
Emergency certification should only be requested when the district has exhausted every option to find an appropriately certified person for the open position.

The emergency certification application is not on our website.  An emergency certification request must submitted electronically by the district superintendent or a designee.  When that is completed the applicant must then apply electronically.

The following are other non-traditional paths for teaching in Oklahoma:

Special Education Micro-credential Pathway
Available to teachers who hold a five-year certificate in mild-moderate disabilities
Instructional video located here:

21st CCLC Closing the Achievement Gap

A brief summary of Deborah Vandell's research on the effects of afterschool programs on academic and social outcomes.

21st CCLC YPQI Evaluation System

A one page summary of the Youth Program Quality Intervention evaluation system for 21st Century Community Learning Centers given at Kick-Off in 2014.

21st CCLC YPQI 3 Simple Steps

3 Simple Steps of the Youth Program Quality Intervention for current 21st Century Community Learning Center grantees. A one-page hand-out given at Kick-Off in October of 2013.

OKTOY Blog: The Power and Influence of a Teacher

To quote Japanese music educator Shinichi Suzuki, “Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.”

OKTOY Peter Markes poses with students.

TLE February Newsletter | Hot Topic: VAM Final Determinations

The State Board of Education recently approved recommendations submitted by the TLE Commission for Oklahoma’s value-added model, and a large portion of the recommendations pertained to student characteristics.  Read the full newsletter



Seeing the benefit of Advanced Placement

The College Board’s 2014 Advanced Placement (AP) Report to the Nation showed some encouraging signs for Oklahoma.

Among its findings, I was pleased to see that in May of last year, Oklahoma high school students achieved a score of 3 or higher on more than 13,000 AP exams. If each of these scores resulted in three college credits earned at state universities, students and their families stood to save almost $9 million in tuition.


Battelle Roster Verification is the method of linking teachers to students they teach.  Once data has been transferred from the Wave into Battelle, teachers will identify which students they teach in each class, for how many months of instruction, and for what percentage of instruction time.  Administrators will confirm completion of the teacher/student linkages.

Report Window


Currently Closed   


Open Window Span
March 3 - March 28


District Participation Overview

As of 4/21/14


TLE Roster Verification District Status Chart 4-21-14



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Last updated on December 31, 1969