Student Transfers

Student Transfers

With the enactment of Senate Bill 783 (2021), the Legislature made comprehensive reforms to Oklahoma’s school transfer laws, namely revising the requirements for accepting and denying student transfers and requiring school districts to set and list enrollment capacities on their websites. These changes, among others, go into effect January 1, 2022, and make students eligible to request a transfer to any district in the state, regardless of where they live.

The following resources will help parents and schools navigate these changes.

Open transfer applications for the 24-25 school year will begin June 1, 2024.


Student Transfer Application

To request a transfer, simply complete form below and provide it to the desired receiving district. Individuals without consistent internet access may obtain the form from the local school district of residency or print it directly from OSDE's website. For questions regarding how to submit a transfer application, please contact your local school district.

Student Transfer Online Application - Click to Open

Receiving District (Transfer to)
Sending/Resident District (Transfer from)
Student Information
Obtained from your child's school and starts with 1-0-0.
Parent/Legal Guardian
Five digit zip code
*A teacher is any person who is employed to serve as a district superintendent, principal, supervisor, counselor, librarian, school nurse, classroom teacher, or a school employee in any other instructional supervisory/administrative capacity.
Allowed file types: gif png jpg jpeg pdf
Allowed file types: gif png jpg jpeg pdf

Pursuant to the provisions of the statutes of the State of Oklahoma, and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, this application is hereby made to permit the child listed on this form to transfer from their resident Sending District to the Receiving District as indicated on this form. The parent/guardian applicant verifies by their signature (below) that they are the custodial parent or legal guardian of the child listed above and hereby acknowledges that if this transfer is approved, the parent/guardian shall be bound by the Compulsory School Attendance Laws of Oklahoma rules and all regulations of the Receiving District named on this transfer application. Further, as the parent or guardian of the minor student named above, I acknowledge, agree, understand that pursuant to the Oklahoma Education Open Transfer Act 70 O.S. § 8-101.2 the Receiving District may deny the request for transfer based on a lack of capacity, an incident of student discipline as outlined in 70 O.S. § 24-101.3; and/or as a result of the student have a history of absences, which is defined as ten or more unexcused absences in one semester. 70 O.S. § 8-101(A-B). As such, I hereby authorize the Receiving District to access the education records of the student this transfer application is submitted on behalf of; provided, however, the authorization to access the education records is limited to those reasonably related and necessary to student discipline and attendance data

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Last updated on May 23, 2024