Student Level FQSR and ASR

Student Level FQSR/ASR Report Guidance


Accessing the FQSR/ASR

What is the FQSR/ASR?

How does this affect my School Report Card?

When is this report open?

Before you get started

Check your wizards

Object review

Navigating the FQSR/ASR

Site Selector


Student View

Final Report

Find Missing Students

Alt Ed Student View Edit

Reporting Tools

Certifying the Report

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do I need to check?

Where do I certify calendars?

Which students are included in this report?

What is the code for a professional day? A parent/teacher conference day? A holiday? A weekend?

This day is listed wrong in the FQSR/ASR, how do I change it?

This student's attendance/membership/transportation is incorrect, how do I change it?

I waited overnight, but my information isn't updating, what do I do?

How do I mark an activity absence so it does not affect my chronic absenteeism?

How do I mark an absence related to IEP/504 services so it does not affect my chronic absenteeism?


This guide is meant to help assist district staff to navigate through the Student Level First Quarter Statistical Report (FQSR) or Student Level Annual Statistical Report (ASR). To complete the FQSR or ASR, follow the steps outlined in this document. For questions regarding FQSR/ASR data, please contact State Aid at (405) 521-3460 or via email at

Accessing the FQSR/ASR
If you need assistance accessing reports, please see the guidance here.

What is the FQSR/ASR?
The FQSR/ASR certifies attendance, membership, transportation, and calendar data for the current school year. The student level data, accessible in the “Student View” tab, serves as the district-certified attendance, membership, and transportation data. When the report is certified, district calendar data is automatically certified as well.

How does this affect my School Report Card?
The Chronic Absenteeism indicator on the School Report Card uses these certified attendance data for the identification of students considered chronically absent. If a student has missed 10% or more of instructional days at their school, he or she is considered chronically absent. The Chronic Absenteeism indicator comprises approximately 11% of the overall grade for the new School Report Card in the accountability system.

The Non-Full Academic Year (NFAY) status of a student on the School Report Card is determined via the enrollment records certified through this report. The NFAY calculation is dependent on the entry and exit dates for a student. A student is considered Full Academic Year (FAY) if the student enrolls within the first 20 instructional days of the school year and does not have a gap of 10 or more consecutive instructional days of enrollment prior to an applicable FAY end date.

When is this report open?
The FQSR opens near the beginning of the school year and must be certified 10 days following the end of the first nine weeks or before the RAO visits for their audit. The ASR opens in mid-March and must be certified 10 days following the end of the school year or before the RAO visits for their audit.

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Before you get started

Check your wizards

Check the following wizards and clear any errors before starting this report. This should be started early and does not have to wait until after your school calendar is over:

  • Data Validation Wizard
  • District Ownership Wizard
  • STN Wizard
  • XSD Wizard

Object review

The following 9 objects? must be sent to the Wave in order to populate the student-level statistical report in the application.

  1. LEAInfo
    • This object contains information about the school district.
    • This object is mandatory for all reports. If it is not sent or is sent incorrectly, your reports may not populate correctly.
  2. SchoolInfo
    • This object contains information about the school or site within a district.
    • This object is mandatory for all reports. If it is not sent or is sent incorrectly, your reports may not populate correctly.
  3. CalendarDate
    • This object breaks down your calendar information for each day in the school year.
    • Each date between your first and last school day will have a type of school day associated with it.
  4. CalendarSummary
    • This object provides a summary of a school's calendar information for a given school year.
    • Each site for a district may have multiple calendars.
  5. AttendanceCodeInfo
    • This contains information about the type of absence for a student. Each district has its own attendance codes, however, all codes should map to a valid absence value.
    • Each absence record will contain information about the absence:
      • AttendanceCode examples: OSS, AU, AE, XX, V, U, TU, ...
      • AttendanceType: Absent, Tardy, Early Departure, Partial, Present, or Other
      • AttendanceStatus: Excused, Unexcused, Unknown, or NA
      • AbsenceValue: 0.5 (half day) or 1.0 (full day)
  6. StudentPersonal
    • This object provides demographic information about the student, including the STN.
    • A student's name, date of birth, and gender are in this object.
  7. StudentSchoolEnrollment
    • This contains information about the student's current school enrollments.
    • A student's basis of admission is provided with the enrollment entry date.
    • A student's exit date is provided.
  8. StudentAttendanceSummary
    • This contains summarized information about the student's attendance.
    • The object will have the start and end date, days attended, days in membership, absences (excused and unexcused), and days transported eligible for State Aid. This links to the school enrollment record and to the appropriate calendar for the student.
    • A school may NOT send multiple StudentAttendanceSummary records with overlapping dates.
  9. StudentDailyAttendance
    • Information about a particular date for a student's absence is in this object.
    • This record will connect the date of absence to the attendance code.

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Navigating the FQSR/ASR

Navigate to the Student Level FQSR/ASR within the Wave’s portal. Not sure how to get here? See guidance on accessing the Wave's portal.


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Site Selector


Once you select the report, it will take you to the Site Selector screen. Select a site to begin reviewing the information reported for that site.

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The first tab will display the calendars for a site. On this screen, you will find the pages for the report: Site Selector, Calendars, Student View,  Final Report, Find Missing Students, and Reporting Tools. (The comparison tab is no longer available)

School ID – a 9-digit site code, e.g. 99I001105, which combines the 2-digit county code, 4-digit district code, and 3-digit site code.

Local ID – this is the name of your calendar from your Student Information System (SIS).

Calendar Type – may be Main, Alt Ed, Coop, Resident Virtual (RV), or Other. Type is designated based on your calendar description in your SIS. E.g., a calendar described as “Washington ES Alt Ed Site” would be “Alt Ed.” More than one Main calendar may be listed, but each would have the same days taught, professional days, and total days in session.

Calendar Description – from the Calendar Summary, a brief note describing the calendar associated with the site.

Start Date – first day of the school calendar. Note that the days between the first day and first instructional date are not included in Days Taught unless they are marked parent/teacher or instructional days. The start date must not be before July 1.

End Date – last day of the school calendar. The end date must not be after June 30.

First Instructional Date – first day of instruction for students (may or may not align with start date).

Last Instructional Date – last day of instruction for students (may or may not align with end date).

Days Taught – summation of dates marked with a Calendar Date Type of instructional, makeup, late arrival/early dismissal, or parent/teacher conference. This must be greater than 114 and less than 193. For a codeset table, see the table at the end of guidance.

Professional Days ?– planned, non-instructional, whole day(s) when students are not present, for example, in-service, workshops, planning days, etc. and including teacher only days that occur on weekends and those prior to the first day of class or after the last day of class for the school session.

Parent/Teacher Days ?– planned, non-instructional, whole day(s) when students are not present, such as parent conferences and including teacher only days that occur on weekends and those prior to the first day of class or after the last day of class for the school session. This day does count toward membership and attendance and is inculded in Full Academic year calculations. Only two parent/teacher are counted towards instruction.

Total Days in Session – summation of days taught and professional days.

Select + to expand to see each calendar date its reported calendar code.

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Student View

Review each student's data to verify they are reported accurately and appropriately. There is no right or wrong way to review the student data to ensure completeness for this report. There have been some tools developed to assist and make the process as easy as possible.

If you used the Data Comparison tool and the data did not match on that tool, Student View is where you can find the discrepancy at the student level.

To go between tiers use the plus + icon to expand to the next level of data and use the minus - icon to collapse the current tier and return to the previous level.

For students that are missing from the report, use the Find Missing Student tab, Data Validation Wizard, STN Wizard, and Ownership Wizard to identify why those students are missing.

Student View Tier 1

Local ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Birth Date, Gender – these data points are provided by your SIS.

STN – student's state testing number.

Membership – days a student was enrolled in the site.

Attendance – days a student attended the site.

Transportation – days a student was transported to the site.

Reported Grade – grade level for student's enrollment, as provided by SIS.

Converted Grade – OHP and grade levels for students under the age of 4, as determined by student's birthdate and the age that they were on September 1st:

  • If they were three years old and reported in PK then the converted grade is PK3.
  • If they were four years old and reported in KG then the converted grade is PK
  • If they were five years old and reported in 1st then the converted grade is KG.

If they have a basis of admission of OHP1 then the converted grade is OHP1.
If they have a basis of admission of OHP2 then the converted grade is OHP2.
If they have a basis of admission of OHP3 then the converted grade is OHP3.
If they have a basis of admission of OHP4 then the converted grade is OHP4.

Student View Tier 2

School – 9-digit school ID.

Calendar Type – calendar associated with the student (e.g. main, alt ed, etc.).

Entry Date – first day of student's enrollment in the district.

Exit Date – last day of student's enrollment in the district.

Membership – days of enrollment associated with the school, entry, and exit dates.

Attendance – days attended associated with the school, entry, and exit dates.

Basis of Admission – type of entry into the school.

  • Emergency and Open Transfers (ET01, ET02, ET03, ET04, ET05, ET06, ET07, ET08, OT)
  • Finishing Out the Year (FOY)
  • Foreign Exchange (FRGN)
  • Out-of-home placement (OHP1, OHP2, OHP3, OHP4)
  • Resident (R, ROP, RVON)
  • School for the Deaf and School for the Blind (RBD, RBDTD)
  • Transportation Only (TO)

Student View Tier 3 (Absences)

Absence Date, Attendance Note – provided in the StudentDailyAttendance object, this is the date of absence and school's notes for that day, e.g. "doctor's appointment." Some student information systems will use the time in and time out from StudentDailyAttendance to automatically calculate the absence value.

Calendar Code – school's calendar date type code associated with the student's enrollment record.

Absence (Half/Full Day), Attendance Code, Description, Attendance Type, Attendance Status – provided in AttendanceCodeInfo, this links the date of absence to the school's attendance codes provided by the SIS to the Wave. OSDE only accepts 0.0, 0.5, or 1.0 absences; only absence values of 0.5 and 1.0 will display on this report. Attendance codes and descriptions are unique to each school, but must indicate absence type (absent, tardy, partial) and attendance status (excused, unexcused).

Review and Verify Information

Reviewing each student's data to verify reporting accuracy will be easier when started early and reviewed often throughout the reporting window. While there is no right or wrong way to confirm correctness and completeness, a typical verification process for the Student View is provided below.

Step 1. Verify that all students that are to be included in the report are listed here.

Step 2. Verify that each student has correct Membership, Attendance, and Transportation information on Student View Tier 1.

To view membership data by entry and exit dates select the plus + icon to expand to the next level of data. This opens up the Student View Tier 2 section. To collapse and go back to Student View Tier 1 data select the minus - icon.

If a student was with your school for the entire school year without interruption then their membership should match the Days Taught for that school

A student may have more than one membership record. For example, if the student left and came back to your site or if the student's basis of admission changed.

Step 3. Verify The attendance data can be viewed by expanding the Student View Tier 3 section, each absent day is listed for that membership record.

Step 4. The transportation information is located on the Student View Tier 1 of the student data.

Verify that it is correct for each student.

Students are only eligible for transportation if they live more than 1.5 miles from the school, and the district offers transportation.

Step 5. After you have finished reviewing the student level data and find everything to be accurate, complete, and ready for confirmation, the Superintendent or Principal can select the “Confirm Site Report” button on the Site Selector screen. To un-confirm the site the Superintendent can select the “Release Site Report” button on the Site Selector screen.

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Final Report

The Final Report screen is where you can view your summary totals and averages for your membership, attendance, and total days transported on which state aid may be paid. Your reported days taught, professional days, and total days in session can be viewed here.

Using the Final Report Screen

A user can either view the aggregated summary by districts or by individual sites and calendar.

Select the site and calendar you want to view to see the aggregated data.

Select “All” and the “District Wide” checkbox to see a total aggregate of your school district including all sites and calendars.

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Find Missing Students

Students that appear on this tab are not included in the FQSR/ASR student view. These students have been identified as having some reason or conflict within their data that should prevent them from being included in this report. This tab will display those students in a grid and will highlight the data element or elements that have been identified as preventing the student from inclusion in this report.

To move students from the Find Missing Student tab into the Student View of the report, you must correct the issue(s) in your local student information system and the data will be resubmitted to the Wave.

Below is a screenshot example of how Find Missing Students will highlight issues with a student.

Common Issues

STN – If the STN field is highlighted and the following columns are not – the student should be in the STN Wizard waiting either to be resolved or to have a new STN created: First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Birth Date, and Gender. If any of these previous columns are highlighted, they need to be corrected prior to the STN being assigned.

First Name, Middle Name, Last Name – If any of these are highlighted, there is something wrong with the name itself. If First Name or Last Name is blank, they must be supplied (Middle Name can be blank). If they are filled in, but highlighted, look for numbers (the letter O in place of a zero) in the name, more than two of the same letter in a row (e.g. Mattthew – notice the three T’s), special characters, more than one space in between a name that has multiple names. If this field is highlighted this error can be fixed from the Data Validation Wizard column. Select the link to “Has Issues” and this will take you to the Data Validation Wizard.

Suffix – If the Suffix is highlighted it is because it has an invalid value. The suffix does NOT have to be supplied: it can be blank. If this field is highlighted this error can be fixed from the Data Validation Wizard column. Select the link to “Has Issues” and this will take you to the Data Validation Wizard.

Birth Date – If not supplied, provide it. Otherwise, it will usually be students older than 26 or younger than 3. If this field is highlighted this error can be fixed from the Data Validation Wizard column. Select the link to “Has Issues” and this will take you to the Data Validation Wizard.

Gender – Must be supplied and can only be “M” or “F”. If this field is highlighted this error can be fixed from the Data Validation Wizard column. Select the link to “Has Issues” and this will take you to the Data Validation Wizard.

Grade – Must be supplied and can only be (PK, KG, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12) 

A common mistake is sending “UN (Ungraded)” for a student who is 3 or 4 and should be listed as a PK student. If this field is highlighted, select the link to “Has Issues” and this will take you to the Data Validation Wizard. Corrections will be made in your student information system.

Basis of Admission – Must be one of the following for the FQSR/ASR. OHP1, OHP2, OHP3, OHP4, R, OT, ET01, ET02, ET03, ET04, ET05, ET06 ET07, ET08, ROP, RVON, RVOFF, FOY, LTSS, STSS. Basis of admission codes TO, RBD, RBDTD only applies to average daily haul and not to membership or attendance. All other Basis of Admission codes would indicate the student is not eligible for membership or attendance.

It is appropriate for students to appear in the Find Missing Students tab if the student has a basis of admission that is not eligible for membership or attendance, such as PK3.

Wizards – There are three columns at the end of the grid named “STN Wizard Issue”, “Data Validation Wizard Issue”, “Data Ownership Issue”.

If the last column “Ownership Wizard” has the value “Has Issues” for a student but every other column is not highlighted then you need to select the link “Has Issues” and it will take you to the Ownership Wizard to identify district conflict. The reason a student would have this issue is because of possible overlapping of entry and exit dates from one district to another.

Not in Find Missing Students or Student View

  • If the Student is NOT listed among students in the Student View section and the student is not listed in the Find Missing Student section, then check the following:
  • Does this student have a valid enrollment in your local student information system?
  • Is the entry date of the student on or after the first day of school for the school they enrolled in?
  • If the entry date is before the first day of school, this will cause some SIS vendors to not send the student to the Wave.
  • Is this student located in an alternative education or other “fictional” non-accredited site in your local Student Information System?

    Many districts set up fictional sites for students to keep track of them separate from the other students because they are on different calendars. This is appropriate and acceptable, but the student must still be sent to the Wave through their accredited site. The student's site of enrollment will be the "fictional" non-accredited site but their school of membership would be their accredited site.

    Each Student Information System vendor handles this mapping a little bit differently. Work with your vendor to ensure that your students are being sent up through their appropriate accredited code even though they are tracked separately.
  • Check the XSD Wizard located under the District tab (contact your Superintendent or Logon Administrator if you do not have access). Look for “StudentPersonal” or “StudentSchoolEnrollment” errors. If these exist, contact your Student Information System vendor immediately and provide them with the error message you see on the XSD Wizard and ask them how to correct this issue in your local system. After they verify the issue has been corrected, contact the OSDE State Aid office or the OSDE Data & Information Systems office to have your data re-pulled.
  • Reach out to either the State Aid office at State Aid at or at (405) 521-3460 or the Data & Information Systems office at or (405) 521-3020

Alt Ed Student View Edit

If you need to make date changes to your AltEd entry and exit dates, please contact State Aid or the Student Data Info office to open On-Screen Data Entry.

Once On-Screen Data Entry has been opened you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the student level ASR. Single Sign On>the WAVE>Reporting>State Reporting Certificate>Student level ASR
  2. Select the On-Screen Data Entry Tab                                                                                                            
  3. Select the link ‘Show AltEd Student View Edit’


  1. Find the student(s) that need to be corrected and select the edit button to the far left                                                                      


  1. Enter the correct AltEd Start Date and AltEd End Date                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Select Update.

You will see a pop up select OK                                                                                                       


The dates will automatically update the AltEd Student View tab. The membership will update after the nightly ASR run.

 There is a possibility that some students in the AltEd Student View tab will have 0 days membership. This usually occurs when a student has 2 enrollments. One with the Main calendar and then one with the alted calendar.


**For any students that need to be deleted from the AltEd Student view, please send their STN only to

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Reporting Tools

This section allows you to generate reports based on current or previous years' FQSR/ASR data.

Outlined below are steps for generating a report from this screen.

Step 1:  Select the site for this report (if user has district access).

Step 2: Select the Calendar.

Depending on the report selected the “Select a Calendar” option may not be applicable. List of reports where “Select a Calendar” option is applicable:

  • Aggregated Report
  • Summary Report

Step 3: Select the year.

Step 4: Some reports can be viewed at a district wide level. You can view a report at a district wide level by using the “District Report” check box. Note: this is only available to district users. The following is a list of reports viewable at the district wide level.

  • Aggregated Report
  • Summary Report
  • Detail Status Report
  • District Status

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Certifying District Level Report

The site and report status can be found on the Site Selector screen.

Confirming Site Level Report

Check that all student level information for the site has been verified for accuracy and completeness. Once all of the student data has been verified, a site Principal can confirm the site report on the Site Selector screen by selecting the "Confirm Site Report" button.

Certifying District Level Report

Check the status of all site reports to see they have been confirmed. Once all the sites have been confirmed, the district Superintendent can then select the “Certify Report” button on the Site Selector screen to certify the whole report.

Other Report Statuses

Two other important status will be shown on the Site Selector screen after a report has been certified.

A status of "Final" indicates that the State Aid Office has reviewed and approved the cerrtified data for the site.
A status of "Audit Complete" indicates that the RAO for that site has reviewed and approved the cerrtified data for the site.

Release Site Level Report

If a site has confirmed their report and they determine that they need to make a change, the Superintendent or State Aid can release the individual site report by going to the Site Selector screen and selecting the Release button to the right of the site name.

Once the report is Certified, only State Aid or your regional Accreditation Officer will be able to release it. To contact State Aid call 405-521-3460 or at

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

CalendarDate Type Code and OtherCode Table

This code table provides a breakdown of the CaledarDateType/OtherCode received by the Wave, a description of that code as it relates to that date, and whether that date counts towards membership and attendance.




Counts Towards Membership and Attendance?


Instructional Day

A day of instruction for students.



Makeup Day

Instructional day that is scheduled solely to make up for emergency days or early dismissal days.



Teacher only day

Any planned, non-instructional, whole day(s) when students are not present, for example, in-service, workshops, planning days, parent conferences, etc. and including teacher only days that occur on weekends and those prior to the first day of class or after the last day of class for the school session.



Teacher only day - Professional Day

Any planned, non-instructional, whole day(s) when students are not present, for example, in-service, workshops, planning days,  etc. and including teacher only days that occur on weekends and those prior to the first day of class or after the last day of class for the school session.



Teacher only day - Parent/Teacher Conference Day

Any planned, non-instructional, whole day(s) when students are not present, such as parent conferences and including teacher only days that occur on weekends and those prior to the first day of class or after the last day of class for the school session. This day does count toward membership and attendance and is inculded in Full Academic year calculations.




The scheduled absence of both students and staff for any whole weekday within the school session, which is not due to emergency closure of the school/facility.



Student late arrival/early dismissal

Any partial day of instruction (whether planned or unplanned/emergency) which occurs on a weekday during the school session, and can include the first and/or last days of class (if less than full days).



Emergency day

Any whole weekday(s) on which the facility/school was closed due to emergency (e.g., tornado, snow, excessive illnesses). Emergency days may be any weekday(s) between, but not including, the last and first days of class for the school session. This is not a day of instruction for students.






Other / Weekend

Use for weekends, including days outside the 4-day school weeks for applicable schools and dates outside of the first and last days of instruction. 


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Last updated on May 2, 2022