School Counselor Spotlight

Tessica Taylor at Luther Public Schools

Tessica is Oklahoma's School Counselor of the Year. Recently, she had the opportunity to visit Washington D.C. to meet with the United States Secretary of Education and attend a black tie gala to celebrate her success!

Learn more about Tessica---

What makes you unique as a school counselor?

I have worked as a school counselor at three different levels: elementary, middle, and high school.  This allows me to start working with kids in Pre-K and Kindergarten on the skills that I have seen first-hand they will need to be successful in high school and beyond. 

Why is creating a comprehensive school counseling program important to you?

A comprehensive school counseling program is important to me because it ensures that I am reaching all of my students, and that I am meeting their specific needs with multi tiered systems of support. A comprehensive program also ensures that I cover all three domains: social/emotional, academic, and college/career.  I think one of the most important aspects of a comprehensive program is the assessment of the program to ensure that you are accomplishing the goals that you have set. 

What is a quote that inspires you?

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” C.S. Lewis

What do you do when you need inspiration to tackle another day working on behalf of students?

I have inspirational and kind notes that students and staff have written me over the years hanging on one of my walls.  When I am having a tough day, or feel unmotivated, I take a minute to read those notes and remember my “why.” 

What do you do to decompress and refuel for the next day?

I spend time with my family on our family farm. My family is my everything, and the animals can be so calming. 


Amy Cozens at Mustang Central Middle School in Mustang Public Schools

Amy is working diligently to implement a Comprehensive School Counseling Program at her school and even has plans to apply for the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) recognition!

Learn more about Amy---

What makes you unique as a school counselor? I am constantly looking to challenge myself personally and professionally.  It is important to me to model a growth mindset of overcoming barriers as well as setting and attaining goals.

Why is creating a comprehensive school counseling program important to you? I believe a data-driven comprehensive school counseling program is an essential component of any school structure. Students attain the best possible outcomes when school counselors, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members work together to provide quality education, resources, and opportunities for all students.

What is a quote that inspires you? The lyrics from the song "Perfectly Loved" by Rachael Lampa (feat. Toby Mac) are some of the most inspirational words I have ever heard. They talk about how despite the lies we can believe about ourselves or difficulties we may experience, we are each perfectly loved just as we are. There is no need to strive to keep up or be someone else.

What do you do when you need inspiration to tackle another day working on behalf of students? I review letters and notes from former (or current) students and it helps me refocus on my "why." It also helps me remember I can have a lasting impact on students even if I am only in their lives for a short period of time.

What do you do to decompress and refuel for the next day? I have started practicing restorative yoga. This practice requires a certain "stillness" which is often difficult for me mentally and physically, but I continue to challenge myself and have definitely seen the benefits.

Thank you, Amy, for all you do to serve your students!



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Last updated on December 19, 2023