Archived Standards

 Stakeholder Input Timeline

Multiple opportunities existed (and still exist) through a variety of venues (town halls, focus groups, surveys, expert reviews, and content consortiums) to elicit stakeholder feedback.


 Standards Steering Committee Members, Notices and Meeting Information


Press Releases


Standards Writing FAQs


Oklahoma Academic Standards Second Draft Surveys

  • July 7, 2015-Aug 26, 2015 NOW CLOSED


Welcome to the OSDE information page for standards.  This page will connect you with timelines, draft standards, opportunities for feedback, and all other information about the process of developing new state standards in mathematics and English language arts.

Under House Bill 3399, which was signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin in June 2014, Oklahoma must have the new standards ready in 2016.

The resulting standards will ensure students are prepared for higher education and the workforce, reflecting Oklahoma values and principles.  These standards are to be created by Oklahomans for Oklahomans.


South Central Comprehensive Center (SC3)

  • OAS/CCSS Comparison Analysis Report
    Comparison of the Oklahoma Academic Standards (Final Version) and
    the Common Core State Standards as prescribed by 70 O.S. § 11-103.6a (G.1).

Oklahoma Academic Standards Presentation for the
Joint Meeting of Members of Oklahoma House and Senate -
Monday, February 1, 2016.

Oklahoma Academic Standards Informational Flyer


The following are only details about the standards process.

Oklahoma Academic Standards Toolkit for Third Draft

-September 14, 2015 - October 16, 2015-

ELA Webinar via Video-conference (aired live on September 22, 2015, 1 - 3:00pm)Math Webinar via Video-conference
(aired live on September 24, 2015, 1:00 - 3:00pm)
Welcome LetterWelcome Letter
Eight is Great OverviewMath Guiding Principles/ Math Actions and Processes Overview
Feedback Form

Feedback window is now closed
Feedback Form

Feedback window is now closed
Third Draft ELA Standards:
(Organized by grade level)


Third Draft Math Standards:
(Organized by grade band)





Third Draft ELA Standards:
(Vertical progression organized by standard)
Third Draft Math Standards:
(Organized by grade level with a vertical progression format organized by standard found in Appendix C)


Background Information PowerPoint (regarding standards-writing process September 2015)Background Information PowerPoint
(regarding standards-writing process September 2015)
ELA Writing TeamMath Writing Team
OSDE ELA ContactsOSDE Math Contacts


Fourth Draft January 8, 2016 Comments

External Reviews of OAS Fourth Draft (December 2015)

Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative (OEWI)

Ms. Shellie Klein

Dr. Christopher Yakes


Focus Group Feedback for OAS Third Draft (October 2015)

External Reviews of OAS Third Draft (September 2015)

Dr. Christopher Yakes: Mathematics Standards Third Draft Comments

Dr. Sandra Stotsky

College & Career Readiness & Success Center (CCRS)

Oklahoma Educated Workforce Initiative (OEWI)

Oklahoma Technical Advisory Committee (OK TAC)


External Reviews of OAS Second Draft (August 2015)

Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO)

Partnership for 21st Century (P21)

South Central Comprehensive Center (SC3)

Southern Regional Education Board (SREB)


External Reviews of OAS First Draft (June 2015)

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Standards Review

Restore Oklahoma Public Education (ROPE) Standards Review

OAS - Math: First Draft Feedback

Teaching and Learning Advisory at CCOSA Meeting


Oklahoma Academic Standards Second Drafts  (July 2015)



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Last updated on April 22, 2016