The grant, awarded by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), is for professional development for districts and schools to support implementation of effective practices. The TA Center uses the funds to provide capacity-building tools and resources for districts that support implementation of MTSS. Grant number H323A220017; Jennifer Coffey, Project Officer.
A grant from SAMHSA to 1) increase awareness of mental health issues among students; 2) provide training to school personnel and other adults who interact with students to detect and respond to mental health issues; and 3) connect students, who may have behavioral health issues, serious emotional disturbance or serious mental illness, and their families to needed services.
The U.S. Department of Education awarded the School Climate Transformation Grant to the OSDE to develop local capacity for implementing MTSS for behavioral supports.
The School Counselor Corps is a three-year initiative supported through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund.
IDEA, Part B funds are allocated to states through a formula grant. The OSDE utilizes some of these funds to support the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) which provides support in the implementation of MTSS for early literacy (K-3rd) programming.
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