The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Program requires all IDEA Part C programs to develop and implement a State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) as part of their State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). The SSIP is a multi-year plan designed to improve developmental outcomes for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
Oklahoma is committed to developing and implementing our SSIP with sustainable policies and practices at the state and local levels to impact child outcomes positively.
Responsible for coordinating SSIP activities, supporting infrastructure to scale up and sustain activities for statewide implementation of evidence-based practices, aligning professional development to support implementation, engaging stakeholders, and assisting and overseeing local SoonerStart Sites.
Responsible for ensuring staff and providers are trained and implementing evidence-based practices to directly impact children's social-emotional development, developing and sustaining a coaching infrastructure for full scale-up within the local service area. Implementation sites will be added incrementally until all 27 local sites have applied the policies and practices.
Participate in training workshops, coaching sessions, and regular meetings to enhance skills. Providers will participate in periodic skills checks and ongoing coaching support to ensure practices carry out with fidelity. The Pyramid Model represents the new statewide standard for service delivery for all SoonerStart providers.
Stakeholders at all levels will engage to help carry out SSIP activities to achieve the desired outcomes.