities providing services that fall within the scope of the WSCC (Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model), private LMHPs (licensed mental health professionals) who provide or are willing to provide school based counseling services, community entities willing to provide telemedicine services to students during the school day that are not ODMHSAS (Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse) agencies, community entities providing trauma informed services to the zero to three year old population, nonprofit and private agencies providing mental health or SEL (social emotional learning) supports in schools, nonprofit and private agencies/entities providing evidence-based professional learning opportunities for staff and students in the areas of; bullying prevention, substance abuse prevention, suicide prevention and dating violence prevention.
26500--Oklahoma State Department of Education
Contract Type:
Request for Proposal (RFP)