Example Logic Models

Theory of Change - A program's Theory of Change is the general underlying idea of how you believe your intervention will create change.  There are three main elements:  Need/Problem, Specific Intervention, and Intended Outcomes.  A Logic Model is a detailed visual representation of a program and its Theory of Change.  It communicates how a program works by depicting the intended relationship among program components:  Inputs or resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes.  Logic Models are a valuable tool in which to generate a clear and shared understanding of how a program works, support

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Hofmeister praises House lawmakers for strong bipartisan approval of new school accountability system

OKLAHOMA CITY (March 9, 2017) – Oklahomans are a step closer to a new, strong school accountability system with the state House’s passage of House Bill 1693. Authored by state Rep. Scott Martin, it repeals the current A-F school report card calculation and establishes the framework for one that is valid, meaningful and reliable.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister praised lawmakers for their strong bipartisan approval of the bill, which passed 76-20.
“I want to thank Rep.


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Last updated on December 31, 1969