Oklahoma Classroom Learning and School Supplies (CLASS) Grant

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Oklahoma Classroom Learning and School Supplies (CLASS) Grants

The State Board of Education is authorized to award one or more grants annually to classroom teachers from funds available in the Public School Classroom Support Revolving Fund established pursuant to 70 O.S. § 1-123. A grant awarded under this section shall be used by the grantee teacher for the purpose of purchasing supplies, materials, or equipment for their class or classes. To ensure the continuing availability of the grant program, which is funded by taxpayer donations that vary annually, the full amount available in the Public School Classroom Support Revolving Fund may not be awarded during a single year. (210:40-31-1)


2024 Recipients

School District School Site Curriculum Taught
Atoka  Public Schools Atoka Elementary School 2nd Grade
Bristow Public Schools Edison Elementary 2nd Grade
Broken Bow Public Schools Rector Johnson Middle School 7th Grade Science
Caney Valley Schools Caney Valley Middle School Stem 2 & 3, Personal Financial Literacy
Choctaw Nicoma Park Schools Westfall Elementary School 5th Grade
Claremore Public Schools Claremore Learning Academy Alternative Education
Cushing Public Schools Cushing Middle School Art
Deer Creek Intermediate Schools Deer Creek Elementary Kindergarten
Dewar Public Schools Dewar Elementary 1st Grade
Dewey Public Schools Dewey Elementary School 4th Grade
Elk City Public Schools Elk City High School 11th Grade English
Jay Public Schools Jay High School English
Jenks Public Schools Jenks East Intermediate 5th grade Math & Science
Jones Public Schools Jones High School Physics & Mathematics
Kingston Public Schools Kingston Elementary School Elementary STEM
Maud Public Schools Maud High School Business
Moore Public Schools VISTA Academy Therapeutic Educator
Okeene Public Schools Okeene Jr/Sr High School PK-12 STEM
Rattan Public Schools Rattan Elementary STEM/IT Dept
Stigler Public Schools Stigler Elementary School Physical Education
Tenkiller School District Tenkiller Public Schools Special Education
Tulsa Public Schools Key Elementary Music
Tupelo Public School District Tupelo Elementary 5th Grade
Turpin Public Schools Turpin Elementary School ELL
Tuttle Public Schools Tuttle High School Science
Whitebead Public Schools Whitebead Public School Pre-Kindergarten



A public school classroom teacher in Oklahoma is eligible to apply for a Public School Classroom Support Grant. A certified educator employed under Oklahoma Cost Accounting System (OCAS) Job Class Code 210, "Teacher", or OCAS Job Class Code 213, "Resource Teacher", shall be considered a classroom teacher for purposes of the Public School Classroom Support Grant program.

Award Amount

$1,000 - $5,000


  1. An articulated purpose for the requested grant that is intended to promote student learning in one or more content areas or skills.
  2. A specific plan for incorporating supplies, materials, and/or equipment funded by the requested grant into the applying teacher's course(s) for the stated purpose.
  3. Alignment of the purpose and plan for the requested grant with the Oklahoma Academic Standards.

Distribution of Grants 

Grants will be awarded each year to at least one recipient who represents each of the following categories:

  1. An early childhood or elementary school.
  2. A middle or junior high school.
  3. A high school.
  4. An alternative school, alternative academy, or alternative education program as defined by 70 O.S. § 1210.568.
  5. A school in a "small school district" as defined by 70 O.S. § 18-201.1(B)(3).
  6. A school in a district with an average daily membership of thirty thousand (30,000) or more.
  7. A school in a district that is not a "small school district" and has an average daily membership lower than thirty thousand (30,000).

Shared grants

Two (2) or more teachers at the same school site may apply for a shared grant to be used for the same purpose in more than one classroom. One application should be submitted for a shared grant. If a shared grant is awarded, the funded amount of the grant will be shared by the participating teachers listed on the application, with appropriate distribution of the grant funds among participating classrooms to be the responsibility of the participating teachers and the site administrator. A teacher who has been one of the recipients of a shared grant is not eligible to apply for another shared grant for two (2) years following the year the shared grant was received.

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Last updated on September 3, 2024