Connecting a Community

Warner, located 20 miles south of Muskogee, serves about 800 students in its rural community. At the start of distance learning, only 50% of Warner students had reliable internet at home. After hearing of the need for more internet access, Cross Telephone raced to lay lines and install modems in homes previously isolated by the digital divide, all at zero cost to families. The company connected nearly 200 households as distance learning began and boosted service to families who had an existing connection. Now, 95% of Warner students are learning online. THANK YOU Cross Telephone for stepping up to the plate for students in your area! “Nearly one in four Oklahoma students doesn't have a broadband connection at home, and that’s an inequity that impacts learning. We are grateful for the partnerships that businesses and other organizations have built with schools to step in and provide that connectivity – but it can't just be one district at a time. This has to be a statewide response, and it must be a priority for Oklahoma right now.” - State Supt. Joy Hofmeister

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Last updated on August 25, 2020