Awareness to Action

Creating Trauma Informed Schools through Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

This one-day summit will expand upon our previous trauma-informed awareness conferences by offering educators a framework for action. The conference will unpack the Multi-Tiered System of Support, then show attendees how this equitable framework can address the academic, behavioral and mental health needs of ALL students.

Conference Agenda

If you have questions throughout the day, email [email protected].

Morning Session:

8:30-8:45 Welcome by State Superintendent Hofmeister
8:45-10:15 Heather Forbes Keynote – The Language of Trauma
10:15-10:35 Information from Dr. Shelly Ellis and Break
10:35-11:30 Dawn Miller & Amy McCart Keynote – Affirmation and Action: Intersecting Pandemics and MTSS
11:30-12:30 Lunch

Afternoon Sessions:
12:30-1:30 Breakout Sessions 1
1:45-2:45 Breakout Sessions 2
2:45-3:00 Thank you and Evaluations

Morning Session

The morning keynotes were livestreamed and recorded. You can watch the recorded video here

Breakout Sessions

All breakout sessions were recorded; the videos will be uploaded and soon as they are available. You can find the links to watch the recordings below. 

PM Session 1: 12:30- 1:30
Title Presenter(s) Session Description Session Video
SCTG School Showcase Panel Amanda Sellers & Jenna Jones In this live session, attendees will hear firsthand from a panel of PK-12 teachers, counselors, and administrators on their journey of implementing positive behavior supports and transforming school culture. These schools participate in the Oklahoma School Climate Transformation Grant. They have spent the past three years transitioning from trauma-aware to building multi-tiered systems of support that focus on meeting the diverse social-emotional behavioral needs for ALL students'. Watch on YouTube
OTISS School Highlight Bethan Langlois State Personnel Development Project Coordinator, Bethan Langlois, will moderate and facilitate discussions with staff from SPDG implementation sites. First, Ryan Glaze of Jenks East Elementary School will describe the change process that took place within his school and why it was necessary before installing a comprehensive tiered system of supports. He will speak to the "why" of the work, the process, the challenges and how they were overcome, and the highlights. Next, team members from Sand Springs Public Schools will participate in a panel with facilitated questions discussing how a tiered system was embedded into the school culture and how the innovation is maintained. Watch on YouTube
Basics of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Elizabeth Suddath This session will lay the foundation to understanding a multi-tiered systems of support framework. We will discuss how an MTSS can help transform school climate & culture. Watch on YouTube
Supporting All Students; Creating a Positive School Climate Marissa Lightsey & Heather Graham In this session, participants will understand the socio-historical impact of historical and intergenerational trauma and its impact on students. Simultaneously, recognizing and addressing implicit and unconscious bias, microaggressions, and other forms of discrimination to create a positive school climate for all students.  Watch on YouTube
Preventing Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Secondary Trauma: Self Care for Educators Dr. Erika Olinger In this session, participants will learn how self-care is not a luxury, but an ethical responsibility that ensures professional competence and protects against burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary trauma. Participants will become familiar with self-care domains and explore practical strategies. Tools and resources to promote self-care will be practiced, shared, and discussed. Watch on YouTube
Universal Data Dr. Gary Duhon This presentation will discuss the importance of being data based within a tiered system, what data is critical to success, and methods for collecting valid and reliable data efficiently. Watch on YouTube
ABCs of Behavior Kristen Perez-Rickels This session will provide an introduction to behavioral principles in the "four-term contingency" to explain why inappropriate behaviors may occur. Participants will learn about the impact of setting events, learning history, and environment on behavior and how environmental changes can improve behavioral outcomes for students. Resources for additional learning and behavior intervention will be shared. Watch on YouTube
Using the PLC Structure to Address Student Needs Dr. Ellis & Dr. Meiller This session will provide structure and examples of PLCs focused on meeting the academic, behavioral and social-emotional needs of all students. Participants will discuss shifts that must occur to move towards systematically addressing the needs of students across a school site and school district. Watch on YouTube
Pyramid Model: Promoting Young Children's Social and Emotional Health Blaire Harrison The Pyramid Model is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s social and emotional development. By addressing disparities in discipline practices, promoting family engagement and using data decision making, programs implementing the Pyramid Model have experienced:
• Reductions in child challenging behavior
• Increases in children’s social skills
• Increased satisfaction of program staff and families
• Elimination of suspension and expulsion
• Increases in teachers competence and confidence in the support of children
• Changes in classroom and program climate
• Sustained implementation of the Pyramid Model
Watch on YouTube
PM Session 2: 1:45- 2:45
Title Presenter(s) Session Description Session Video
Rockin' The Reality of MTSS: A Tale of Three School Systems (Project AWARE) Woodward Project AWARE: Amy Whitewater, M.Ed. 
Dalinda Hix, LCSW. Kyle Reynolds, M.Ed. - Superintendent. 
Elk City Project AWARE: Carol Garrison, BSN, RN - 
Jodie Laufer, M.Ed., LPC , Rick Garrison, M.Ed. - Superintendent
Weatherford Project AWARE: Kelly Lackey, MA, LPC - 
Stephanie Perkins, MS, LPC-C 
Join Project AWARE to discover ALL things MTSS (multi-tiered systems of support)! In this session, our AWARE team will introduce you to MTSS, discuss the facets of the three tiers of social-emotional support, explain school-wide implementation, and share our real-life struggles and successes! Participants will better understand how utilizing MTSS in the school setting is beneficial to students, teachers, administrators, and community stakeholders. Coming Soon
Structures to Support Academic Intervention: A Primer on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Tiffany Neill, Levi Patrick & Kim Donnell In the ideal world, what is taught is learned. Yet, countless factors make such a simple hope quite complex. There are strategic approaches individuals, teams, and whole schools can implement to meet students where they are and work toward proficiency. In this session, we’ll introduce MTSS and discuss how participants might implement their own model to make real, tangible impacts on student learning. Watch on YouTube
Behavior MTSS Jenna Jones & Heather Graham In this introduction to Positive Behavior Supports, attendees will discover the importance of understanding and applying the science of behavior to support all students. This session will include Tier 1 best practices and classroom strategies for teachers to create a positive school climate and community through behavior support. Additional interventions and supports ensure the success of all students. Watch on YouTube
Mental Health MTSS Beth Whittle In this session attendees will learn how to structure a multi-tiered system of support aimed at addressing the social and emotional as well as mental health needs of students. Programmatic details will be shared from mental health MTSS frameworks that OSDE has instituted in Project AWARE grant districts. Watch on YouTube
ODMHSAS School-Based Services for Tiers 1, 2, and 3 Brandi Gaither & Brittany Couch This session will introduce participants to the evidence-based programs that are available from the ODMHSAS to school sectors for Tiers 1, 2, and 3. By using the MTSS model, participants will understand how to implement these school-based prevention, intervention, and treatment services, which are shown to deliver outcomes for positive behavior and academic achievement, along with social and emotional learning (SEL) development of students. Watch on YouTube
District-wide PBIS: Designing a System for Capacity & Sustainability Dr. Trisha Guffey District implementation of PBIS requires a focus on sustainability while building internal capacity. Learn about the foundational steps necessary to build a framework in order to support staff and increase student success. Model district leadership team examples from will be shared. Watch on YouTube
Family Engagement Sonia Johnson & Amanda Sellers While there is no on-size-fits-all approach for educating a child, there is one essential element - Family Engagement. This session will introduce participants to the Oklahoma Family Engagement Framework and provide strategies for engaging families in tiered systems of support. Watch on YouTube
Addressing the Needs of Students After a Crisis Event - An MTSS Approach Trisha Goga This presentation will focus on tangible action items and interventions that support student’s acute traumatic stressors within the unique environmental landscape of schools. The interventions will be presented within a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework, which provides universal, targeted, and intensive supports based on student need. This presentation will cover the large range of students’ developmental trauma reactions in a school-setting and how an MTSS approach is appropriate to differentially intervene. Interventions presented will encompass a resiliency-focused and strength-based approach and will discuss the importance of integrating social-emotional, academic, and mental health initiatives to support the whole child within a school setting. Watch on YouTube
Bullying Prevention in an MTSS Framework Tosin Akande Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an integral component of effective bullying prevention. This session focuses on the relationships between students' social-emotional skills and their involvement in bullying activities. Utilizing the MTSS model, the session provides class-level and individual-level resources for effective bullying prevention. Watch on YouTube

Professional Development Certificates & CEUs

Fill out this end-of-day survey in order to request your certificate of attendanceExpect your certificate to be emailed to you within a week of the conference date. You can watch the above recordings at any time; however, you will only receive a PD certificate if you have completed the survey by February 26, 2021.

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Last updated on April 14, 2021