Academic Counseling FAQs

Do Seniors of the class of 2021 have to have CPR to graduate?

No. Oklahoma law requires that all students enrolled in a public school are to receive CPR instruction at least once prior to graduation. This statutory requirement currently provides an exemption for students enrolled in a virtual charter school. Given the continuing disruptions due to COVID-19, provision of instructional services through distance learning and ongoing efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus, the State Board of Education granted an exemption to students in the graduating class of 2021 who have not already completed the requirement. See 70 O.S. § 1210.199. Districts should indicate whether graduating seniors have completed the CPR requirement or been exempted from it on the student transcript.

For seniors receiving this exemption, print the following on the student’s transcript: “Student received an exemption from CPR/AED instruction typically required for graduation purposes.”

Do Seniors have to be enrolled in a full schedule?

Yes. Per Oklahoma Adminisration Code 210:35-9-31 Program of studies and graduation requirements:

(6) As a condition of receiving accreditation from the State Board of Education, students in grades nine through twelve shall enroll in a minimum of six periods, or the equivalent in block scheduling, of rigorous academic and/or rigorous vocational courses each day, which may include arts, vocal and instrumental music, speech classes, and physical education classes.

Are there changes to transcript statements due to Covid-19 response?

Yes. There are specific changes affecting the class of 2020 regarding CPR and CCR Assessments. As of December 17, 2020, only an exemption for CPR has been granted for seniors 2021. See covid-related updated transcript giudance here.

Are seniors who move in from out of state required to take Oklahoma History?

Depends. According to Oklahoma Administrative Code (OAC) 210:35-9-31, district boards of education can make exceptions to state high school graduation curriculum requirements for students who move to this state from another state after their junior year of high school. The graduation date for seniors should not be delayed due to differing graduation requirements. Although Section 5 of OAC 210:35-9-31 specifically refers to OK History for children of military families (of any age) who have completed another state history, section 4(A) covers any course that would extend the graduation date for a senior. Since OK History is only a semester course, best practice is to allow the student to take the course if it fits within the student's schedule. If not, do not deny graduation because the student did not take our state history. In that case, the student must be on track to meet the previous state's graduation requirements.

May a student take one year of a World Language and one year of Computer Technology to meet graduation requirements?

No. For the College Prep/Work Ready pathway, students must take two years of the same world language or two years of approved computer technology courses to meet graduation requirements. For students on the CORE curriculum pathway, students can take either one year of a world language or one year of computer technology.

Are students required to be reclassified if student is lacking credits?

Depends. According to Oklahoma Administrative Code 210:35-25-2, the local school board should adopt policies regarding student entrance and progression through the school system. In order to meet graduation requirements, students may be required to repeat courses in which the student has not achieved a passing grade or mastered standards. Reclassification of students (repeating a grade level or skipping a grade level) is also according to district policy. Some districts opt to reclassify students and the decision is typically determined by attainment of credits based on the overall graduation requirements of the district. For example, a district offering 7 units per year and requiring 26 units to graduate may require at least 6 total units be earned in 9th grade, 13 after 10th grade, and 19 after 11th grade to maintain grade level status as a senior--leaving the student room for two failed courses to avoid jeopardizing graduation track. Check the district policy or the student handbook for local graduation requirements. These requirements may exceed the minimum 23 units required by the State of Oklahoma.

How will ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Planning) requirements be impacted by COVID-19?

ICAP is only required beginning with the Class of 2023. The only requirements that are to be done annually are the career/interest inventory, written postsecondary goal, and course reflection. These items can be completed and monitored via the online tool selected by your district: OKCareerGuide or OKCollegeStart. Ideally, students should complete these elements prior to the fourth quarter. In the event a student is missing this requirement for the school year, staff can make resources available once instruction resumes. Many ICAP resources are already available in a digital learning format and are located on the OKEdge ICAP resource page.

Can persons over 21 enroll to complete graduation requirements?

School districts are encouraged to have a policy that explicitly outlines its provision for persons over 21 to complete graduation requirements. Per §70-5-132.1, certain persons 21 years of age or older may be allowed to complete high school. A person who has not already completed the requirements for a high school diploma or received a General Education Diploma, upon proper application to an independent school district, may be given the opportunity to complete the requirements for and receive a regular high school diploma. The school district or technology center school district in which such person resides may give the person the option of attending regular classes if class size restrictions are not violated, or of participating in other programs which may be provided pursuant to provisions of the Oklahoma Statutes or rules promulgated by the State Board of Education or State Board of Career and Technology Education. Providing, however, that the school district may deny admittance of persons over twenty-one (21) to its classes. The school district or technology center school district may charge such person an amount of tuition not to exceed the average expenditure per pupil of the district for the preceding school year.

Students who have been denied a standard diploma by the school district in which the student is or was enrolled for failing to meet the requirements of this section may re-enroll in the school district that denied the student a standard diploma following the denial of a standard diploma. The student shall be provided remediation or intervention and the opportunity to complete the CURRENT curriculum units or sets of competencies required for graduation to obtain a standard diploma. Students who re-enroll in the school district to meet the graduation requirements, shall be exempt from the hourly instructional requirements of Section 1-111 of this title and the six-period enrollment requirements of this section. These students should be enrolled under the Basis of Admission code ACEPT. 



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Last updated on October 21, 2022