This is a list of out-of-school time resources the 21st Century office has in stock, available to be lent out for current grantee programs to review before purchasing their own. To check out resources, please email Hannah the following information. Resources can be checked out for up to a month and can be mailed or picked up. Please call our office for more questions.

21st CCLC Resource Library (Excel)

21st CCLC Blue Book

An informational pamphlet about the federal 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant program, funds, and impact.

The purpose of the Oklahoma Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (OSRCL) grant is to support districts in creating and implementing comprehensive literacy programs to advance literacy skills of Oklahoma students from birth through grade 12, including limited-English-proficient students and students with disabilities. Through the OSCRCL grant, the OSDE will award $20,325,000 to districts.
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Last updated on December 31, 1969