Bullying Prevention Month Awareness Resources

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This toolkit provides a daily tip calendar and accompanying information listed below that you can use to share bullying prevention tips with K-12 youth you work with during the month of October, National Bullying Prevention Month.

  Bullying Prevention Month Toolkit

How to use this document:

This document expands upon the tips provided in the Bullying Prevention Month Calendar, which is intended to provide school personnel and others who work with the K-12 population with daily tips to share with the kids and youth they work with during the month of October, National Bullying Prevention Month.

Please be sure to only include tips that encourage reporting to adults if adults at your school are equipped to respond to and effectively address bullying. Otherwise, you may perpetuate students’ beliefs that telling an adult will not help or may even hurt them.

Ideas for getting these tips out to K-12 kids and teens you work within a school (or after school) setting includes:

Including each day’s tips in the morning announcements

Posting each day’s tips on a bulletin board in a central location

Having teachers present each day’s tip in class along with a short discussion or activity that helps students put the tip into practice (sharing stories, role plays, etc.)

Having guidance counselors post each day’s tip somewhere in their office or on their door

These tips can also be shared with and used by tutors, mentors, parents, coaches, scout troupe leaders, and anyone who works with young people – we can all engage kids and teens in discussing these critical topics.

In addition, keep in mind that while sharing these tips with students is a step in the right direction, research shows the most effective way to prevent bullying is utilizing community, family and school wide evidence-based bullying practices.

For more information on such programs, other effective measures to implement in your school, and bullying prevention more broadly, please contact:

Coordinator/Prevention Specialist


Bonus Tools


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Last updated on January 23, 2018