State Department of Education announces new format for summer conference

OKLAHOMA CITY, OK (March 24, 2016) – Citing budget concerns, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) recently announced a new format for its summer conference, EngageOK.

New academic standards for English, math adopted for state

OKLAHOMA CITY (March 23, 2016) — New and stronger academic standards for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics will take effect beginning in the 2016-2017 school year for Oklahoma’s preK-12 public education system.

Important Notice About the EngageOK Summer Conference

As many of you may already have heard, we have recently made a difficult decision regarding the EngageOK summer conference. I do not need to tell you that common education, like all state-funded entities, has faced a brutal budget year in FY 2016, and more challenges are ahead in the next. The only unknown at this point is the degree to which we will see our funding reduced.

ELEVATE: Pauls Valley “Unstoppable You”

OKLAHOMA CITY (March 22, 2016) — Today’s students face a host of challenges, not only in the classroom but outside those four walls. Drugs, alcohol, bullying, even suicide are struggles many face on a daily basis.

State Superintendent Hofmeister comments on $51 million in Rainy Day funding

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister made the following remarks today after the House of Representatives unanimously approved a $51 million supplemental to common education. 

Superintendent Hofmeister applauds House, Senate for respective resolutions approving standards

OKLAHOMA CITY (March 21, 2016) — State Senate and House leaders today amended and passed separate joint resolutions that approve the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) for English Language Arts and Mathematics and ensure they will be implemented quickly.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister praised both amended resolutions and their authors.
“We are grateful to Oklahoma House and Senate leaders and everyone who voted to pass House Joint Resolution 1070 and Senate Joint Resolution 75,” said Hofmeister.


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Last updated on December 31, 1969