The requirements for an educational interpreter, as set forth in the Educational Interpreter for the Deaf Act (70 O.S. § 13 - 1 15.3) and the State Board of Education rules (OAC 21 0: 15 - 13-4), are summarized below:
In state law, certification of a QAST level 111, or comparable level of proficiency (EIPA 3.5 or ESSE 3.9, is required by July 1, 2006. Several districts have expressed concern regarding a shortage of training opportunities for their interpreters. In response to this feedback, the Oklahoma State Department of Education, Special Education Services, has purchased, some instructional DVDs from American Sign Language Productions, Inc. These instructional DVD sets are a great resource to both educational interpreters and educators serving deaf and hard of hearing students. These DVDs are available for loan from the Oklahoma State Department of Education. If you would like more information, please contact Mark Everhart at (405) 521-4963.