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OSDE - SES - September 17, 2024 - Internal

Tue, 09/17/2024 - 5:00pm
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AnnouncementOklahoma SDE Survey

Solutions for Psychological Evaluations in your district.

Presence is the leading provider of Teletherapy for K12 Districts. We have been fortunate to work with over 20 districts in Oklahoma to date.  In 2022 we partnered with the Oklahoma State Department of Education to help with the shortage of School Psychologists throughout the state.

**This year, Presence will NOT be permitted to conduct a Review of Existing Data (REDS) for any students. Please contact Cami Dotson.

***This survey will be used to prioritize districts for the FY24/25 school year Psychoeducational Assessments administered by Presence. In order to be selected to participate, please fill out the following survey in its entirety.

School Psychologist

We are happy to announce that once again we will be able to have a Certified School Psychologist on staff to assist Oklahoma Public School Districts.  This service aims to provide a support system for Oklahoma's Public Schools who do not have access to a School Psychologist.  This service will include a resource for questions about the Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility process.  The following are free services to any school district in the state of Oklahoma who does not have a School Psychologist on staff or is in temporary need of someone to fulfill that role. 

  • Assist with the completion of the RED form to include all information needed for the required components for each of the thirteen categories.
  • Fulfill the role and sign as the Qualified Professional on the RED form.
  • Fulfill the role and sign as a Qualified Professional on an Initial MEEGSEEGS during the re-evaluation process that would be discussing a category change, or any other MEEGS that isn’t just a routine reevaluation.
  • Review outside Evaluations, Interpret Results and give guidance on what information needs to be included on the RED form and where that information needs to be documented.
  • General guidance for questions that are included in the Evaluation/Eligibility process.

Questions about this process, please contact Cami Dotson, 405-522-1706.

Assessment**NEW** OAAP Update

You can find the most updated OAAP information for the 2024-2025 school year in the OAAP Memo. You can find and access information about the 2024-2025 Testing Schedule, DTC Checklist, Bulk Student Upload, Instructionally Embedded Assessment, and more.

Finance**NEW** FY25 Project 613 List

OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.

Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.

School Based Agreement/Contract

The FY25 School Based contract has now been loaded into the application. Districts choosing to participate can now complete the contract then upload into the application. This can be found in the GMS under IDEA.

Project 618 –Transition Development Program 18-22 Year Old’s

FY25 allocations for Project 618 will be released on the evening of August 13th. Districts qualifying for this project may then begin completing the online application. Should you need assistance contact your finance specialist.

IDEA Part B Allocations

FY25 Project 621 Flow Through and Project 641 Pre School allocations are now available. You can access your application in the GMS. Please contract your finance specialist should you need assistance.

**NEW** FY25 Project 615

All districts receive an allocation of $6.00 per child for the new fiscal year based on their previous Oct 1 child count, with a minimum allocation of $500.00. Districts are informed they must budget those funds by December 31st or forfeit their allocation. All forfeited funds will then be reallocated to those districts that have completed their budget by the set deadline. Those districts receiving an increase to their allocation in the spring semester must complete a budget amendment to budget those extra funds. For questions, contact your finance specialist.

Alt DiplomaAlternate Diploma Collaborative + Open Q & A Meetings.

Mark your calendar and save the dates for the 2024-2025 Alternate Diploma Collaborative (ADC) virtual meetings! Meetings will resume quarterly via Teams this year. Several Open Q & A sessions will be offered to meet district needs between the quarterly sessions.   Please share the ADC meeting dates with staff who need to know, learn about, and keep up-to-date about all things “alternate diploma” and 18-22 extended transition programs or services!!!  Those who need to know include secondary administrators, special education directors and teachers, school counselors, career advisors, and anyone who is a stakeholder in secondary transition for students who participate in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP) aligned with alternate achievement standards (Essential Elements).  Join via this Teams link for all ADC meetings and Open Q & A Sessions for this school year!  No registration is required, just click the link to join.

  • ADC – September 19, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open Q & A – October 24, 2024 (4th Thurs.)
  • ADC – November 21, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open Q & A – December 19, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open Q & A – January 16, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
  • ADC – February 20, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open  Q & A – March 20, 2025       
  • ADC – April 17, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open  Q & A – May 15, 2025

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 252 040 567 180

Passcode: W4xdRc

data**NEW**Exiting Review/Appeals

As you might be aware, exits were not reviewed during the End of Year process because of many districts’ practice of not sending exit data to the state until after June 30. Exits have processed through EDPlan and we are asking that you review your exit report in the next couple of weeks, verify its accuracy and correct any errors you identify.

You can access your district’s exit report through the EDPlan Insights option in Reports, selecting the “End of Year” folder to find the Exit Report for SY 23-24. Verify that the report lists all known exiters in SY23-24 (transfers to other school systems can be ignored) and correct any errors listed on the Error tab.

If students are not listed on this report but should be (or vice-versa), or if the exit reason is incorrect, you may submit a data appeal once you review the five qualifications for inclusion. The three basic requirements are that the record is error-free, the student had an IEP prior to July 1, 2023 and that the student was at least 14 years old on October 1, 2023.

Please read the attached Appeal Procedures document for guidance and support. We will accept appeals through September 27, but do require that districts check the qualifications before submitting a request. All five qualifications are listed in the procedures. We will only accept appeals through the LEA Document Library, since students’ private information should not be sent through email. You must also let us know by email or phone if you are submitting an appeal, as we do not receive a notification when a file is uploaded.

If the appeal is approved, the state office will manually add the student to the baseline report or the district will need to adjust the student’s record. We will let you know what needs to be done to ensure that the student is included in the report.

After reviewing the Appeal Procedures, please let us know if you have questions.

**NEW** October 1st Consolidated Report Update

Please know that the delay in seeing the data on the Special Education tab in the Consolidated Report is not due to any issues with your Student Information System or anything on your end. No action is required by districts at this time.

The Special Ed tab will begin to populate Monday, September 23, and will take a few days for all data to display. PCG, OMES, and OSDE have dramatically increased server capacity to speed up the processing time between our systems.

If your Special Education data is not displaying at all on the Special Education Tab in the Consolidated Report by Wednesday, September 25th, reach out to [email protected] immediately. Only Students with an active Eligibility and IEP status as of Oct. 1st will populate to the Special Ed Tab.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Trainings/Webinars**NEW** Community Of Practice For The Month Of September:

On September 25th at 3pm, the SPDG grant will be hosting a Community Of Practice event that will elaborate on some of the topics covered in the Communication Through The System module. The SPDG group will bring in a guest speaker to engage with participants and help answer some of their questions about the content. 

Anyone interested in joining this Community Of Practice event, please view the  Community Of Practice Registration flyer.

**NEW** Data Literacy Retreat:

School districts and sites in the state will be able to participate in the two day, in-person data literacy training that focuses on school system data analysis. Participants who are receiving additional supports with OSDE groups will be prioritized for attendance. Please send a minimum of 2 participants per school site/district team. Participants will also need access to their school's data management system and a device that can connect to the internet during the professional development.

For more information and to register for this event please view the OK Multi-Tiered System of Supports | Oklahoma State Department of Education flyer.

**NEW** Secondary Transition: Using Assessment Results to Develop Effective Transition Plans (OAAP)

This training will focus on using assessment results to develop meaningful transition plans for students participating in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP). Watch for two additional locations to be added soon!

Participants will:

Early Childhood Data Digging – Registration now open!

Join us for a chance  to discuss early childhood data, as well as available tools & resources. This will be an ongoing group to discuss all topics related to early childhood data. This is an opportunity to ask any of your early childhood data questions. Please use this form to suggest questions or topics. In September, we will be discussing available tools and resources for analyzing ECO data.

Join us on September 19November 14January 9March 6, and May 8 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. 

OSDE Connect Paraprofessional Tier 2

OSDE has transitioned from PEPPER to OKConnect for the Paraprofessional Training Modules and the Long Term Substitute Modules. Districts will not be able to self-enroll participants in these modules. The process for enrolling participants can be printed here.

Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)

Questions about completing Early Childhood Outcomes? Participants in this course will gain an understanding of the Early Childhood Outcomes process and how outcome data collection supports early special education programs in meeting the needs of students. This course covers ECO basics such as collecting ECO data, determining ratings, and accessing additional resources. Enroll here!

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025

The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OSDEConnect.  

The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.  

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request

Class options: 

Vision Screening Provider Training- 

Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training)

From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition

Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.

Objectives for this training include:

  • To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
  • To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program. 
  • To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.

For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.

Staffing**NEW** Paraprofessional Tier II

Paraprofessional Tier II Training and Long-Term Substitute modules are not available on OKConnect. Districts will not be able to self-enroll participants in either of these modules. The process for enrolling participants can be printed here

CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our 3rd Annual Engaging Support Conference.

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional Development**NEW** State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) SSIP

Professional Development with the SSIP, is designed to support K-3 teams, for a three-year sequence, with developing their early literacy decisions; see more at the link here. The course should be completed by a school's entire K-3 team. Enroll in the course here

Universal Supports, including an online library of intervention protocols can be accessed at the bottom of the page here

The annual data-retreat registrations can be located on the courses above or here. Teams should send 2 people from each site or district. 

Questions can be directed to Alexa Hudak.

FY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - September 4, 2024 - Internal

Wed, 09/04/2024 - 9:52pm
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Announcement2024 Policies and Procedure Manual

The Special Education 2024 Policies and Procedures Manual is now live on our website

Oklahoma SDE Survey

Solutions for Psychological Evaluations in your district.

Presence is the leading provider of Teletherapy for K12 Districts. We have been fortunate to work with over 20 districts in Oklahoma to date.  In 2022 we partnered with the Oklahoma State Department of Education to help with the shortage of School Psychologists throughout the state.

**This year, Presence will NOT be permitted to conduct a Review of Existing Data (REDS) for any students. Please contact Cami Dotson.

***This survey will be used to prioritize districts for the FY24/25 school year Psychoeducational Assessments administered by Presence. In order to be selected to participate, please fill out the following survey in its entirety.

School-Based Medicaid Services for Oklahoma

Since state-wide conception, the Medicaid agency (OHCA) has approved over $10 million in school-based revenue to Oklahoma school districts. Schools can currently be reimbursed for Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Administrative Claiming. This school year we will also be adding Nursing, Counseling, and Behavioral Health Services. If your school district is interested in learning more about reimbursement through the School-Based Health Services (SBHS) program, please email [email protected] to setup a meeting.

The SBHS Participation Agreement for the school year 2024-2025 is available through the Grants Management System.  All districts choosing to use this agreement may begin completing their online application.  Follow these steps for application completion.  

  1. Select the correct fiscal year (FY25)
  2. Go to “GMS Access / Select” and scroll to available applications under IDEA.
  3. Click “Create” on the “School Based Health Part” line. Once you have created the application it will appear under your applications.
  4. Please agree to all assurances, upload the entire contract, and submit it.

NOTE: The items below need to be completed:

Page 12: Enter district Information

Signature Page: (must have) Signature, Printed Name, Title, and Date of Board Approval

School Psychologist

We are happy to announce that once again we will be able to have a Certified School Psychologist on staff to assist Oklahoma Public School Districts.  This service aims to provide a support system for Oklahoma's Public Schools who do not have access to a School Psychologist.  This service will include a resource for questions about the Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility process.  The following are free services to any school district in the state of Oklahoma who does not have a School Psychologist on staff or is in temporary need of someone to fulfill that role. 

  • Assist with the completion of the RED form to include all information needed for the required components for each of the thirteen categories.
  • Fulfill the role and sign as the Qualified Professional on the RED form.
  • Fulfill the role and sign as a Qualified Professional on an Initial MEEGSEEGS during the re-evaluation process that would be discussing a category change, or any other MEEGS that isn’t just a routine reevaluation.
  • Review outside Evaluations, Interpret Results and give guidance on what information needs to be included on the RED form and where that information needs to be documented.
  • General guidance for questions that are included in the Evaluation/Eligibility process.

Questions about this process, please contact Cami Dotson, 405-522-1706.

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Guidance Brief for Private School Consultation Clarification regarding School-Based Medicaid Services

It has been brought to our attention that some misinformation has been shared recently about School-based Medicaid Services. School-based Medicaid Services can only be reimbursed for Medicaid-eligible students whose medical necessity is listed on their IEP. We are working with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to expand services beyond the IEP in the school setting sometime in 2025. Once the Medicaid expansion has been approved, OSDE, along with OHCA, will provide detailed requirements and guidance. We are excited to bring new opportunities for districts to support student services in the near future.  

For more information on "current" billing procedures and regulations visit the OHCA School-based Medicaid website. Feel free to reach out to Kellie Carter, Manager of School Nursing Programs with OSDE.

Related Service Providers OSBTN

We are thrilled to announce the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, sponsored by OSDE-SES and the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a robust support system for Oklahoma's public-school Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Navigating the diverse needs of students in special education settings can be challenging, particularly for new therapists. Even seasoned professionals sometimes seek fresh perspectives on evidence-based interventions. Recognizing this, the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, in conjunction with the Tolbert Center, is dedicated to offering resources, training, and consultative services tailored to the unique demands of school-based therapists.

Starting August 2024, the Network will offer:

  • Continuing Education Opportunities: Earn CEUs conveniently designed for school-based OTs, PTs, and SLPs, addressing their specific learning needs.
  • Technical Support: Access virtual or in-person consultations to address individual challenges and queries.
  • Online Resource Library: Sharing a wealth of resources curated to enhance therapeutic practices in school settings.
  • Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars: Engage in free, informative sessions covering a range of pertinent topics.
  • First-Year School Therapist Training Series: Equip yourself with essential skills and insights tailored for new practitioners.

Empower yourself with knowledge, support, and community through the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network. Together, let's elevate our knowledge to better serve our students.

If you are beginning your first year providing school-based therapy servicesclick here for more information and to sign up for the free series.

We want to hear from you!  What topics would you like more information on?  What resources do you need?  What times are you most available for continuing education opportunities?  Click here for more information.

If you are interested in receiving the listserv that will be sent out for Related Service Providers, please fill out the form.

For more details, please reach out to Michele DeBerry or Amber Davis.

AssessmentOAAP Update

You can find the most updated OAAP information for the 2024-2025 school year in the OAAP Memo. You can find and access information about the 2024-2025 Testing Schedule, Bulk Student Upload, Professional Development, and DLM Reminders.

FinanceIDEA Finance Workshops

Our annual Finance Workshops are now available for registration. Choose the location and date that’s best for you. Hope to see you there!

School Based Agreement/Contract

The FY25 School Based contract has now been loaded into the application. Districts choosing to participate can now complete the contract then upload into the application. This can be found in the GMS under IDEA.

Project 618 –Transition Development Program 18-22 Year Old’s

FY25 allocations for Project 618 will be released on the evening of August 13th. Districts qualifying for this project may then begin completing the online application. Should you need assistance contact your finance specialist.

IDEA Part B Allocations

FY25 Project 621 Flow Through and Project 641 Pre School allocations are now available. You can access your application in the GMS. Please contract your finance specialist should you need assistance.

FY25 Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

Alt Diploma**NEW** Alternate Diploma Collaborative + Open Q & A Meetings: SAVE-THE-DATE!!!

Mark your calendar and save the dates for the 2024-2025 Alternate Diploma Collaborative (ADC) virtual meetings! Meetings will resume quarterly via Teams this year. Several Open Q & A sessions will be offered to meet district needs between the quarterly sessions.   Please share the ADC meeting dates with staff who need to know, learn about, and keep up-to-date about all things “alternate diploma” and 18-22 extended transition programs or services!!!  Those who need to know include secondary administrators, special education directors and teachers, school counselors, career advisors, and anyone who is a stakeholder in secondary transition for students who participate in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP) aligned with alternate achievement standards (Essential Elements).  Join via this Teams link for all ADC meetings and Open Q & A Sessions for this school year!  No registration is required, just click the link to join.

  • ADC – September 19, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open Q & A – October 24, 2024 (4th Thurs.)
  • ADC – November 21, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open Q & A – December 19, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open Q & A – January 16, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
  • ADC – February 20, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open  Q & A – March 20, 2025       
  • ADC – April 17, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)
    • Open  Q & A – May 15, 2025

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 252 040 567 180

Passcode: W4xdRc

data**NEW** Child Count Child Count Reporting Webinar for Special Education Directors

Can’t attend any webinar? A session will be recorded and posted to the OSDE Special Education Child Count Collection website for viewing at your convenience. To register, please view the FY24 Data Child Count.

Content includes a review of critical information about child count reporting for special education and updates on a few related topics.

Child Count Collection | Oklahoma State Department of Education

Trainings/Webinars**NEW** Secondary Transition (Severe/Profound): Using Assessment Results to Develop Effective Transition Plans (OAAP)

This training will focus on using assessment results to develop meaningful transition plans for students participating in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP).

Participants will:

Director Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas.

Oklahoma VI Teacher Institute 24-25

The program is geared to provide OK certified teachers with knowledge, tools and resources to instruct blind and visually impaired students in core academics and expanded core curriculum skills.

For more information please see the Oklahoma VI Teacher Institute Flyer

Early Childhood Data Digging – Registration now open!

Join us for a chance  to discuss early childhood data, as well as available tools & resources. This will be an ongoing group to discuss all topics related to early childhood data. This is an opportunity to ask any of your early childhood data questions. Please use this form to suggest questions or topics. In September, we will be discussing available tools and resources for analyzing ECO data.

Join us on September 19November 14January 9March 6, and May 8 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. 

**UPDATED** OSDE Connect Paraprofessional Tier 2

OSDE has transitioned from PEPPER to OKConnect for the Paraprofessional Training Modules and the Long Term Substitute Modules. Districts will not be able to self-enroll participants in these modules. The process for enrolling participants can be printed here.

Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)

Questions about completing Early Childhood Outcomes? Participants in this course will gain an understanding of the Early Childhood Outcomes process and how outcome data collection supports early special education programs in meeting the needs of students. This course covers ECO basics such as collecting ECO data, determining ratings, and accessing additional resources. Enroll here!

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025

The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OSDEConnect.  

The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.  

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request

Class options: 

Vision Screening Provider Training- 

Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training)

From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition

Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.

Objectives for this training include:

  • To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
  • To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program. 
  • To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.

For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.

StaffingCPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our Annual Conference for Support Staff for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional DevelopmentDirectSTEP

OSDE-SES is partnering with LRP Publications to bring tailored professional development to all support personnel who serve students with disabilities and assist with improving student outcomes. To access the 10 available courses please print the instructions to create an account for the paraprofessionals or support staff in your district to participate. Only support personnel, please. 

For more information, please see the DirectSTEP Flyer and DirectStep Courses.

FY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

Oklahoma ABLE Tech - Vol. 2, Issue 8

Fri, 08/30/2024 - 5:00pm
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ABLE Tech Banner
Assistive Technology (AT) Highlights AT

September is both Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month and Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month! These diagnoses are often accompanied by loss of muscle mass or muscle weakness. Our AT specialist picked four devices that can help individuals with muscle weakness live more independently!

  • Leg Lifter – This device helps transfer patients who cannot move themselves independently. There is an adjustable hand loop with a comfortable grip and a foot loop that helps the foot stay secured during the transfer.
  • Danmar Hensinger Head Support – This soft foam wrap-around collar provides neck support and helps keep the head upright.
  • Amazon Echo Voice Control Device – By connecting devices to the Echo, voice activation can be used to adjust lights, lock doors, adjust the thermostat, and more. This device can be helpful for someone who may have a hard time getting up to do those things!
  • Obi Feeding Robot – This eating device helps people with upper body limitations and mobility challenges remain independent at meal time. Using Accessibility Switches, the user can choose among the different bowls and command food delivery. Another feeding robot in our inventory is the iEAT Feeding Robot.
Designing for Dementia – Digital Accessibility Blog

September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Day. Check out this blog post by our Digital Accessibility Coordinator about how to design content for people with dementia.

Read the blog for dementia-friendly design tips.

For more information on digital accessibility, visit our Digital Accessibility Resources page, or contact us at [email protected].

Assistive Technology Consultations

Do you need help choosing Assistive Technology (AT) for consideration, locating funding sources, or simply getting started on the AT assessment process? Oklahoma ABLE Tech staff provides forms, resources, and AT consultations to assist individuals in identifying AT needs to help them increase their independence. Oklahoma ABLE Tech provides AT consultations free of cost.

Complete our AT Consultation Form and an ABLE Tech staff member will contact you to set up a consultation. 

Note: Oklahoma ABLE Tech staff does not perform AT Assessments or Evaluations. 

If you need assistance completing the form, contact us at 405-744-9748 or [email protected].

We look forward to working with you!

SERC Update – A New Look!

The Special Education Resolution Center is proud to announce a new beginning with our rebrand!


The new SERC logo contains three circles above the text “Special Education Resolution Center” in a sans serif font. The leftmost turquoise circle contains a black icon of the justice scale in the center to represent the legal processes managed by the SERC team. The center white circle contains a black icon of the state of Oklahoma. The rightmost turquoise circle contains two black intertwined speech bubbles to represent conversations between SERC, parents, and school districts.

Let us know what you think and keep an eye out for our updated materials!

SERC’s mission is to help school districts and parents resolve disputes at the earliest stage possible. Learn more on the SERC website

ORC Update – FFY 2025 Strategic Planning Meeting

The Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council (ORC) will have its Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2025 Strategic Planning Meeting on Thursday, September 5, 2024. The meeting will be at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) training center, located at 5307 NE 122nd St., Oklahoma City, OK 73131, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The Council meets once a year to plan the goals and activities they want to achieve over the year. Each of the five Committees will meet with their Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) liaison, review their duties as identified by the Rehabilitation Act, and set goals for the next year. Council members use their knowledge to plan activities that will help DRS clients work toward their dream careers.

The meeting is open to the public, and feedback on the new activities and goals is welcome.


ORC’s mission is to facilitate consumer education and empowerment, to assure services are of high quality and lead to the employment of individuals with disabilities within Oklahoma. To learn more about ORC, visit their website

Financial Loan Success Story - Niko Financial Niko

Niko and his family were referred to Oklahoma ABLE Tech by the Oklahoma Office of Disability Concerns. After a subdural hematoma and spinal injury, Niko started using a wheelchair, so his family needed a mobility van. 

Niko’s family received a loan to purchase his mobility van through the Financial Loan Program at Oklahoma ABLE Tech. 

Now, Niko enjoys the freedom the van provides, especially trips to the mall and basketball games. He is looking forward to going on a longer trip in their new van soon!  

The Oklahoma ABLE Tech Financial Loan Program provides individuals in need of assistive technology (AT), durable medical equipment (DME), home modifications, or modified vehicles, with loans to purchase needed items. These low-interest loans have flexible repayment terms to ensure Oklahomans can get the devices they need to help them live, learn, and work independently. To learn more about the Financial Loan Program, or to apply for a loan, visit the Financial Loan Program webpage.

Free Two-Wheel Walkers and Crutches Available medical equip

The Oklahoma ABLE Tech Device Reutilization Program is excited to offer free durable medical equipment to those in need. The program is 100% based on donations of equipment from the community, and we currently have an overabundance of crutches and two-wheeled walkers.

Getting your free two-wheeled walker or crutches is easy! Visit the Device Reutilization Program webpage or contact our office to fill out an application. Our team will guide you through the process and match you with a mobility aid that best suits your needs.

Help us reach the right people by sharing this information with your friends, family, and community! Together, we can make a difference and empower more individuals to live independently and confidently.

For more information, visit our Device Reutilization webpage or call us at 405-967-6010.

Oklahoma ABLE Tech Oklahoma State University 1514 W. Hall of Fame Stillwater, OK 74078 Phone: 800.257.1705 Email: [email protected]

Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-3503
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 29, 2024 - External

Thu, 08/29/2024 - 5:00pm
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AnnouncementInhalers in Schools Funding

Asthma is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses in the United States, affecting nearly 7 million children.  Although common, asthma can be challenging to manage, and its impact on the well-being of children and families ripples through communities nationwide.  To aid schools and students with this chronic issue, the state of Oklahoma passed legislation to allow and fund stock inhalers in schools.  

In 2019, Senate Bill 381 passed, allowing schools to elect to provide stock inhalers in their districts. 70 O.S. § 1-116.3 outlines the school requirements concerning stock inhalers.

For the 2024-2025 school year, Senate Bill 36X has appropriated $250,000 to school districts to fund stock inhalers and single-use spacers in schools.  SDE has requested an Attorney General’s opinion regarding questions about utilizing a single vendor to provide this service to schools.  While we wait for that opinion to be announced, SDE wants to ensure that schools and students have these safety devices available in schools.  Therefore, we will continue to use the process implemented by SDE during the 2023-2024 school year for schools to purchase and be reimbursed for inhalers. 

The instructions for reimbursement are including in the Inhalers in Schools Guidance Document.

As a reminder, every district can apply for one stock inhaler per school building for the 2024-2025 school year through OSDE.  The invoice can be submitted to [email protected].     

New Process for Students Receiving the Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarship

When an IEP student accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, the State Department of Education (SDE) will notify the Local Education Agency (LEA). If a student from your district accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, their name will appear on a list stored in your document library on OK EdPlan.

To review the list:

  1. Sign in to OK EdPlan.
  2. Select "Tools."
  3. Go to "LEA Document Library."
  4. Click on "LNH."

You will find a list of IEP students who have accepted the LNH Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Upon receiving this documentation, the district must update the student’s status in OK EdPlan:

  • If the student will not receive an Individualized Service Plan (ISP): Inactivate the student in OK EdPlan using the exit reason “Accepting the LNH Scholarship.”
  • If the student is eligible for an ISP: Keep the student active in their enrollment within the Student Information System (SIS) but mark the box indicating that the student is attending a private school and receiving ISP services.

The LNH Scholarship program will continue to approve scholarships for IEP students until December 1 each year. Please check the list regularly to ensure that you have updated the status of any newly approved students.

For any LNH questions, please contact Stacy Eden at (405) 521-4876.  For Special Education questions, please contact the Office of Special Education (405) 521-3351.

Communicate with the SIS Administrator in your district as they should know how to work with the SIS vendor to get your data flowing.

Scholarship Opportunities Now Available for Students Attending Oklahoma IPSE Programs

The Oklahoma Access and Achievement Program Scholarship and the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant are new financial aid opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities attending the IPSE (Inclusive Post Secondary Education) programs in Oklahoma.  Enrollment in any of Oklahoma’s three Comprehensive Transition Programs (CTPs) located at Northeastern State University (RiverHawks Scholar Program), the University of Oklahoma (Sooner Works), or Oklahoma State University (Opportunity Orange Scholars) allows eligible students to apply.   Check out the flyer for more information about these new opportunities.  For even more information visit the Paying For College — Oklahoma Inclusive Post Secondary Education Alliance page on the OKIPSE Alliance website.

Behavior Central

Behavior Central will be available again for the 2024-25 school year! Utilizing graduate students in the UCO Behavior Analysis program, public school staff are provided with consultation that includes planning, training, and coaching to assist teachers with the process of functional behavior assessment and intervention design to address behavioral challenges.

For referral information contact Scott Singleton

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Therapeds We are TheraPeds

With over 25 years of experience in schools, we know firsthand the demands of working in the educational system and the need for qualified contract staff. We support schools & their special education teams by hiring qualified therapists and educators for in-person and virtual services.

We staff:

  • SLPs and SLPAs
  • OTs and COTAs
  • Social Workers
  • SPED Teachers
    DHH and ASL Teachers
  • Blind/VI Teachers
    and more

For more information please see the Therapeds Flyer and District Flyer.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) needs your assistance in recognizing districts that provide innovative and exemplary school psychological services in your state! NASP offers an Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. However, many districts are not yet aware of this recognition program or its benefits, which include: 

  • A structured self-evaluation tool, with objective feedback provided by peers 
  • A mechanism to raise the profile of school psychologists in the district 
  • A tool to advocate for more effective organizational structures and supports, and a comprehensive range of services 
  • Formal and public recognition that can be shared in the community and with other stakeholders 
  • Perks for the districts that participate and earn levels of distinction, such as complimentary NASP Convention registrations and online learning benefits. 

To date, only one district has been recognized in your state by the ESPS Program. Yet, we know there are many other districts in your state that are providing services worthy of distinction.

Would you please forward this message to your district special education administrators' listserv? As they are closing out and reflecting on the current school year and making plans for next fall, please encourage district special education administrators to consider promoting their school psychological services.

For additional information about the ESPS Program, please see the attached brochure or the NASP ESPS. You may also contact Leigh Ann Fisler, the co-chair of the NASP Practice Model Committee if you have questions.

Trainings/WebinarsSchool-Based Therapist Network Webinar

School-based OTs/COTAs, PTs/PTAs, SLPs/SLPAs, join us Friday, August 30th at 12:00pm for our kick-off webinar to learn more about the resources and supports we have planned this year just for you! Register today!

Kick Off
OKMTSS on EDPlan: Back to School Trainings

This series of trainings are intended to support districts as they navigate using OKMTSS on EDPlan to be the data  management tool for their MTSS systems. Districts should determine if they are in the beginning implementation, partially implemented, or fully implemented stages of MTSS as a district. Sessions will be repeated over time and districts should consider their time, capacity, and needs as they determine their necessary methods of scaling and cohorting their staff to begin implementation of this tool.

September 10, October 15 are repeated sessions from the Spring 2024. 

NEW SESSIONS! Including how to use the SABERS Screener: October 8, October 29

All sessions will be recorded and one session from each category will be shared on the OKMTSS website. 

Please complete this interest survey to determine additional need for training. For more information and to register for these trainings, please see the Back to School 2024 Flyer

Financial Literacy Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students Teachers

Teaching personal financial literacy in schools is essential for preparing students to manage their finances effectively. Here are some key strategies and resources to help you as you prepare.

For more information, please see the OKMM August Newsletter

Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) Regional Training Opportunities

The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) will be offering in-person regional training for Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue AND Facilitation Training.

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue is a two-day nationally recognized training that helps people have difficult conversations. The focus of the training is not just about communication – it’s about helping people get the results they want and need through their interactions with others.

Facilitation Training

Facilitation Training is a one-day training that provides an overview of facilitation to include facilitator qualities and skills, key functions of a facilitator, the facilitator’s role before, during, and after a meeting, and a toolbox of practical facilitator strategies and techniques to use during a meeting.

Information on how to register can be found on the SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage.

SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage 

August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes:

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the August EdPlan training with PCG. 

NRCP Saturday Mornings

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, and Interveners is proud to announce a new year of monthly, low-cost, 2-hour, professional development webinars!

Teacher and Paraeducator teams are encouraged to sign up together! New topics every month!! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm MDT! Discounts for multiple webinars and group rates are available!

Please see the Saturday Mornings with the NRCP for registration.  

Director Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas

PECS Training

This intensive 13-hour interactive workshop is designed to teach the theory and protocol for the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), an evidence-based practice based on Applied Behavior Analysis, typical language development, and B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior. Using presenter demonstrations, role-play opportunities, and video examples participants will gain a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of each of the six phases of PECS. Please join us September 12-13, 2024. 

For more information and registration, please see the PECS Level 1 Flyer.

School-Based Autism Assessment Training

Sessions include instruction and interactive application of evidence-based practices for identifying children with Autism. The course requires a time commitment of five total days for all team members, including a school psychologist, speech-language pathologist, and special education teacher.

For more information please see the OAC Flyer and Apply Here

Oklahoma Transition Institute (OTI) 2024 SAVE THE DATE! Participants, Presenters & Vendors Needed!

The 2024 Oklahoma Transition Institute will be held on November 6-7, 2024, in Oklahoma City, OK. You are invited to be a participant, submit a proposal to present, or be a vendor! This is an important statewide event, where professionals and advocates come together to share knowledge and strategies for improving the transition process and life outcomes for youth with disabilities.

This year’s annual OTI will cover a variety of topics critical to successful transitions, including:

  • Opportunity Gaps and Barriers
  • Competitive Integrated Employment
  • Family and Youth Engagement
  • Interagency Collaboration and Transition Planning
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Independent Living

The Oklahoma Transition Council (OTC) encourage proposals that provide innovative approaches, evidence-based practices, and collaborative solutions to these key areas. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to meaningful discussions and share your expertise with a dedicated audience.

  • Proposal Submission Guidelines are listed in the Call for Presenters
  • If you are interested in presenting a topic in a workshop setting as part of this conference, please submit by 11:59 PM Central Time on August 31, 2024.

Please contact Yolanda Scott for more information.

We look forward to receiving proposals and thank you for your commitment to enhancing transition outcomes for youth with disabilities!

StaffingGrand Canyon University GCY


Grand Canyon University is proud to announce the launch of its National Center for Teacher Preparation. Central to this initiative is our pledge to make tuition affordable and education accessible with generous scholarships designed for school employees looking to obtain their initial teacher licensure.

We want to help future educators achieve their educational dreams and help change the landscape of prepared teachers in Oklahoma. To learn how you can start your journey and learn more about this impactful new scholarship, please reach out to Tracy Presson, local Oklahoma counselor, at [email protected] or go to Get Started on Your Degree | Grand Canyon University (gcu.edu) 

We look forward to joining you on your educational journey! Questions? Please contact Tracy Presson at 405-999-5584.

Micro-Credential for Special Education

This program at the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma focuses on foundational Special Education practices related to instructional strategies for students with autism and other exceptionalities, remaining compliant with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

For more information, please see USAO Flyer

OSU Special Education Boot Camp

The Oklahoma State University offers a 36-credit online master's degree in special education that focuses on working with children with mild/moderate disabilities in special education and general education classrooms. 

For more information on OSU Online Boot Camp, please see the OSU Boot Camp Flyer

OSDE CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Certified Trainer for CPI

Beginning with the incoming 2024-2025 school year districts requesting training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention With Advanced Physical Skills are encouraged to send an employee to become a Certified Trainer for CPI.  Once certified to become a trainer the said employee will be certified to train others in their place of employment. Beginning with the forthcoming school year OSDE will be transitioning to Verbal Interventions only and will not train individuals in the disengagements or restraints in CPI.  Please note the dates, locations, and the information for contacting the CPI Senior Territory Manager for Oklahoma below.

  • Associated costs to districts
    reimbursable through Project 615
  • Participants become certified to train
    others in their place of employment.

Location and Date:

  • Oklahoma City
    • December 10, 2024-December 12, 2024
  •  Tulsa
    • October 15, 2024-October 17, 2024
Who to Contact:

Jaime Schroeder, Schedule a Call Senior Territory Account Manager at CPI for Kansas, Oklahoma & Nebraska Crisis Prevention Institute 10850 W. Park Place, Suite 250 • Milwaukee, WI 53224 Direct 414.441.1750 • crisisprevention.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jaime-schroeder

Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development Opportunities

These professional development opportunities are sponsored by the Oklahoma State
Department of Education, Special Education Services, and the Oklahoma Autism Center.
This collaboration strives to provide a comprehensive support system for public school
educators, early intervention personnel, support staff, and/or pre-service educators.

Please see the Oklahoma Autism Center PD Opportunities flyer for more information. 

Oklahoma Autism Center Professional Development

The Oklahoma Autism Center is offering Professional Development Opportunities for 2024-2025.

Please see the OAC Professional Development Opportunities for more information.

Other NewsCenter on Transition Innovations

The Center on Transition Innovations (CTI) at Virginia Commonwealth University continues providing resources for each month’s focus, with August highlighting Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy!  They also offer free self-paced courses for families, professionals, and youth on Fundamentals of Transition PlanningWork-Based LearningGet Ready for CollegeGet Ready for Your Career, and Get Ready for Independent Living.Check out the resources for this month as they are introduced weekly.

Monthly Theme

The CTI theme for August 2024 is Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy.

Resources for August

This month, we are focusing on self-determination and self-advocacy. Cultivating these skills empowers students with disabilities to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, and advocate for their own needs. Understanding and fostering self-determination and self-advocacy is key to successful transitions in education, employment, and independent living.

Stay tuned for the following resources:


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 27, 2024 - Internal

Tue, 08/27/2024 - 5:00pm
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Announcement**NEW** 2024 Policies and Procedure Manual

The Special Education 2024 Policies and Procedures Manual is now live on our website

**NEW** Oklahoma SDE Survey

Solutions for Psychological Evaluations in your district.

Presence is the leading provider of Teletherapy for K12 Districts. We have been fortunate to work with over 20 districts in Oklahoma to date.  In 2022 we partnered with the Oklahoma State Department of Education to help with the shortage of School Psychologists throughout the state.

**This year, Presence will NOT be permitted to conduct a Review of Existing Data (REDS) for any students. Please contact Cami Dotson.

***This survey will be used to prioritize districts for the FY24/25 school year Psychoeducational Assessments administered by Presence. In order to be selected to participate, please fill out the following survey in its entirety.

School-Based Medicaid Services for Oklahoma

Since state-wide conception, the Medicaid agency (OHCA) has approved over $10 million in school-based revenue to Oklahoma school districts. Schools can currently be reimbursed for Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Administrative Claiming. This school year we will also be adding Nursing, Counseling, and Behavioral Health Services. If your school district is interested in learning more about reimbursement through the School-Based Health Services (SBHS) program, please email [email protected] to setup a meeting.

The SBHS Participation Agreement for the school year 2024-2025 is available through the Grants Management System.  All districts choosing to use this agreement may begin completing their online application.  Follow these steps for application completion.  

  1. Select the correct fiscal year (FY25)
  2. Go to “GMS Access / Select” and scroll to available applications under IDEA.
  3. Click “Create” on the “School Based Health Part” line. Once you have created the application it will appear under your applications.
  4. Please agree to all assurances, upload the entire contract, and submit it.

NOTE: The items below need to be completed:

Page 12: Enter district Information

Signature Page: (must have) Signature, Printed Name, Title, and Date of Board Approval

School Psychologist

We are happy to announce that once again we will be able to have a Certified School Psychologist on staff to assist Oklahoma Public School Districts.  This service aims to provide a support system for Oklahoma's Public Schools who do not have access to a School Psychologist.  This service will include a resource for questions about the Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility process.  The following are free services to any school district in the state of Oklahoma who does not have a School Psychologist on staff or is in temporary need of someone to fulfill that role. 

  • Assist with the completion of the RED form to include all information needed for the required components for each of the thirteen categories.
  • Fulfill the role and sign as the Qualified Professional on the RED form.
  • Fulfill the role and sign as a Qualified Professional on an Initial MEEGSEEGS during the re-evaluation process that would be discussing a category change, or any other MEEGS that isn’t just a routine reevaluation.
  • Review outside Evaluations, Interpret Results and give guidance on what information needs to be included on the RED form and where that information needs to be documented.
  • General guidance for questions that are included in the Evaluation/Eligibility process.

Questions about this process, please contact Cami Dotson, 405-522-1706.

New Process for Students Receiving the Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarship

When an IEP student accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, the State Department of Education (SDE) will notify the Local Education Agency (LEA). If a student from your district accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, their name will appear on a list stored in your document library on OK EdPlan.

To review the list:

  1. Sign in to OK EdPlan.
  2. Select "Tools."
  3. Go to "LEA Document Library."
  4. Click on "LNH."

You will find a list of IEP students who have accepted the LNH Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Upon receiving this documentation, the district must update the student’s status in OK EdPlan:

  • If the student will not receive an Individualized Service Plan (ISP): Inactivate the student in OK EdPlan using the exit reason “Accepting the LNH Scholarship.”
  • If the student is eligible for an ISP: Keep the student active in their enrollment within the Student Information System (SIS) but mark the box indicating that the student is attending a private school and receiving ISP services.

The LNH Scholarship program will continue to approve scholarships for IEP students until December 1 each year. Please check the list regularly to ensure that you have updated the status of any newly approved students.

For any LNH questions, please contact Stacy Eden at (405) 521-4876.  For Special Education questions, please contact the Office of Special Education (405) 521-3351.

Guidance Brief for Private School Consultation

IDEA requires school districts to engage in timely and meaningful consultation with representatives of private schools and the parents of parentally placed private school students with disabilities. During the consultation process districts and private schools are required to discuss the provision of special education and related services for qualified students attending private schools within a district's boundaries. Following timely and meaningful consultation with the private schools, districts are required to complete an Affirmation of Consultation form.  

For more information, please see Private School Guidance Brief

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Clarification regarding School-Based Medicaid Services

It has been brought to our attention that some misinformation has been shared recently about School-based Medicaid Services. School-based Medicaid Services can only be reimbursed for Medicaid-eligible students whose medical necessity is listed on their IEP. We are working with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to expand services beyond the IEP in the school setting sometime in 2025. Once the Medicaid expansion has been approved, OSDE, along with OHCA, will provide detailed requirements and guidance. We are excited to bring new opportunities for districts to support student services in the near future.  

For more information on "current" billing procedures and regulations visit the OHCA School-based Medicaid website. Feel free to reach out to Kellie Carter, Manager of School Nursing Programs with OSDE.

Related Service Providers OSBTN

We are thrilled to announce the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, sponsored by OSDE-SES and the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a robust support system for Oklahoma's public-school Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Navigating the diverse needs of students in special education settings can be challenging, particularly for new therapists. Even seasoned professionals sometimes seek fresh perspectives on evidence-based interventions. Recognizing this, the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, in conjunction with the Tolbert Center, is dedicated to offering resources, training, and consultative services tailored to the unique demands of school-based therapists.

Starting August 2024, the Network will offer:

  • Continuing Education Opportunities: Earn CEUs conveniently designed for school-based OTs, PTs, and SLPs, addressing their specific learning needs.
  • Technical Support: Access virtual or in-person consultations to address individual challenges and queries.
  • Online Resource Library: Sharing a wealth of resources curated to enhance therapeutic practices in school settings.
  • Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars: Engage in free, informative sessions covering a range of pertinent topics.
  • First-Year School Therapist Training Series: Equip yourself with essential skills and insights tailored for new practitioners.

Empower yourself with knowledge, support, and community through the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network. Together, let's elevate our knowledge to better serve our students.

If you are beginning your first year providing school-based therapy servicesclick here for more information and to sign up for the free series.

We want to hear from you!  What topics would you like more information on?  What resources do you need?  What times are you most available for continuing education opportunities?  Click here for more information.

If you are interested in receiving the listserv that will be sent out for Related Service Providers, please fill out the form.

For more details, please reach out to Michele DeBerry or Amber Davis.

Assessment**NEW** OAAP Update

You can find the most updated OAAP information for the 2024-2025 school year in the OAAP Memo. You can find and access information about the 2024-2025 Testing Schedule, Bulk Student Upload, Professional Development, and DLM Reminders.

FinanceDistrict FY24 CloseOuts

FY 24 Close Outs are now open.  Districts must perform a closeout for IDEA projects 618, 621, 623, 625, 641, 642. Projects 613, 615, 616, 619, 626, and 627 do not require a closeout. Closeouts must be completed online through the GMS and completed by September 1st. Closeouts cannot be performed until all submitted claims have been processed.  Please contact your finance specialist if assistance is needed. 

IDEA Finance Workshops

Our annual Finance Workshops are now available for registration. Choose the location and date that’s best for you. Hope to see you there!

School Based Agreement/Contract

The FY25 School Based contract has now been loaded into the application. Districts choosing to participate can now complete the contract then upload into the application. This can be found in the GMS under IDEA.

Project 618 –Transition Development Program 18-22 Year Old’s

FY25 allocations for Project 618 will be released on the evening of August 13th. Districts qualifying for this project may then begin completing the online application. Should you need assistance contact your finance specialist.

IDEA Part B Allocations

FY25 Project 621 Flow Through and Project 641 Pre School allocations are now available. You can access your application in the GMS. Please contract your finance specialist should you need assistance.

FY25 Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

Alt DiplomaAlternate Diploma Collaborative Meetings: SAVE-THE-DATE!!!

Mark your calendar and save the dates for the 2024-2025 Alternate Diploma Collaborative (ADC) virtual meetings! We will resume meeting quarterly via Teams this school year.  Please share the ADC meeting dates with staff who need to know, learn about, and keep up-to-date about all things “alternate diploma” and 18-22 extended transition programs or services!!!  Those who need to know include secondary administrators, special education directors and teachers, school counselors, career advisors, and anyone who is a stakeholder in secondary transition for students who participate in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP) aligned with alternate achievement standards (Essential Elements).  A Teams link for ADC meetings will be posted soon!

  • September 19, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
  • November 21, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
  • February 20, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)       
  • April 17, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)  
Trainings/WebinarsDirector Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas.

Oklahoma VI Teacher Institute 24-25

The program is geared to provide OK certified teachers with knowledge, tools and resources to instruct blind and visually impaired students in core academics and expanded core curriculum skills.

For more information please see the Oklahoma VI Teacher Institute Flyer

OSEP Smart Beginnings 2024

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will be hosting the Smart Beginnings 2024 webinar series August 27 - 29, 2024.  The webinars will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about resources for promoting effective early intervention and instruction using data-driven decision-making to support early learners and students with disabilities as we head into a new learning year.

For more information, please see OSEP Smart Beginnings 2024.

Early Childhood Data Digging – Registration now open!

Join us for a chance  to discuss early childhood data, as well as available tools & resources. This will be an ongoing group to discuss all topics related to early childhood data. This is an opportunity to ask any of your early childhood data questions. Please use this form to suggest questions or topics. In September, we will be discussing available tools and resources for analyzing ECO data.

Join us on September 19November 14January 9March 6, and May 8 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. 

OSDE Connect Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)

Questions about completing Early Childhood Outcomes? Participants in this course will gain an understanding of the Early Childhood Outcomes process and how outcome data collection supports early special education programs in meeting the needs of students. This course covers ECO basics such as collecting ECO data, determining ratings, and accessing additional resources. Enroll here!

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025

The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OSDEConnect.  

The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.  

July and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes 

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • Navigating EDPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Classes:

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request

Class options: 

Vision Screening Provider Training- 

Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training)

From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition

Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.

Objectives for this training include:

  • To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
  • To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program. 
  • To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.

For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.

StaffingCPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our Annual Conference for Support Staff for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional DevelopmentDirectSTEP

OSDE-SES is partnering with LRP Publications to bring tailored professional development to all support personnel who serve students with disabilities and assist with improving student outcomes. To access the 10 available courses please print the instructions to create an account for the paraprofessionals or support staff in your district to participate. Only support personnel, please. 

For more information, please see the DirectSTEP Flyer and DirectStep Courses.

FY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 22, 2024 - External

Thu, 08/22/2024 - 5:00pm
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Announcement**IMPORTANT** WAVE Rollover Update

The WAVE is now online but will only receive your district data if your vendor is sending the new SIF version 2.7 with updated codes as defined in the published mapping document. SIS vendors are working to address WAVE errors. If you are not seeing data in WAVE beginning Wednesday afternoon, reach out to your vendor. There may be needed updates that you must schedule in order to send the updated codes to WAVE.

On the WAVE homepage, you can see the number of objects your vendor is sending. You should expect to at least 8 objects sending this week. This is the minimum number of objects needed to process STNs and get students to EdPlan. Your vendor knows which objects meet the minimum requirement.

district communication

You may also access the data validation wizard in WAVE and see any errors in data that have come into the WAVE.


Communicate with the SIS Administrator in your district as they should know how to work with the SIS vendor to get your data flowing.

**NEW** Inhalers in Schools Funding

Asthma is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses in the United States, affecting nearly 7 million children.  Although common, asthma can be challenging to manage, and its impact on the well-being of children and families ripples through communities nationwide.  To aid schools and students with this chronic issue, the state of Oklahoma passed legislation to allow and fund stock inhalers in schools.  

In 2019, Senate Bill 381 passed, allowing schools to elect to provide stock inhalers in their districts. 70 O.S. § 1-116.3 outlines the school requirements concerning stock inhalers.

For the 2024-2025 school year, Senate Bill 36X has appropriated $250,000 to school districts to fund stock inhalers and single-use spacers in schools.  SDE has requested an Attorney General’s opinion regarding questions about utilizing a single vendor to provide this service to schools.  While we wait for that opinion to be announced, SDE wants to ensure that schools and students have these safety devices available in schools.  Therefore, we will continue to use the process implemented by SDE during the 2023-2024 school year for schools to purchase and be reimbursed for inhalers. 

The instructions for reimbursement are including in the Inhalers in Schools Guidance Document.

As a reminder, every district can apply for one stock inhaler per school building for the 2024-2025 school year through OSDE.  The invoice can be submitted to [email protected].     

New Process for Students Receiving the Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarship

When an IEP student accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, the State Department of Education (SDE) will notify the Local Education Agency (LEA). If a student from your district accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, their name will appear on a list stored in your document library on OK EdPlan.

To review the list:

  1. Sign in to OK EdPlan.
  2. Select "Tools."
  3. Go to "LEA Document Library."
  4. Click on "LNH."

You will find a list of IEP students who have accepted the LNH Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Upon receiving this documentation, the district must update the student’s status in OK EdPlan:

  • If the student will not receive an Individualized Service Plan (ISP): Inactivate the student in OK EdPlan using the exit reason “Accepting the LNH Scholarship.”
  • If the student is eligible for an ISP: Keep the student active in their enrollment within the Student Information System (SIS) but mark the box indicating that the student is attending a private school and receiving ISP services.

The LNH Scholarship program will continue to approve scholarships for IEP students until December 1 each year. Please check the list regularly to ensure that you have updated the status of any newly approved students.

For any LNH questions, please contact Stacy Eden at (405) 521-4876.  For Special Education questions, please contact the Office of Special Education (405) 521-3351.

Scholarship Opportunities Now Available for Students Attending Oklahoma IPSE Programs

The Oklahoma Access and Achievement Program Scholarship and the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant are new financial aid opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities attending the IPSE (Inclusive Post Secondary Education) programs in Oklahoma.  Enrollment in any of Oklahoma’s three Comprehensive Transition Programs (CTPs) located at Northeastern State University (RiverHawks Scholar Program), the University of Oklahoma (Sooner Works), or Oklahoma State University (Opportunity Orange Scholars) allows eligible students to apply.   Check out the flyer for more information about these new opportunities.  For even more information visit the Paying For College — Oklahoma Inclusive Post Secondary Education Alliance page on the OKIPSE Alliance website.

Behavior Central

Behavior Central will be available again for the 2024-25 school year! Utilizing graduate students in the UCO Behavior Analysis program, public school staff are provided with consultation that includes planning, training, and coaching to assist teachers with the process of functional behavior assessment and intervention design to address behavioral challenges.

For referral information contact Scott Singleton

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Therapeds We are TheraPeds

With over 25 years of experience in schools, we know firsthand the demands of working in the educational system and the need for qualified contract staff. We support schools & their special education teams by hiring qualified therapists and educators for in-person and virtual services.

We staff:

  • SLPs and SLPAs
  • OTs and COTAs
  • Social Workers
  • SPED Teachers
    DHH and ASL Teachers
  • Blind/VI Teachers
    and more

For more information please see the Therapeds Flyer and District Flyer.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) needs your assistance in recognizing districts that provide innovative and exemplary school psychological services in your state! NASP offers an Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. However, many districts are not yet aware of this recognition program or its benefits, which include: 

  • A structured self-evaluation tool, with objective feedback provided by peers 
  • A mechanism to raise the profile of school psychologists in the district 
  • A tool to advocate for more effective organizational structures and supports, and a comprehensive range of services 
  • Formal and public recognition that can be shared in the community and with other stakeholders 
  • Perks for the districts that participate and earn levels of distinction, such as complimentary NASP Convention registrations and online learning benefits. 

To date, only one district has been recognized in your state by the ESPS Program. Yet, we know there are many other districts in your state that are providing services worthy of distinction.

Would you please forward this message to your district special education administrators' listserv? As they are closing out and reflecting on the current school year and making plans for next fall, please encourage district special education administrators to consider promoting their school psychological services.

For additional information about the ESPS Program, please see the attached brochure or the NASP ESPS. You may also contact Leigh Ann Fisler, the co-chair of the NASP Practice Model Committee if you have questions.

Trainings/Webinars**NEW** Community of Practice

Community Of Practice This Month:

On August 28 at 3pm, the SPDG grant will be hosting a Community Of Practice event that will elaborate on some of the topics covered in the Teaming Foundations Module. The SPDG group will bring in a guest speaker to engage with participants and help answer some of their questions about the content. 

Anyone interested in joining this Community Of Practice event, please click here the link to register. Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

**NEW** School-Based Therapist Network Webinar

School-based OTs/COTAs, PTs/PTAs, SLPs/SLPAs, join us Friday, August 30th at 12:00pm for our kick-off webinar to learn more about the resources and supports we have planned this year just for you! Register today!

Kick Off
OKMTSS on EDPlan: Back to School Trainings

This series of trainings are intended to support districts as they navigate using OKMTSS on EDPlan to be the data  management tool for their MTSS systems. Districts should determine if they are in the beginning implementation, partially implemented, or fully implemented stages of MTSS as a district. Sessions will be repeated over time and districts should consider their time, capacity, and needs as they determine their necessary methods of scaling and cohorting their staff to begin implementation of this tool.

September 10, October 15 are repeated sessions from the Spring 2024. 

NEW SESSIONS! Including how to use the SABERS Screener: August 28, October 8, October 29

All sessions will be recorded and one session from each category will be shared on the OKMTSS website. 

Please complete this interest survey to determine additional need for training. For more information and to register for these trainings, please see the Back to School 2024 Flyer

Financial Literacy Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students Teachers

Teaching personal financial literacy in schools is essential for preparing students to manage their finances effectively. Here are some key strategies and resources to help you as you prepare.

For more information, please see the OKMM August Newsletter

Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) Regional Training Opportunities

The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) will be offering in-person regional training for Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue AND Facilitation Training.

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue is a two-day nationally recognized training that helps people have difficult conversations. The focus of the training is not just about communication – it’s about helping people get the results they want and need through their interactions with others.

Facilitation Training

Facilitation Training is a one-day training that provides an overview of facilitation to include facilitator qualities and skills, key functions of a facilitator, the facilitator’s role before, during, and after a meeting, and a toolbox of practical facilitator strategies and techniques to use during a meeting.

Information on how to register can be found on the SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage.

SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage 

August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes:

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the August EdPlan training with PCG. 

NRCP Saturday Mornings

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, and Interveners is proud to announce a new year of monthly, low-cost, 2-hour, professional development webinars!

Teacher and Paraeducator teams are encouraged to sign up together! New topics every month!! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm MDT! Discounts for multiple webinars and group rates are available!

Please see the Saturday Mornings with the NRCP for registration.  

Director Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas

PECS Training

This intensive 13-hour interactive workshop is designed to teach the theory and protocol for the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), an evidence-based practice based on Applied Behavior Analysis, typical language development, and B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior. Using presenter demonstrations, role-play opportunities, and video examples participants will gain a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of each of the six phases of PECS. Please join us September 12-13, 2024. 

For more information and registration, please see the PECS Level 1 Flyer.

**NEW** School-Based Autism Assessment Training

Sessions include instruction and interactive application of evidence-based practices for identifying children with Autism. The course requires a time commitment of five total days for all team members, including a school psychologist, speech-language pathologist, and special education teacher.

For more information please see the OAC Flyer and Apply Here

Oklahoma Transition Institute (OTI) 2024 SAVE THE DATE! Participants, Presenters & Vendors Needed!

The 2024 Oklahoma Transition Institute will be held on November 6-7, 2024, in Oklahoma City, OK. You are invited to be a participant, submit a proposal to present, or be a vendor! This is an important statewide event, where professionals and advocates come together to share knowledge and strategies for improving the transition process and life outcomes for youth with disabilities.

This year’s annual OTI will cover a variety of topics critical to successful transitions, including:

  • Opportunity Gaps and Barriers
  • Competitive Integrated Employment
  • Family and Youth Engagement
  • Interagency Collaboration and Transition Planning
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Independent Living

The Oklahoma Transition Council (OTC) encourage proposals that provide innovative approaches, evidence-based practices, and collaborative solutions to these key areas. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to meaningful discussions and share your expertise with a dedicated audience.

  • Proposal Submission Guidelines are listed in the Call for Presenters
  • If you are interested in presenting a topic in a workshop setting as part of this conference, please submit by 11:59 PM Central Time on August 31, 2024.

Please contact Yolanda Scott for more information.

We look forward to receiving proposals and thank you for your commitment to enhancing transition outcomes for youth with disabilities!

StaffingGrand Canyon University GCY


Grand Canyon University is proud to announce the launch of its National Center for Teacher Preparation. Central to this initiative is our pledge to make tuition affordable and education accessible with generous scholarships designed for school employees looking to obtain their initial teacher licensure.

We want to help future educators achieve their educational dreams and help change the landscape of prepared teachers in Oklahoma. To learn how you can start your journey and learn more about this impactful new scholarship, please reach out to Tracy Presson, local Oklahoma counselor, at [email protected] or go to Get Started on Your Degree | Grand Canyon University (gcu.edu) 

We look forward to joining you on your educational journey! Questions? Please contact Tracy Presson at 405-999-5584.

Micro-Credential for Special Education

This program at the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma focuses on foundational Special Education practices related to instructional strategies for students with autism and other exceptionalities, remaining compliant with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

For more information, please see USAO Flyer

OSU Special Education Boot Camp

The Oklahoma State University offers a 36-credit online master's degree in special education that focuses on working with children with mild/moderate disabilities in special education and general education classrooms. 

For more information on OSU Online Boot Camp, please see the OSU Boot Camp Flyer

OSDE CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Certified Trainer for CPI

Beginning with the incoming 2024-2025 school year districts requesting training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention With Advanced Physical Skills are encouraged to send an employee to become a Certified Trainer for CPI.  Once certified to become a trainer the said employee will be certified to train others in their place of employment. Beginning with the forthcoming school year OSDE will be transitioning to Verbal Interventions only and will not train individuals in the disengagements or restraints in CPI.  Please note the dates, locations, and the information for contacting the CPI Senior Territory Manager for Oklahoma below.

  • Associated costs to districts
    reimbursable through Project 615
  • Participants become certified to train
    others in their place of employment.

Location and Date:

  • Oklahoma City
    • August 20, 2024-August 22, 2024
    • December 10, 2024-December 12, 2024
  •  Tulsa
    • August 6, 2024-August 8, 2024
    • October 15, 2024-October 17, 2024
Who to Contact:

Jaime Schroeder, Schedule a Call Senior Territory Account Manager at CPI for Kansas, Oklahoma & Nebraska Crisis Prevention Institute 10850 W. Park Place, Suite 250 • Milwaukee, WI 53224 Direct 414.441.1750 • crisisprevention.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jaime-schroeder

Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development Opportunities

These professional development opportunities are sponsored by the Oklahoma State
Department of Education, Special Education Services, and the Oklahoma Autism Center.
This collaboration strives to provide a comprehensive support system for public school
educators, early intervention personnel, support staff, and/or pre-service educators.

Please see the Oklahoma Autism Center PD Opportunities flyer for more information. 

Oklahoma Autism Center Professional Development

The Oklahoma Autism Center is offering Professional Development Opportunities for 2024-2025.

Please see the OAC Professional Development Opportunities for more information.

Other NewsCenter on Transition Innovations

The Center on Transition Innovations (CTI) at Virginia Commonwealth University continues providing resources for each month’s focus, with August highlighting Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy!  They also offer free self-paced courses for families, professionals, and youth on Fundamentals of Transition PlanningWork-Based LearningGet Ready for CollegeGet Ready for Your Career, and Get Ready for Independent Living.Check out the resources for this month as they are introduced weekly.

Monthly Theme

The CTI theme for August 2024 is Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy.

Resources for August

This month, we are focusing on self-determination and self-advocacy. Cultivating these skills empowers students with disabilities to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, and advocate for their own needs. Understanding and fostering self-determination and self-advocacy is key to successful transitions in education, employment, and independent living.

Stay tuned for the following resources:


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 20, 2024 - Internal

Tue, 08/20/2024 - 5:08pm
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Announcement**NEW** School-Based Medicaid Services for Oklahoma

Since state-wide conception, the Medicaid agency (OHCA) has approved over $10 million in school-based revenue to Oklahoma school districts. Schools can currently be reimbursed for Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Administrative Claiming. This school year we will also be adding Nursing, Counseling, and Behavioral Health Services. If your school district is interested in learning more about reimbursement through the School-Based Health Services (SBHS) program, please email [email protected] to setup a meeting.

The SBHS Participation Agreement for the school year 2024-2025 is available through the Grants Management System.  All districts choosing to use this agreement may begin completing their online application.  Follow these steps for application completion.  

  1. Select the correct fiscal year (FY25)
  2. Go to “GMS Access / Select” and scroll to available applications under IDEA.
  3. Click “Create” on the “School Based Health Part” line. Once you have created the application it will appear under your applications.
  4. Please agree to all assurances, upload the entire contract, and submit it.

NOTE: The items below need to be completed:

Page 12: Enter district Information

Signature Page: (must have) Signature, Printed Name, Title, and Date of Board Approval

**NEW** School Psychologist

We are happy to announce that once again we will be able to have a Certified School Psychologist on staff to assist Oklahoma Public School Districts.  This service aims to provide a support system for Oklahoma's Public Schools who do not have access to a School Psychologist.  This service will include a resource for questions about the Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility process.  The following are free services to any school district in the state of Oklahoma who does not have a School Psychologist on staff or is in temporary need of someone to fulfill that role. 

  • Assist with the completion of the RED form to include all information needed for the required components for each of the thirteen categories.
  • Fulfill the role and sign as the Qualified Professional on the RED form.
  • Fulfill the role and sign as a Qualified Professional on an Initial MEEGSEEGS during the re-evaluation process that would be discussing a category change, or any other MEEGS that isn’t just a routine reevaluation.
  • Review outside Evaluations, Interpret Results and give guidance on what information needs to be included on the RED form and where that information needs to be documented.
  • General guidance for questions that are included in the Evaluation/Eligibility process.

Questions about this process, please contact Cami Dotson, 405-522-1706.

New Process for Students Receiving the Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarship

When an IEP student accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, the State Department of Education (SDE) will notify the Local Education Agency (LEA). If a student from your district accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, their name will appear on a list stored in your document library on OK EdPlan.

To review the list:

  1. Sign in to OK EdPlan.
  2. Select "Tools."
  3. Go to "LEA Document Library."
  4. Click on "LNH."

You will find a list of IEP students who have accepted the LNH Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Upon receiving this documentation, the district must update the student’s status in OK EdPlan:

  • If the student will not receive an Individualized Service Plan (ISP): Inactivate the student in OK EdPlan using the exit reason “Accepting the LNH Scholarship.”
  • If the student is eligible for an ISP: Keep the student active in their enrollment within the Student Information System (SIS) but mark the box indicating that the student is attending a private school and receiving ISP services.

The LNH Scholarship program will continue to approve scholarships for IEP students until December 1 each year. Please check the list regularly to ensure that you have updated the status of any newly approved students.

For any LNH questions, please contact Stacy Eden at (405) 521-4876.  For Special Education questions, please contact the Office of Special Education (405) 521-3351.

Guidance Brief for Private School Consultation

IDEA requires school districts to engage in timely and meaningful consultation with representatives of private schools and the parents of parentally placed private school students with disabilities. During the consultation process districts and private schools are required to discuss the provision of special education and related services for qualified students attending private schools within a district's boundaries. Following timely and meaningful consultation with the private schools, districts are required to complete an Affirmation of Consultation form.  

For more information, please see Private School Guidance Brief

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Clarification regarding School-Based Medicaid Services

It has been brought to our attention that some misinformation has been shared recently about School-based Medicaid Services. School-based Medicaid Services can only be reimbursed for Medicaid-eligible students whose medical necessity is listed on their IEP. We are working with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to expand services beyond the IEP in the school setting sometime in 2025. Once the Medicaid expansion has been approved, OSDE, along with OHCA, will provide detailed requirements and guidance. We are excited to bring new opportunities for districts to support student services in the near future.  

For more information on "current" billing procedures and regulations visit the OHCA School-based Medicaid website. Feel free to reach out to Kellie Carter, Manager of School Nursing Programs with OSDE.

Related Service Providers OSBTN

We are thrilled to announce the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, sponsored by OSDE-SES and the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a robust support system for Oklahoma's public-school Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Navigating the diverse needs of students in special education settings can be challenging, particularly for new therapists. Even seasoned professionals sometimes seek fresh perspectives on evidence-based interventions. Recognizing this, the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, in conjunction with the Tolbert Center, is dedicated to offering resources, training, and consultative services tailored to the unique demands of school-based therapists.

Starting August 2024, the Network will offer:

  • Continuing Education Opportunities: Earn CEUs conveniently designed for school-based OTs, PTs, and SLPs, addressing their specific learning needs.
  • Technical Support: Access virtual or in-person consultations to address individual challenges and queries.
  • Online Resource Library: Sharing a wealth of resources curated to enhance therapeutic practices in school settings.
  • Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars: Engage in free, informative sessions covering a range of pertinent topics.
  • First-Year School Therapist Training Series: Equip yourself with essential skills and insights tailored for new practitioners.

Empower yourself with knowledge, support, and community through the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network. Together, let's elevate our knowledge to better serve our students.

If you are beginning your first year providing school-based therapy servicesclick here for more information and to sign up for the free series.

We want to hear from you!  What topics would you like more information on?  What resources do you need?  What times are you most available for continuing education opportunities?  Click here for more information.

If you are interested in receiving the listserv that will be sent out for Related Service Providers, please fill out the form.

For more details, please reach out to Michele DeBerry or Amber Davis.

AssessmentOAAP Update

You can find the most updated OAAP information for the 2024-2025 school year in the OAAP Memo. Find and access information regarding DLM Score Reports, Test Administrator Training Updates, and DLM Reminders.

dataEdPlan Caseload Report

A new Caseload Report is available in EDPlan’s Advanced Reporting System, the User Caseload Report. Please note that this report has several tabs. The Data Analysis Guide will answer common questions you may have about the report and its calculations. The Caseload FTE tab includes an FTE calculation for special education teachers. The Caseload Student Summary provides a more detailed view of how caseload weight for each student is determined. The Caseload Details tab includes the type of services and LRE for students. The Speech Caseload Summary tab will display the total caseload number for speech/language service providers.

**IMPORTANT** WAVE Rollover Update important

The WAVE is now online but will only receive your district data if your vendor is sending the new SIF version 2.7 with updated codes as defined in the published mapping document. SIS vendors are working to address WAVE errors. If you are not seeing data in WAVE beginning Wednesday afternoon, reach out to your vendor. There may be needed updates that you must schedule in order to send the updated codes to WAVE.

On the WAVE homepage, you can see the number of objects your vendor is sending. You should expect to at least 8 objects sending this week. This is the minimum number of objects needed to process STNs and get students to EdPlan. Your vendor knows which objects meet the minimum requirement.


You may also access the data validation wizard in WAVE and see any errors in data that have come into the WAVE.


Communicate with the SIS Administrator in your district as they should know how to work with the SIS vendor to get your data flowing.

Finance**NEW** IDEA Finance Workshops

Our annual Finance Workshops are now available for registration. Choose the location and date that’s best for you. Hope to see you there!

School Based Agreement/Contract

The FY25 School Based contract has now been loaded into the application. Districts choosing to participate can now complete the contract then upload into the application. This can be found in the GMS under IDEA.

Project 618 –Transition Development Program 18-22 Year Old’s

FY25 allocations for Project 618 will be released on the evening of August 13th. Districts qualifying for this project may then begin completing the online application. Should you need assistance contact your finance specialist.

IDEA Part B Allocations

FY25 Project 621 Flow Through and Project 641 Pre School allocations are now available. You can access your application in the GMS. Please contract your finance specialist should you need assistance.

FY25 Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

District FY24 CloseOuts

FY 24 Close Outs are now open.  Districts must perform a closeout for IDEA projects 618, 621, 623, 625, 641, 642. Projects 613, 615, 616, 619, 626, and 627 do not require a closeout. Closeouts must be completed online through the GMS and completed by September 1st. Closeouts cannot be performed until all submitted claims have been processed.  Please contact your finance specialist if assistance is needed. 

Alt Diploma**NEW** Alternate Diploma Collaborative Meetings: SAVE-THE-DATE!!!

Mark your calendar and save the dates for the 2024-2025 Alternate Diploma Collaborative (ADC) virtual meetings! We will resume meeting quarterly via Teams this school year.  Please share the ADC meeting dates with staff who need to know, learn about, and keep up-to-date about all things “alternate diploma” and 18-22 extended transition programs or services!!!  Those who need to know include secondary administrators, special education directors and teachers, school counselors, career advisors, and anyone who is a stakeholder in secondary transition for students who participate in the Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP) aligned with alternate achievement standards (Essential Elements).  A Teams link for ADC meetings will be posted soon!

  • September 19, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
  • November 21, 2024 (3rd Thurs.)
  • February 20, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)       
  • April 17, 2025 (3rd Thurs.)  
Trainings/Webinars**NEW** Additional AIM Kick Off Session!

OSDE-SES is hosting an additional AIM Kickoff for Oklahoma educators who teach reading and choose to participate in the AIM Pathways to Proficient Reading. 

AIM Kickoff - August 27, 2024 in Ardmore, Oklahoma. 

Please register for this event, here. Note: sessions are duplicate you will only need to select 1 time slot

Director Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas.

**NEW** Oklahoma VI Teacher Institute 24-25

The program is geared to provide OK certified teachers with knowledge, tools and resources to instruct blind and visually impaired students in core academics and expanded core curriculum skills.

For more information please see the Oklahoma VI Teacher Institute Flyer

OSEP Smart Beginnings 2024

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will be hosting the Smart Beginnings 2024 webinar series August 27 - 29, 2024.  The webinars will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about resources for promoting effective early intervention and instruction using data-driven decision-making to support early learners and students with disabilities as we head into a new learning year.

For more information, please see OSEP Smart Beginnings 2024.

Early Childhood Data Digging – Registration now open!

Join us for a chance  to discuss early childhood data, as well as available tools & resources. This will be an ongoing group to discuss all topics related to early childhood data. This is an opportunity to ask any of your early childhood data questions. Please use this form to suggest questions or topics. In September, we will be discussing available tools and resources for analyzing ECO data.

Join us on September 19November 14January 9March 6, and May 8 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. 

OSDE Connect Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)

Questions about completing Early Childhood Outcomes? Participants in this course will gain an understanding of the Early Childhood Outcomes process and how outcome data collection supports early special education programs in meeting the needs of students. This course covers ECO basics such as collecting ECO data, determining ratings, and accessing additional resources. Enroll here!

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025

The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OSDEConnect.  

The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.  

July and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes 

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • Navigating EDPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Classes:

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request

Class options: 

Vision Screening Provider Training- 

Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training)

From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition

Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.

Objectives for this training include:

  • To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
  • To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program. 
  • To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.

For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.

StaffingCPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our Annual Conference for Support Staff for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional DevelopmentDirectSTEP

OSDE-SES is partnering with LRP Publications to bring tailored professional development to all support personnel who serve students with disabilities and assist with improving student outcomes. To access the 10 available courses please print the instructions to create an account for the paraprofessionals or support staff in your district to participate. Only support personnel, please. 

For more information, please see the DirectSTEP Flyer

FY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 15, 2024 - External

Thu, 08/15/2024 - 5:00pm
Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.
Announcement**IMPORTANT** WAVE Rollover Update

The WAVE is now online but will only receive your district data if your vendor is sending the new SIF version 2.7 with updated codes as defined in the published mapping document. SIS vendors are working to address WAVE errors. If you are not seeing data in WAVE beginning Wednesday afternoon, reach out to your vendor. There may be needed updates that you must schedule in order to send the updated codes to WAVE.

On the WAVE homepage, you can see the number of objects your vendor is sending. You should expect to at least 8 objects sending this week. This is the minimum number of objects needed to process STNs and get students to EdPlan. Your vendor knows which objects meet the minimum requirement.

district communication

You may also access the data validation wizard in WAVE and see any errors in data that have come into the WAVE.


Communicate with the SIS Administrator in your district as they should know how to work with the SIS vendor to get your data flowing.

**NEW** New Process for Students Receiving the Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarship

When an IEP student accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, the State Department of Education (SDE) will notify the Local Education Agency (LEA). If a student from your district accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, their name will appear on a list stored in your document library on OK EdPlan.

To review the list:

  1. Sign in to OK EdPlan.
  2. Select "Tools."
  3. Go to "LEA Document Library."
  4. Click on "LNH."

You will find a list of IEP students who have accepted the LNH Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Upon receiving this documentation, the district must update the student’s status in OK EdPlan:

  • If the student will not receive an Individualized Service Plan (ISP): Inactivate the student in OK EdPlan using the exit reason “Accepting the LNH Scholarship.”
  • If the student is eligible for an ISP: Keep the student active in their enrollment within the Student Information System (SIS) but mark the box indicating that the student is attending a private school and receiving ISP services.

The LNH Scholarship program will continue to approve scholarships for IEP students until December 1 each year. Please check the list regularly to ensure that you have updated the status of any newly approved students.

For any LNH questions, please contact Stacy Eden at (405) 521-4876.  For Special Education questions, please contact the Office of Special Education (405) 521-3351.

**NEW** Scholarship Opportunities Now Available for Students Attending Oklahoma IPSE Programs

The Oklahoma Access and Achievement Program Scholarship and the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant are new financial aid opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities attending the IPSE (Inclusive Post Secondary Education) programs in Oklahoma.  Enrollment in any of Oklahoma’s three Comprehensive Transition Programs (CTPs) located at Northeastern State University (RiverHawks Scholar Program), the University of Oklahoma (Sooner Works), or Oklahoma State University (Opportunity Orange Scholars) allows eligible students to apply.   Check out the flyer for more information about these new opportunities.  For even more information visit the Paying For College — Oklahoma Inclusive Post Secondary Education Alliance page on the OKIPSE Alliance website.

Behavior Central

Behavior Central will be available again for the 2024-25 school year! Utilizing graduate students in the UCO Behavior Analysis program, public school staff are provided with consultation that includes planning, training, and coaching to assist teachers with the process of functional behavior assessment and intervention design to address behavioral challenges.

For referral information contact Scott Singleton

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Therapeds We are TheraPeds

With over 25 years of experience in schools, we know firsthand the demands of working in the educational system and the need for qualified contract staff. We support schools & their special education teams by hiring qualified therapists and educators for in-person and virtual services.

We staff:

  • SLPs and SLPAs
  • OTs and COTAs
  • Social Workers
  • SPED Teachers
    DHH and ASL Teachers
  • Blind/VI Teachers
    and more

For more information please see the Therapeds Flyer and District Flyer.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) needs your assistance in recognizing districts that provide innovative and exemplary school psychological services in your state! NASP offers an Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. However, many districts are not yet aware of this recognition program or its benefits, which include: 

  • A structured self-evaluation tool, with objective feedback provided by peers 
  • A mechanism to raise the profile of school psychologists in the district 
  • A tool to advocate for more effective organizational structures and supports, and a comprehensive range of services 
  • Formal and public recognition that can be shared in the community and with other stakeholders 
  • Perks for the districts that participate and earn levels of distinction, such as complimentary NASP Convention registrations and online learning benefits. 

To date, only one district has been recognized in your state by the ESPS Program. Yet, we know there are many other districts in your state that are providing services worthy of distinction.

Would you please forward this message to your district special education administrators' listserv? As they are closing out and reflecting on the current school year and making plans for next fall, please encourage district special education administrators to consider promoting their school psychological services.

For additional information about the ESPS Program, please see the attached brochure or the NASP ESPS. You may also contact Leigh Ann Fisler, the co-chair of the NASP Practice Model Committee if you have questions.

Trainings/Webinars**NEW** OKMTSS on EDPlan: Back to School Trainings

This series of trainings are intended to support districts as they navigate using OKMTSS on EDPlan to be the data  management tool for their MTSS systems. Districts should determine if they are in the beginning implementation, partially implemented, or fully implemented stages of MTSS as a district. Sessions will be repeated over time and districts should consider their time, capacity, and needs as they determine their necessary methods of scaling and cohorting their staff to begin implementation of this tool.

August 21, September 10, October 15 are repeated sessions from the Spring 2024. 

NEW SESSIONS! Including how to use the SABERS Screener: August 28, October 8, October 29

All sessions will be recorded and one session from each category will be shared on the OKMTSS website. 

Please complete this interest survey to determine additional need for training. For more information and to register for these trainings, please see the Back to School 2024 Flyer

**NEW** Financial Literacy Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students Teachers

Teaching personal financial literacy in schools is essential for preparing students to manage their finances effectively. Here are some key strategies and resources to help you as you prepare.

For more information, please see the OKMM August Newsletter

Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) Regional Training Opportunities

The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) will be offering in-person regional training for Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue AND Facilitation Training.

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue is a two-day nationally recognized training that helps people have difficult conversations. The focus of the training is not just about communication – it’s about helping people get the results they want and need through their interactions with others.

Facilitation Training

Facilitation Training is a one-day training that provides an overview of facilitation to include facilitator qualities and skills, key functions of a facilitator, the facilitator’s role before, during, and after a meeting, and a toolbox of practical facilitator strategies and techniques to use during a meeting.

Information on how to register can be found on the SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage.

SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage 

August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes:

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the August EdPlan training with PCG. 

NRCP Saturday Mornings

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, and Interveners is proud to announce a new year of monthly, low-cost, 2-hour, professional development webinars!

Teacher and Paraeducator teams are encouraged to sign up together! New topics every month!! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm MDT! Discounts for multiple webinars and group rates are available!

Please see the Saturday Mornings with the NRCP for registration.  

Director Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas

PECS Training

This intensive 13-hour interactive workshop is designed to teach the theory and protocol for the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), an evidence-based practice based on Applied Behavior Analysis, typical language development, and B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior. Using presenter demonstrations, role-play opportunities, and video examples participants will gain a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of each of the six phases of PECS. Please join us September 12-13, 2024. 

For more information and registration, please see the PECS Level 1 Flyer.

**NEW** Oklahoma Transition Institute (OTI) 2024 SAVE THE DATE! Participants, Presenters & Vendors Needed!

The 2024 Oklahoma Transition Institute will be held on November 6-7, 2024, in Oklahoma City, OK. You are invited to be a participant, submit a proposal to present, or be a vendor! This is an important statewide event, where professionals and advocates come together to share knowledge and strategies for improving the transition process and life outcomes for youth with disabilities.

This year’s annual OTI will cover a variety of topics critical to successful transitions, including:

  • Opportunity Gaps and Barriers
  • Competitive Integrated Employment
  • Family and Youth Engagement
  • Interagency Collaboration and Transition Planning
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Independent Living

The Oklahoma Transition Council (OTC) encourage proposals that provide innovative approaches, evidence-based practices, and collaborative solutions to these key areas. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to meaningful discussions and share your expertise with a dedicated audience.

  • Proposal Submission Guidelines are listed in the Call for Presenters
  • If you are interested in presenting a topic in a workshop setting as part of this conference, please submit by 11:59 PM Central Time on August 31, 2024.

Please contact Yolanda Scott for more information.

We look forward to receiving proposals and thank you for your commitment to enhancing transition outcomes for youth with disabilities!

StaffingGrand Canyon University GCY


Grand Canyon University is proud to announce the launch of its National Center for Teacher Preparation. Central to this initiative is our pledge to make tuition affordable and education accessible with generous scholarships designed for school employees looking to obtain their initial teacher licensure.

We want to help future educators achieve their educational dreams and help change the landscape of prepared teachers in Oklahoma. To learn how you can start your journey and learn more about this impactful new scholarship, please reach out to Tracy Presson, local Oklahoma counselor, at [email protected] or go to Get Started on Your Degree | Grand Canyon University (gcu.edu) 

We look forward to joining you on your educational journey! Questions? Please contact Tracy Presson at 405-999-5584.

Micro-Credential for Special Education

This program at the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma focuses on foundational Special Education practices related to instructional strategies for students with autism and other exceptionalities, remaining compliant with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

For more information, please see USAO Flyer

OSU Special Education Boot Camp

The Oklahoma State University offers a 36-credit online master's degree in special education that focuses on working with children with mild/moderate disabilities in special education and general education classrooms. 

For more information on OSU Online Boot Camp, please see the OSU Boot Camp Flyer

OSDE CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Certified Trainer for CPI

Beginning with the incoming 2024-2025 school year districts requesting training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention With Advanced Physical Skills are encouraged to send an employee to become a Certified Trainer for CPI.  Once certified to become a trainer the said employee will be certified to train others in their place of employment. Beginning with the forthcoming school year OSDE will be transitioning to Verbal Interventions only and will not train individuals in the disengagements or restraints in CPI.  Please note the dates, locations, and the information for contacting the CPI Senior Territory Manager for Oklahoma below.

  • Associated costs to districts
    reimbursable through Project 615
  • Participants become certified to train
    others in their place of employment.

Location and Date:

  • Oklahoma City
    • August 20, 2024-August 22, 2024
    • December 10, 2024-December 12, 2024
  •  Tulsa
    • August 6, 2024-August 8, 2024
    • October 15, 2024-October 17, 2024
Who to Contact:

Jaime Schroeder, Schedule a Call Senior Territory Account Manager at CPI for Kansas, Oklahoma & Nebraska Crisis Prevention Institute 10850 W. Park Place, Suite 250 • Milwaukee, WI 53224 Direct 414.441.1750 • crisisprevention.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jaime-schroeder

Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development Opportunities

These professional development opportunities are sponsored by the Oklahoma State
Department of Education, Special Education Services, and the Oklahoma Autism Center.
This collaboration strives to provide a comprehensive support system for public school
educators, early intervention personnel, support staff, and/or pre-service educators.

Please see the Oklahoma Autism Center PD Opportunities flyer for more information. 

Oklahoma Autism Center Professional Development

The Oklahoma Autism Center is offering Professional Development Opportunities for 2024-2025.

Please see the OAC Professional Development Opportunities for more information.

Other News**UPDATED** Center on Transition Innovations

The Center on Transition Innovations (CTI) at Virginia Commonwealth University continues providing resources for each month’s focus, with August highlighting Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy!  They also offer free self-paced courses for families, professionals, and youth on Fundamentals of Transition PlanningWork-Based LearningGet Ready for CollegeGet Ready for Your Career, and Get Ready for Independent Living.Check out the resources for this month as they are introduced weekly.

Monthly Theme

The CTI theme for August 2024 is Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy.

Resources for August

This month, we are focusing on self-determination and self-advocacy. Cultivating these skills empowers students with disabilities to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, and advocate for their own needs. Understanding and fostering self-determination and self-advocacy is key to successful transitions in education, employment, and independent living.

Stay tuned for the following resources:


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 13, 2024 - Internal

Tue, 08/13/2024 - 5:00pm
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Announcement**NEW** New Process for Students Receiving the Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarship

When an IEP student accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, the State Department of Education (SDE) will notify the Local Education Agency (LEA). If a student from your district accepts the LNH Scholarship for the first time, their name will appear on a list stored in your document library on OK EdPlan.

To review the list:

  1. Sign in to OK EdPlan.
  2. Select "Tools."
  3. Go to "LEA Document Library."
  4. Click on "LNH."

You will find a list of IEP students who have accepted the LNH Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year. Upon receiving this documentation, the district must update the student’s status in OK EdPlan:

  • If the student will not receive an Individualized Service Plan (ISP): Inactivate the student in OK EdPlan using the exit reason “Accepting the LNH Scholarship.”
  • If the student is eligible for an ISP: Keep the student active in their enrollment within the Student Information System (SIS) but mark the box indicating that the student is attending a private school and receiving ISP services.

The LNH Scholarship program will continue to approve scholarships for IEP students until December 1 each year. Please check the list regularly to ensure that you have updated the status of any newly approved students.

For any LNH questions, please contact Stacy Eden at (405) 521-4876.  For Special Education questions, please contact the Office of Special Education (405) 521-3351.

Guidance Brief for Private School Consultation

IDEA requires school districts to engage in timely and meaningful consultation with representatives of private schools and the parents of parentally placed private school students with disabilities. During the consultation process districts and private schools are required to discuss the provision of special education and related services for qualified students attending private schools within a district's boundaries. Following timely and meaningful consultation with the private schools, districts are required to complete an Affirmation of Consultation form.  

For more information, please see Private School Guidance Brief

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Clarification regarding School-Based Medicaid Services

It has been brought to our attention that some misinformation has been shared recently about School-based Medicaid Services. School-based Medicaid Services can only be reimbursed for Medicaid-eligible students whose medical necessity is listed on their IEP. We are working with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to expand services beyond the IEP in the school setting sometime in 2025. Once the Medicaid expansion has been approved, OSDE, along with OHCA, will provide detailed requirements and guidance. We are excited to bring new opportunities for districts to support student services in the near future.  

For more information on "current" billing procedures and regulations visit the OHCA School-based Medicaid website. Feel free to reach out to Kellie Carter, Manager of School Nursing Programs with OSDE.

Related Service Providers OSBTN

We are thrilled to announce the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, sponsored by OSDE-SES and the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a robust support system for Oklahoma's public-school Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Navigating the diverse needs of students in special education settings can be challenging, particularly for new therapists. Even seasoned professionals sometimes seek fresh perspectives on evidence-based interventions. Recognizing this, the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, in conjunction with the Tolbert Center, is dedicated to offering resources, training, and consultative services tailored to the unique demands of school-based therapists.

Starting August 2024, the Network will offer:

  • Continuing Education Opportunities: Earn CEUs conveniently designed for school-based OTs, PTs, and SLPs, addressing their specific learning needs.
  • Technical Support: Access virtual or in-person consultations to address individual challenges and queries.
  • Online Resource Library: Sharing a wealth of resources curated to enhance therapeutic practices in school settings.
  • Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars: Engage in free, informative sessions covering a range of pertinent topics.
  • First-Year School Therapist Training Series: Equip yourself with essential skills and insights tailored for new practitioners.

Empower yourself with knowledge, support, and community through the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network. Together, let's elevate our knowledge to better serve our students.

If you are beginning your first year providing school-based therapy servicesclick here for more information and to sign up for the free series.

We want to hear from you!  What topics would you like more information on?  What resources do you need?  What times are you most available for continuing education opportunities?  Click here for more information.

If you are interested in receiving the listserv that will be sent out for Related Service Providers, please fill out the form.

For more details, please reach out to Michele DeBerry or Amber Davis.

Assessment**NEW** OAAP Update

You can find the most updated OAAP information for the 2024-2025 school year in the OAAP Memo. Find and access information regarding DLM Score Reports, Test Administrator Training Updates, and DLM Reminders.

data**NEW** EdPlan Caseload Report

A new Caseload Report is available in EDPlan’s Advanced Reporting System, the User Caseload Report. Please note that this report has several tabs. The Data Analysis Guide will answer common questions you may have about the report and its calculations. The Caseload FTE tab includes an FTE calculation for special education teachers. The Caseload Student Summary provides a more detailed view of how caseload weight for each student is determined. The Caseload Details tab includes the type of services and LRE for students. The Speech Caseload Summary tab will display the total caseload number for speech/language service providers.

**IMPORTANT** WAVE Rollover Update important

The WAVE is now online but will only receive your district data if your vendor is sending the new SIF version 2.7 with updated codes as defined in the published mapping document. SIS vendors are working to address WAVE errors. If you are not seeing data in WAVE beginning Wednesday afternoon, reach out to your vendor. There may be needed updates that you must schedule in order to send the updated codes to WAVE.

On the WAVE homepage, you can see the number of objects your vendor is sending. You should expect to at least 8 objects sending this week. This is the minimum number of objects needed to process STNs and get students to EdPlan. Your vendor knows which objects meet the minimum requirement.


You may also access the data validation wizard in WAVE and see any errors in data that have come into the WAVE.


Communicate with the SIS Administrator in your district as they should know how to work with the SIS vendor to get your data flowing.

Finance**NEW** IDEA Finance Workshops

Our annual Finance Workshops are now available for registration. Choose the location and date that’s best for you. Hope to see you there!

**NEW** School Based Agreement/Contract

The FY25 School Based contract has now been loaded into the application. Districts choosing to participate can now complete the contract then upload into the application. This can be found in the GMS under IDEA.

**NEW** Project 618 –Transition Development Program 18-22 Year Old’s

FY25 allocations for Project 618 will be released on the evening of August 13th. Districts qualifying for this project may then begin completing the online application. Should you need assistance contact your finance specialist.

**NEW** IDEA Part B Allocations

FY25 Project 621 Flow Through and Project 641 Pre School allocations are now available. You can access your application in the GMS. Please contract your finance specialist should you need assistance.

FY25 Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

FY25 Project 613 List

OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.

Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

District FY24 CloseOuts

FY 24 Close Outs are now open.  Districts must perform a closeout for IDEA projects 618, 621, 623, 625, 641, 642. Projects 613, 615, 616, 619, 626, and 627 do not require a closeout. Closeouts must be completed online through the GMS and completed by September 1st. Closeouts cannot be performed until all submitted claims have been processed.  Please contact your finance specialist if assistance is needed. 

Alt DiplomaSecondary Technical Assistance

OSDE-SES is providing Transition Technical Assistance through a temporary, part-time Secondary Transition Program Specialist.  Assistance to schools/districts will be available through various formats to include e-mail, phone, virtual (via Microsoft Teams) and/or in-person.  Please use this link to complete a Transition Technical Assistance Request for your school/district regarding Secondary Transition topics, including the new Alternate Diploma and 18-22 Transition Programs.  For brief questions and/or more information about Transition Technical Assistance, please contact Claudia Beckner or Lori Chesnut

Trainings/WebinarsDirector Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas.

**NEW** OSEP Smart Beginnings 2024

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will be hosting the Smart Beginnings 2024 webinar series August 27 - 29, 2024.  The webinars will provide participants with the opportunity to learn about resources for promoting effective early intervention and instruction using data-driven decision-making to support early learners and students with disabilities as we head into a new learning year.

For more information, please see OSEP Smart Beginnings 2024.

**NEW** Early Childhood Data Digging – Registration now open!

Join us for a chance  to discuss early childhood data, as well as available tools & resources. This will be an ongoing group to discuss all topics related to early childhood data. This is an opportunity to ask any of your early childhood data questions. Please use this form to suggest questions or topics. In September, we will be discussing available tools and resources for analyzing ECO data.

Join us on September 19November 14January 9March 6, and May 8 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. 

**NEW** OSDE Connect Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)

Questions about completing Early Childhood Outcomes? Participants in this course will gain an understanding of the Early Childhood Outcomes process and how outcome data collection supports early special education programs in meeting the needs of students. This course covers ECO basics such as collecting ECO data, determining ratings, and accessing additional resources. Enroll here!

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025

The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OSDEConnect.  

The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.  

July and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes 

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • Navigating EDPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Classes:

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request

Class options: 

Vision Screening Provider Training- 

Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training)

From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition

Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.

Objectives for this training include:

  • To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
  • To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program. 
  • To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.

For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.

StaffingCPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our Annual Conference for Support Staff for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional Development**NEW** DirectSTEP

OSDE-SES is partnering with LRP Publications to bring tailored professional development to all support personnel who serve students with disabilities and assist with improving student outcomes. To access the 10 available courses please print the instructions to create an account for the paraprofessionals or support staff in your district to participate. Only support personnel, please. 

For more information, please see the DirectSTEP Flyer

FY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 8, 2024 - External

Thu, 08/08/2024 - 5:00pm
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AnnouncementBehavior Central

Behavior Central will be available again for the 2024-25 school year! Utilizing graduate students in the UCO Behavior Analysis program, public school staff are provided with consultation that includes planning, training, and coaching to assist teachers with the process of functional behavior assessment and intervention design to address behavioral challenges.

For referral information contact Scott Singleton

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Therapeds We are TheraPeds

With over 25 years of experience in schools, we know firsthand the demands of working in the educational system and the need for qualified contract staff. We support schools & their special education teams by hiring qualified therapists and educators for in-person and virtual services.

We staff:

  • SLPs and SLPAs
  • OTs and COTAs
  • Social Workers
  • SPED Teachers
    DHH and ASL Teachers
  • Blind/VI Teachers
    and more

For more information please see the Therapeds Flyer and District Flyer.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) needs your assistance in recognizing districts that provide innovative and exemplary school psychological services in your state! NASP offers an Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. However, many districts are not yet aware of this recognition program or its benefits, which include: 

  • A structured self-evaluation tool, with objective feedback provided by peers 
  • A mechanism to raise the profile of school psychologists in the district 
  • A tool to advocate for more effective organizational structures and supports, and a comprehensive range of services 
  • Formal and public recognition that can be shared in the community and with other stakeholders 
  • Perks for the districts that participate and earn levels of distinction, such as complimentary NASP Convention registrations and online learning benefits. 

To date, only one district has been recognized in your state by the ESPS Program. Yet, we know there are many other districts in your state that are providing services worthy of distinction.

Would you please forward this message to your district special education administrators' listserv? As they are closing out and reflecting on the current school year and making plans for next fall, please encourage district special education administrators to consider promoting their school psychological services.

For additional information about the ESPS Program, please see the attached brochure or the NASP ESPS. You may also contact Leigh Ann Fisler, the co-chair of the NASP Practice Model Committee if you have questions.

Trainings/WebinarsSpecial Education Resolution Center (SERC) Regional Training Opportunities

The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) will be offering in-person regional training for Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue AND Facilitation Training.

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue is a two-day nationally recognized training that helps people have difficult conversations. The focus of the training is not just about communication – it’s about helping people get the results they want and need through their interactions with others.

Facilitation Training

Facilitation Training is a one-day training that provides an overview of facilitation to include facilitator qualities and skills, key functions of a facilitator, the facilitator’s role before, during, and after a meeting, and a toolbox of practical facilitator strategies and techniques to use during a meeting.

Information on how to register can be found on the SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage.

SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage 

August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes:

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the August EdPlan training with PCG. 

NRCP Saturday Mornings

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, and Interveners is proud to announce a new year of monthly, low-cost, 2-hour, professional development webinars!

Teacher and Paraeducator teams are encouraged to sign up together! New topics every month!! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm MDT! Discounts for multiple webinars and group rates are available!

Please see the Saturday Mornings with the NRCP for registration.  

Director Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas. Day One, Day Two (coming soon!)

**UPDATED** PECS Training

This intensive 13-hour interactive workshop is designed to teach the theory and protocol for the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), an evidence-based practice based on Applied Behavior Analysis, typical language development, and B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior. Using presenter demonstrations, role-play opportunities, and video examples participants will gain a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of each of the six phases of PECS. Please join us September 12-13, 2024. 

For more information and registration, please see the PECS Level 1 Flyer.

**NEW** Oklahoma Transition Institute (OTI) 2024 SAVE THE DATE! Participants, Presenters & Vendors Needed!

The 2024 Oklahoma Transition Institute will be held on November 6-7, 2024, in Oklahoma City, OK. You are invited to be a participant, submit a proposal to present, or be a vendor! This is an important statewide event, where professionals and advocates come together to share knowledge and strategies for improving the transition process and life outcomes for youth with disabilities.

This year’s annual OTI will cover a variety of topics critical to successful transitions, including:

  • Opportunity Gaps and Barriers
  • Competitive Integrated Employment
  • Family and Youth Engagement
  • Interagency Collaboration and Transition Planning
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Independent Living

The Oklahoma Transition Council (OTC) encourage proposals that provide innovative approaches, evidence-based practices, and collaborative solutions to these key areas. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to meaningful discussions and share your expertise with a dedicated audience.

  • Proposal Submission Guidelines are listed in the Call for Presenters
  • If you are interested in presenting a topic in a workshop setting as part of this conference, please submit by 11:59 PM Central Time on August 31, 2024.

Please contact Yolanda Scott for more information.

We look forward to receiving proposals and thank you for your commitment to enhancing transition outcomes for youth with disabilities!

Staffing**NEW** Grand Canyon University GCY


Grand Canyon University is proud to announce the launch of its National Center for Teacher Preparation. Central to this initiative is our pledge to make tuition affordable and education accessible with generous scholarships designed for school employees looking to obtain their initial teacher licensure.

We want to help future educators achieve their educational dreams and help change the landscape of prepared teachers in Oklahoma. To learn how you can start your journey and learn more about this impactful new scholarship, please reach out to Tracy Presson, local Oklahoma counselor, at [email protected] or go to Get Started on Your Degree | Grand Canyon University (gcu.edu) 

We look forward to joining you on your educational journey! Questions? Please contact Tracy Presson at 405-999-5584.

Micro-Credential for Special Education

This program at the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma focuses on foundational Special Education practices related to instructional strategies for students with autism and other exceptionalities, remaining compliant with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

For more information, please see USAO Boot Camp

OSU Special Education Boot Camp

The Oklahoma State University offers a 36-credit online master's degree in special education that focuses on working with children with mild/moderate disabilities in special education and general education classrooms. 

For more information on OSU Online Boot Camp, please see the OSU Boot Camp Flyer

OSDE CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

Certified Trainer for CPI

Beginning with the incoming 2024-2025 school year districts requesting training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention With Advanced Physical Skills are encouraged to send an employee to become a Certified Trainer for CPI.  Once certified to become a trainer the said employee will be certified to train others in their place of employment. Beginning with the forthcoming school year OSDE will be transitioning to Verbal Interventions only and will not train individuals in the disengagements or restraints in CPI.  Please note the dates, locations, and the information for contacting the CPI Senior Territory Manager for Oklahoma below.

  • Associated costs to districts
    reimbursable through Project 615
  • Participants become certified to train
    others in their place of employment.

Location and Date:

  • Oklahoma City
    • August 20, 2024-August 22, 2024
    • December 10, 2024-December 12, 2024
  •  Tulsa
    • August 6, 2024-August 8, 2024
    • October 15, 2024-October 17, 2024
Who to Contact:

Jaime Schroeder, Schedule a Call Senior Territory Account Manager at CPI for Kansas, Oklahoma & Nebraska Crisis Prevention Institute 10850 W. Park Place, Suite 250 • Milwaukee, WI 53224 Direct 414.441.1750 • crisisprevention.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jaime-schroeder

Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development Opportunities

These professional development opportunities are sponsored by the Oklahoma State
Department of Education, Special Education Services, and the Oklahoma Autism Center.
This collaboration strives to provide a comprehensive support system for public school
educators, early intervention personnel, support staff, and/or pre-service educators.

Please see the Oklahoma Autism Center PD Opportunities flyer for more information. 

Oklahoma Autism Center Professional Development

The Oklahoma Autism Center is offering Professional Development Opportunities for 2024-2025.

Please see the OAC Professional Development Opportunities for more information.

Other News**NEW** Center on Transition Innovations

The Center on Transition Innovations (CTI) at Virginia Commonwealth University continues providing resources for each month’s focus, with August highlighting Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy!  They also offer free self-paced courses for families, professionals, and youth on Fundamentals of Transition PlanningWork-Based LearningGet Ready for CollegeGet Ready for Your Career, and Get Ready for Independent Living.Check out the resources for this month as they are introduced weekly.

Monthly Theme

The CTI theme for August 2024 is Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy.

Resources for August

This month, we are focusing on self-determination and self-advocacy. Cultivating these skills empowers students with disabilities to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, and advocate for their own needs. Understanding and fostering self-determination and self-advocacy is key to successful transitions in education, employment, and independent living.

Stay tuned for the following resources:


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 6, 2024 - Internal

Tue, 08/06/2024 - 5:00pm
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AnnouncementDirector Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas. Day One, Day Two (coming soon!)

**NEW** Guidance Brief for Private School Consultation

IDEA requires school districts to engage in timely and meaningful consultation with representatives of private schools and the parents of parentally placed private school students with disabilities. During the consultation process districts and private schools are required to discuss the provision of special education and related services for qualified students attending private schools within a district's boundaries. Following timely and meaningful consultation with the private schools, districts are required to complete an Affirmation of Consultation form.  

For more information, please see Private School Guidance Brief

Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Clarification regarding School-Based Medicaid Services

It has been brought to our attention that some misinformation has been shared recently about School-based Medicaid Services. School-based Medicaid Services can only be reimbursed for Medicaid-eligible students whose medical necessity is listed on their IEP. We are working with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to expand services beyond the IEP in the school setting sometime in 2025. Once the Medicaid expansion has been approved, OSDE, along with OHCA, will provide detailed requirements and guidance. We are excited to bring new opportunities for districts to support student services in the near future.  

For more information on "current" billing procedures and regulations visit the OHCA School-based Medicaid website. Feel free to reach out to Kellie Carter, Manager of School Nursing Programs with OSDE.

Type 1 Diabetes Parent/Guardian Informational Material

The Oklahoma Legislature has enacted a new law to be codified as Section 1210.196 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes. This law requires the State Department of Education, in coordination with other appropriate entities, to develop type 1 diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students. These materials must be made available to school districts and charter schools through the Department's website and must be provided to parents/guardians when a student is initially enrolled in school and when they enter 6th grade. The informational materials may include details on type 1 diabetes, risk factors, warning signs, the screening process, and recommendations for consulting with healthcare providers following a diagnosis. The law will become effective on July 1, 2024.

For more information, please see the OSDE Website: Type 1 Diabetes Information Material for Parents/Guardians.

Related Service Providers OSBTN

We are thrilled to announce the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, sponsored by OSDE-SES and the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a robust support system for Oklahoma's public-school Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Navigating the diverse needs of students in special education settings can be challenging, particularly for new therapists. Even seasoned professionals sometimes seek fresh perspectives on evidence-based interventions. Recognizing this, the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, in conjunction with the Tolbert Center, is dedicated to offering resources, training, and consultative services tailored to the unique demands of school-based therapists.

Starting August 2024, the Network will offer:

  • Continuing Education Opportunities: Earn CEUs conveniently designed for school-based OTs, PTs, and SLPs, addressing their specific learning needs.
  • Technical Support: Access virtual or in-person consultations to address individual challenges and queries.
  • Online Resource Library: Sharing a wealth of resources curated to enhance therapeutic practices in school settings.
  • Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars: Engage in free, informative sessions covering a range of pertinent topics.
  • First-Year School Therapist Training Series: Equip yourself with essential skills and insights tailored for new practitioners.

Empower yourself with knowledge, support, and community through the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network. Together, let's elevate our knowledge to better serve our students.

If you are beginning your first year providing school-based therapy servicesclick here for more information and to sign up for the free series.

We want to hear from you!  What topics would you like more information on?  What resources do you need?  What times are you most available for continuing education opportunities?  Click here for more information.

If you are interested in receiving the listserv that will be sent out for Related Service Providers, please fill out the form. For more details, please reach out to Michele DeBerry or Amber Davis.

data**NEW** WAVE Rollover Update

The WAVE is now online but will only receive your district data if your vendor is sending the new SIF version 2.7 with updated codes as defined in the published mapping document. SIS vendors are working to address WAVE errors. If you are not seeing data in WAVE beginning Wednesday afternoon, reach out to your vendor. There may be needed updates that you must schedule in order to send the updated codes to WAVE.

On the WAVE homepage, you can see the number of objects your vendor is sending. You should expect to at least 8 objects sending this week. This is the minimum number of objects needed to process STNs and get students to EdPlan. Your vendor knows which objects meet the minimum requirement.


You may also access the data validation wizard in WAVE and see any errors in data that have come into the WAVE.


Communicate with the SIS Administrator in your district as they should know how to work with the SIS vendor to get your data flowing.

FinanceFY25 Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

FY25 Project 613 List

OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.

Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

District FY24 CloseOuts

FY 24 Close Outs are now open.  Districts must perform a closeout for IDEA projects 618, 621, 623, 625, 641, 642. Projects 613, 615, 616, 619, 626, and 627 do not require a closeout. Closeouts must be completed online through the GMS and completed by September 1st. Closeouts cannot be performed until all submitted claims have been processed.  Please contact your finance specialist if assistance is needed. 

High Needs Memo

New memorandum regarding changes and updates to the application for High Needs, Tier I and Tier II.  Please contact your finance specialist for any assistance

Oklahoma AIM Pathways Kick-Off Alt DiplomaSecondary Technical Assistance

OSDE-SES is providing Transition Technical Assistance through a temporary, part-time Secondary Transition Program Specialist.  Assistance to schools/districts will be available through various formats to include e-mail, phone, virtual (via Microsoft Teams) and/or in-person.  Please use this link to complete a Transition Technical Assistance Request for your school/district regarding Secondary Transition topics, including the new Alternate Diploma and 18-22 Transition Programs.  For brief questions and/or more information about Transition Technical Assistance, please contact Claudia Beckner or Lori Chesnut

Trainings/Webinars**NEW** Early Childhood Data Digging – Registration now open!

Join us for a chance  to discuss early childhood data, as well as available tools & resources. This will be an ongoing group to discuss all topics related to early childhood data. This is an opportunity to ask any of your early childhood data questions. Please use this form to suggest questions or topics. In September, we will be discussing available tools and resources for analyzing ECO data.

Join us on September 19November 14January 9March 6, and May 8 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM. 

**NEW** OSDE Connect Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO)

Questions about completing Early Childhood Outcomes? Participants in this course will gain an understanding of the Early Childhood Outcomes process and how outcome data collection supports early special education programs in meeting the needs of students. This course covers ECO basics such as collecting ECO data, determining ratings, and accessing additional resources. Enroll here!

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025

The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OSDEConnect.  

The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.  

July and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes 

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • Navigating EDPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Classes:

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request


Class options: 

Vision Screening Provider Training- 


Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training)

From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition

Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.

Objectives for this training include:

  • To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
  • To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program. 
  • To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.

For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.

StaffingCPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

For additional information contact Jamie Schroeder at (414) 441-1750 

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our Annual Conference for Support Staff for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional DevelopmentFY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - August 1, 2024 - External

Thu, 08/01/2024 - 5:00pm
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Announcement**NEW** Behavior Central

Behavior Central will be available again for the 2024-25 school year! Utilizing graduate students in the UCO Behavior Analysis program, public school staff are provided with consultation that includes planning, training, and coaching to assist teachers with the process of functional behavior assessment and intervention design to address behavioral challenges.

For referral information contact Scott Singleton

**NEW** Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Summer 2024 EdPlan Updates

Please see the Summer 2024 EdPlan Updates for August. 

Therapeds We are TheraPeds

With over 25 years of experience in schools, we know firsthand the demands of working in the educational system and the need for qualified contract staff. We support schools & their special education teams by hiring qualified therapists and educators for in-person and virtual services.

We staff:

  • SLPs and SLPAs
  • OTs and COTAs
  • Social Workers
  • SPED Teachers
    DHH and ASL Teachers
  • Blind/VI Teachers
    and more

For more information please see the Therapeds Flyer and District Flyer.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) needs your assistance in recognizing districts that provide innovative and exemplary school psychological services in your state! NASP offers an Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. However, many districts are not yet aware of this recognition program or its benefits, which include: 

  • A structured self-evaluation tool, with objective feedback provided by peers 
  • A mechanism to raise the profile of school psychologists in the district 
  • A tool to advocate for more effective organizational structures and supports, and a comprehensive range of services 
  • Formal and public recognition that can be shared in the community and with other stakeholders 
  • Perks for the districts that participate and earn levels of distinction, such as complimentary NASP Convention registrations and online learning benefits. 

To date, only one district has been recognized in your state by the ESPS Program. Yet, we know there are many other districts in your state that are providing services worthy of distinction.

Would you please forward this message to your district special education administrators' listserv? As they are closing out and reflecting on the current school year and making plans for next fall, please encourage district special education administrators to consider promoting their school psychological services.

For additional information about the ESPS Program, please see the attached brochure or the NASP ESPS. You may also contact Leigh Ann Fisler, the co-chair of the NASP Practice Model Committee if you have questions.

Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) Need and Interest Survey

Please find the SHORT Need and Interest Survey regarding Education after High School for students with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities in Oklahoma. This survey has been developed in partnership with OKIPSE Alliance, Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and Sooner SUCCESS. Your responses are confidential and very much needed as we look at expanding Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) programs in our state. 

THANK YOU for your time. Your opinion will make a difference when planning new programs!

Trainings/Webinars**NEW** Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025 OSDE Connect Module

The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OKConnect.  

The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.  

**NEW** Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) Regional Training Opportunities

The Special Education Resolution Center (SERC) will be offering in-person regional training for Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue AND Facilitation Training.

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue is a two-day nationally recognized training that helps people have difficult conversations. The focus of the training is not just about communication – it’s about helping people get the results they want and need through their interactions with others.

Facilitation Training

Facilitation Training is a one-day training that provides an overview of facilitation to include facilitator qualities and skills, key functions of a facilitator, the facilitator’s role before, during, and after a meeting, and a toolbox of practical facilitator strategies and techniques to use during a meeting.

Information on how to register can be found on the SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage.

SERC Stakeholder Training Webpage 

August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes:

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the August EdPlan training with PCG. 

NRCP Saturday Mornings

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, and Interveners is proud to announce a new year of monthly, low-cost, 2-hour, professional development webinars!

Teacher and Paraeducator teams are encouraged to sign up together! New topics every month!! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm MDT! Discounts for multiple webinars and group rates are available!

Please see the Saturday Mornings with the NRCP for registration.  

**NEW** Director Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas. Day One, Day Two (coming soon!)

PECS Training

This intensive 13-hour interactive workshop is designed to teach the theory and protocol for the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), an evidence-based practice based on Applied Behavior Analysis, typical language development, and B.F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. Using presenter demonstrations, role-play opportunities, and video examples participants will gain a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of each of the six phases of PECS. Please join us September 12-13, 2024. 

For more information and registration, please see the PECS Level 1 Flyer.

StaffingSummer Workshops

We recognize the challenges districts face in meeting the demands of ongoing professional development. SNU Professional Services is here to help! 

For your convenience, you can register online and pay by card or purchase order for the following upcoming workshops: 

Back by POPULAR Demand

Assistive Technology and Grant Writing:

  • August 7th- Assistive Tech & Grant Writing - In Person - Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Door prizes- Dr. Gretchen Cole-Ladd - $115.00 

SNU Professional Services (P.S.) provides professionals the opportunity to grow and learn in their field!

Click to register today!

Micro-Credential for Special Education

This program at the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma focuses on foundational Special Education practices related to instructional strategies for students with autism and other exceptionalities, remaining compliant with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

For more information, please see USAO Boot Camp

OSU Special Education Boot Camp

The Oklahoma State University offers a 36-credit online master's degree in special education that focuses on working with children with mild/moderate disabilities in special education and general education classrooms. 

For more information on OSU Online Boot Camp, please see the OSU Boot Camp Flyer

OSDE CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

For additional information contact Jamie Schroeder at (414) 441-1750 

Certified Trainer for CPI

Beginning with the incoming 2024-2025 school year districts requesting training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention With Advanced Physical Skills are encouraged to send an employee to become a Certified Trainer for CPI.  Once certified to become a trainer the said employee will be certified to train others in their place of employment. Beginning with the forthcoming school year OSDE will be transitioning to Verbal Interventions only and will not train individuals in the disengagements or restraints in CPI.  Please note the dates, locations, and the information for contacting the CPI Senior Territory Manager for Oklahoma below.

  • Associated costs to districts
    reimbursable through Project 615
  • Participants become certified to train
    others in their place of employment.

Location and Date:

  • Oklahoma City
    • August 20, 2024-August 22, 2024
    • December 10, 2024-December 12, 2024
  •  Tulsa
    • August 6, 2024-August 8, 2024
    • October 15, 2024-October 17, 2024
Who to Contact:

Jaime Schroeder, Schedule a Call Senior Territory Account Manager at CPI for Kansas, Oklahoma & Nebraska Crisis Prevention Institute 10850 W. Park Place, Suite 250 • Milwaukee, WI 53224 Direct 414.441.1750 • crisisprevention.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jaime-schroeder

Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development Opportunities

These professional development opportunities are sponsored by the Oklahoma State
Department of Education, Special Education Services, and the Oklahoma Autism Center.
This collaboration strives to provide a comprehensive support system for public school
educators, early intervention personnel, support staff, and/or pre-service educators.

Please see the Oklahoma Autism Center PD Opportunities flyer for more information. 

Oklahoma Autism Center Professional Development

The Oklahoma Autism Center is offering Professional Development Opportunities for 2024-2025.

Please see the OAC Professional Development Opportunities for more information.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

Oklahoma ABLE Tech - Vol. 2, Issue 7

Wed, 07/31/2024 - 5:00pm
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ABLE Tech Banner
Assistive Technology (AT) Highlights

It’s officially back-to-school season! This month, our AT Specialist has selected a range of devices that are perfect for students of all ages to use in and out of the classroom.

  • Weighted Whiteboard – The weighted bean bottom of the whiteboard is helpful for kids with sensory needs. The added weight may help students remember to stay in their seats as they practice their work. After an active summer, having to reacclimate to classroom rules can be hard. Students can write directly on the whiteboard and use the space to work out math problems, or they can place their worksheet on the lap pad and use the whiteboard as an alternate writing surface. 
  • Boogie Board – This reusable writing tool does not require power. You can erase the board easily, and lock it to prevent accidental erasing. The Boogie Board can be used with one of the included templates, such as graphing or lined paper, or you can insert your own into the device. Some models allow you to capture your work using the Blackboard app. We have multiple sizes and flashcards available.
  • MX Keys Mini Wireless Keyboard – This Bluetooth-powered mini wireless keyboard can connect to a laptop, desk monitor, or iPad. The keys have indents on them for added comfort and are backlit with automatically adjusting lighting. 
  • Casa Desk Pop Up Kit – This foldaway desk kit comes with a laptop stand, keyboard, and large touchpad. It also has Bluetooth compatibility and can be used with Windows, MacOS, iPadOS, and ChromeOS. Using the stand to raise the laptop’s height can encourage better posture and is ergonomic. Perfect for going to and from a classroom, dorm, or the library!
Resources for Schools

As we prepare for the new school year, we want to remind you about Oklahoma ABLE Tech’s helpful resources for teachers, administrators, and service providers working with school-aged children.

If you have questions or need help, contact Dr. Joshua Hawkins.

SoonerStart Success Story Recognition Awards

The Oklahoma State Department of Education and the Oklahoma Department of Health partner to provide the SoonerStart Early Intervention Program. Oklahoma ABLE Tech partners with SoonerStart to provide assistive technology (AT) to infants and toddlers, ages birth to three, with disabilities. Oklahoma ABLE Tech provides AT to SoonerStart teams through assessment kits. SoonerStart uses these kits when working with families. The goal is to increase access to and acquisition of AT that may benefit children with disabilities in the SoonerStart program.

SoonerStart Success Story Payne County Success Story

James receives SoonerStart services in Payne County (District 3). After a device demonstration from Deanna Cook, James’ SoonerStart provider, James and his caregiver trialed a Chewy Tube. Chewy Tubes and Chewlery are oral motor devices that provide sensory input and emotional regulation. 

Before using a chewy necklace, James frequently bit himself and his caregiver when he was frustrated, causing marks, broken skin, and sometimes bleeding. Since using his chewy necklace, James does not harm himself or others. He now has a tool that helps him achieve self-regulation quickly and safely. 

The team’s goal is to continue to support James in his communication development and sensory regulation to decrease the frequency of frustration. The success of the Chewy Tube demonstration prompted James’ caregivers to purchase Chewlery for everyday use. 

Fourth Quarter and Annual Team Winners

The District 11 SoonerStart team (Oklahoma County) is the Fourth Quarter Recognition Award winner! They will receive $650 in new AT for their AT demonstration kit.

The District 3 SoonerStart team (Kay, Osage, Noble, Pawnee, Payne, Creek, and Lincoln Counties) is the Annual Recognition Award winner! They will be awarded $1,000 in new AT for their demonstration kit.

To learn more about SoonerStart and AT for Early Intervention, visit our collaboration webpage

Device Loan Requests Open for Fall 2024

The Device Loan Program is ready for you to submit device loan requests for the school year. Please submit your device loan requests and indicate in the notes section if you would like us to wait until a specific date to send out the device once school has started. While we cannot guarantee the device will be available on the date provided due to waitlists, we will do our best to have the device sent to you by the requested date. Here are a few reminders regarding short-term loan requests:

  • If you are requesting for a minor, please do not put their name on the account or application. An adult’s name is required on the account and application.
  • The person applying is responsible and liable for the device. Ensure that the items are returned by their due date.
  • Please keep the shipping materials and papers sent with the device loan to return the device(s) to ABLE Tech by the due date. We include a return shipping label in the box for you to use.
  • If the device you want to request shows 0 available, all those items are currently out on loan. Please continue to submit a loan request, and you will be added to the waitlist.
  • If you are requesting an iPad, please list the names of the apps you want in the notes section of the application.
  • If you are requesting an iPad or a communication device with a keyguard, please specify the keyguard details in the notes section (i.e., app(s)/language system(s) and grid size).
  • Typically, only one high-tech communication device is sent at a time due to device cost and longer waitlists. You can submit a request for up to three items at one time. We will put you on the waitlist for the other high-tech communication device requested.
  • You may be contacted for more information regarding the loan request, so please answer calls and emails promptly. Not doing so may result in your request being cancelled.

If you have questions regarding the Short-Term Loan Program, please check our program webpage or contact the Short-Term Loan Program at [email protected] or via phone at 405-744-8342.

SERC Update – Chevron Doctrine Overturned

In June 2024, the Supreme Court overturned a past decision known as the Chevron doctrine, which allowed federal agencies to interpret the laws they administer. Most of the time, federal regulations mirror what the statutes (laws) state; however, in some cases, the regulations go beyond the statutes. This recent ruling may have an impact on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in that the federal regulations have historically been what is followed in special education case law, rather than the statutes. Now, it is unclear how far the federal agencies may go in interpreting the meaning of the statutes. At this time, it is uncertain how this may ultimately impact certain provisions in the IDEA where the regulations go beyond the statutes. To learn more, take a look at the SCOTUS blog for additional context.

SERC’s mission is to help school districts and parents resolve disputes at the earliest stage possible. Learn more on the SERC website

Alternate Financing Activities – Success Story

Carrie needed a blood pressure monitor to accurately measure her daily blood pressure per her doctor’s orders. With the help of the funds donated by the Oklahoma Assistive Technology Foundation (OkAT) from the Oklahoma City Community Foundation (OCCF) and its Access to Healthcare iFund grant program, the Oklahoma ABLE Tech Reutilization Program was able to provide Carrie with needed equipment. Carrie wrote, “I am grateful for your assistance with the blood pressure cuff and helping to prolong my life.”

Are you looking for ways to find funding to purchase assistive technology or DME? Reach out to Natalie Rohwer, the Financial Loan Program Manager, and her team for financial loans and other statewide resources.

ORC Update – Oklahoma Transition Institute

The Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council (ORC) would like to announce that the 2024 Oklahoma Transition Institute (OTI) is set for November 6-7, 2024, in Oklahoma City, OK. The Oklahoma Transition Council (OTC) is seeking presenters for the event and encourages the submission of proposals from professionals and advocates who wish to share knowledge and strategies for improving the transition process for youth with disabilities.

The OTI will cover a variety of topics critical to successful transitions, including:

  • Opportunity Gaps and Barriers
  • Competitive Integrated Employment
  • Family and Youth Engagement
  • Interagency Collaboration and Transition Planning
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Independent Living

The OTC encourages proposals that provide innovative approaches, evidence-based practices, and collaborative solutions to these critical areas. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to meaningful discussions and share your expertise with a dedicated audience.

Proposal submission guidelines are listed in the OTI Call for Presenters on Google Forms.

If you are interested in presenting a topic in a workshop setting as part of this conference, please submit your proposal by 11:59 PM CT on August 31, 2024.

For more information, please contact Yolanda Scott at [email protected]. We look forward to receiving your proposals and thank you for your commitment to enhancing transition outcomes for youth with disabilities.

ORC’s mission is to facilitate consumer education and empowerment, to assure services are of high quality and lead to the employment of individuals with disabilities within Oklahoma. To learn more about ORC, visit their website

Open Position: Program Manager

Oklahoma ABLE Tech is looking for a talented individual to join our team as the Program Manager for Assistive Technology in Education.

The Program Manager will oversee the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) contract, assist consumers via phone/email, participate in public events, and conduct Oklahoma ABLE Tech training events. They will collaborate with stakeholders, ensure accurate data collection per the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), support assistive technology acquisition, manage accessible educational materials, and coordinate state-wide disability transition efforts.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Education, Special Education, or related field. 
  • Four years of experience in the field of disabilities and/or assistive technology and/or related services.
  • Driver’s License
  • Directly related work experience, including experience working with statewide advisory groups or commissions.
Preferred Qualifications:
  • Master’s degree in Education, Special Education, Occupational, Physical, and/or Speech Therapy.
  • Seven years of experience in the field of disabilities and assistive technology and related service.
  • Two years of supervisory experience.

See the whole Program Manager job listing and apply on the OSU jobs site.

Oklahoma ABLE Tech Oklahoma State University 1514 W. Hall of Fame Stillwater, OK 74078 Phone: 800.257.1705 Email: [email protected]

Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-3503
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - July 30, 2024 - Internal

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 5:00pm
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Announcement**NEW** Director Summit 2024

OSDE-Office of Special Education Services is offering a two-day Directors' Summit. The 2-day Directors' Summit will be in-person, offered at six different regional locations across Oklahoma during the first two weeks in September. 

Day One: The first day aims to build the knowledge of the "new" 2024 amendments to the Oklahoma Special Education Policies and Procedures.

Day Two: The second day aims to provide updates to the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requirements for monitoring and compliance, and targeted guidance regarding common compliance errors in Oklahoma.

Register for the two day event! 

All sessions will start at 8:30 AM

For more information, please see the Agendas. Day One, Day Two (coming soon!)

**NEW** Special Education Instructional Coaching for Early Career Educators NEW! Opportunity!

The State Personnel Development Grant is seeking applicants for the SPARK initiative. This opportunity is for early career special education teachers who are defined as working in special education for 5 years or less. Educators who apply should carefully read the application in full. Those selected will be expected to fully participate in 20 hours of professional development and complete a minimum of two instructional coaching cycles. The program is anticipated to take the entire 2024-2025 school year to complete. Participants who complete the program in full will receive a $2,000 stipend. 

For access to the application, please see attached application. For a direct link to the application form, please click here.

Questions? Reach out to Alexa Hudak or Wendy Hardwick

Clarification regarding School-Based Medicaid Services

It has been brought to our attention that some misinformation has been shared recently about School-based Medicaid Services. School-based Medicaid Services can only be reimbursed for Medicaid-eligible students whose medical necessity is listed on their IEP. We are working with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to expand services beyond the IEP in the school setting sometime in 2025. Once the Medicaid expansion has been approved, OSDE, along with OHCA, will provide detailed requirements and guidance. We are excited to bring new opportunities for districts to support student services in the near future.  

For more information on "current" billing procedures and regulations visit the OHCA School-based Medicaid website. Feel free to reach out to Kellie Carter, Manager of School Nursing Programs with OSDE.

Type 1 Diabetes Parent/Guardian Informational Material

The Oklahoma Legislature has enacted a new law to be codified as Section 1210.196 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes. This law requires the State Department of Education, in coordination with other appropriate entities, to develop type 1 diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students. These materials must be made available to school districts and charter schools through the Department's website and must be provided to parents/guardians when a student is initially enrolled in school and when they enter 6th grade. The informational materials may include details on type 1 diabetes, risk factors, warning signs, the screening process, and recommendations for consulting with healthcare providers following a diagnosis. The law will become effective on July 1, 2024.

For more information, please see the OSDE Website: Type 1 Diabetes Information Material for Parents/Guardians.

Related Service Providers OSBTN

We are thrilled to announce the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, sponsored by OSDE-SES and the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a robust support system for Oklahoma's public-school Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Navigating the diverse needs of students in special education settings can be challenging, particularly for new therapists. Even seasoned professionals sometimes seek fresh perspectives on evidence-based interventions. Recognizing this, the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, in conjunction with the Tolbert Center, is dedicated to offering resources, training, and consultative services tailored to the unique demands of school-based therapists.

Starting August 2024, the Network will offer:

  • Continuing Education Opportunities: Earn CEUs conveniently designed for school-based OTs, PTs, and SLPs, addressing their specific learning needs.
  • Technical Support: Access virtual or in-person consultations to address individual challenges and queries.
  • Online Resource Library: Sharing a wealth of resources curated to enhance therapeutic practices in school settings.
  • Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars: Engage in free, informative sessions covering a range of pertinent topics.
  • First-Year School Therapist Training Series: Equip yourself with essential skills and insights tailored for new practitioners.

Empower yourself with knowledge, support, and community through the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network. Together, let's elevate our knowledge to better serve our students.

If you are beginning your first year providing school-based therapy servicesclick here for more information and to sign up for the free series.

We want to hear from you!  What topics would you like more information on?  What resources do you need?  What times are you most available for continuing education opportunities?  Click here for more information.

If you are interested in receiving the listserv that will be sent out for Related Service Providers, please fill out the form. For more details, please reach out to Michele DeBerry or Amber Davis.

FinanceFY25 Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

FY25 Project 613 List

OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.

Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

District FY24 CloseOuts

FY 24 Close Outs are now open.  Districts must perform a closeout for IDEA projects 618, 621, 623, 625, 641, 642. Projects 613, 615, 616, 619, 626, and 627 do not require a closeout. Closeouts must be completed online through the GMS and completed by September 1st. Closeouts cannot be performed until all submitted claims have been processed.  Please contact your finance specialist if assistance is needed. 

High Needs Memo

New memorandum regarding changes and updates to the application for High Needs, Tier I and Tier II.  Please contact your finance specialist for any assistance

Alt DiplomaSecondary Technical Assistance

OSDE-SES is providing Transition Technical Assistance through a temporary, part-time Secondary Transition Program Specialist.  Assistance to schools/districts will be available through various formats to include e-mail, phone, virtual (via Microsoft Teams) and/or in-person.  Please use this link to complete a Transition Technical Assistance Request for your school/district regarding Secondary Transition topics, including the new Alternate Diploma and 18-22 Transition Programs.  For brief questions and/or more information about Transition Technical Assistance, please contact Claudia Beckner or Lori Chesnut

Trainings/Webinars**NEW** Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness

Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Awareness 2024-2025 OSDE Connect Module

The OSDE has developed a module that meets the requirements listed in state statute. The Dyslexia Awareness course can be accessed on OKConnect.  

The course contains “required” components to receive a certificate of completion, but there are several additional sections that are optional, if you or any of your staff want a deeper dive or just to save for resources later.  

This module will go live on August 1, 2024.
July and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes 

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • Navigating EDPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

Oklahoma AIM Pathways Kick-Off

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), Office of Special Education Services (SES) has partnered with the AIM Institute for Learning & Research to provide a course for educators to earn an “AIM Pathways to Proficient Reading Dyslexia Focus” micro-credential badge accredited by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). We are also offering a general track containing the same content as the micro-credential. However, the general track will not result in a micro-credential badge. The general track does not require assignments with the rigor similar to a college course as the micro-credential track. 

Prior to applying for this course paid by OSDE, there will be an in-person meeting on August 7, 2024, to explain the difference between the “general” track and the “micro-credential” track. We will hold 4 sessions, make sure to register for only 1 of the sessions

At the end of each session, participants will make the determination to apply for either the “general” track or the “micro-credential” track through an online process.  Please bring a device to complete this application.

Each applicant must be employed with a public school district and provide a letter on school letterhead from an administrator indicating employment for the 2024-2025 school year. As applications are reviewed and selected, priority will be given to individuals currently teaching in the area of reading.  For example, priority will be given to positions such as special education teachers, Title I reading teachers, reading specialists/interventionists, speech-language pathologists, and lower elementary general education teachers, etc. There will be a limited number of individuals selected to enroll in these courses due to limited funds.  Completion of the micro-credential course, including submitting all course assignments on time, the individual will receive a $2,000 stipend. The general track will not receive a stipend, but the course will be paid by OSDE.

Please register as soon as possible since there is limited space available. For more information, please see the attached flyer

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Classes:

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request

Live Class Options-

Vision Screening Provider Training- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training) - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition

Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.

Objectives for this training include:

  • To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
  • To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program. 
  • To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.

For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.

StaffingCPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

For additional information contact Jamie Schroeder at (414) 441-1750 

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our Annual Conference for Support Staff for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional DevelopmentFY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - July 25, 2024 - External

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 5:00pm
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Announcement**NEW** Summer 2024 EdPlan Updates

Please see the Summer 2024 EdPlan Updates for August. 

School-based Medicaid Services Survey

Please share with organizations or persons in the school, community, parents/guardians, organizations that support schools, etc. (Really anyone breathing and over 18!!)

The Oklahoma State Department of Oklahoma (OSDE) and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) are conducting needs assessment surveys to gather feedback from medical providers, school districts, parents/guardians, schools, and community members about the program. The goal is to understand its current landscape, challenges, awareness levels, and impact on student health and well-being. This data will help identify areas for improvement and ensure the program meets everyone's needs.

By participating in these surveys, you provide crucial insights that will guide enhancements to the School-based Medicaid program. Your feedback is essential in refining the program to better support student health services, streamline administrative processes, and strengthen community engagement. We value your input and are committed to using this information to drive positive change. Survey ends on 7/30/2024.

School-based Medicaid Survey

A school-based Medicaid reimbursement program enables schools to receive federal funds for health services provided to eligible students. This program covers services like health screenings, mental health counseling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy within schools, aiming to improve students' health and academic performance.

Email Kellie Carter, Program Manager for School Health at the Oklahoma State Department of Education, for questions, comments, or concerns. 

* School-based Medicaid Services are currently pursuant to an Individual Education Plan (IEP) in the state of Oklahoma.*

**School-based Medicaid services do not limit access to health services in the community; instead, they complement community health resources by providing additional care and support to eligible students directly within the school environment. This ensures that children can receive necessary medical attention without having to leave school, enhancing overall access to healthcare.**

This survey is supported by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling 2.5 million dollars with 100 percent funded by CMS/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CMS/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

Therapeds We are TheraPeds

With over 25 years of experience in schools, we know firsthand the demands of working in the educational system and the need for qualified contract staff. We support schools & their special education teams by hiring qualified therapists and educators for in-person and virtual services.

We staff:

  • SLPs and SLPAs
  • OTs and COTAs
  • Social Workers
  • SPED Teachers
    DHH and ASL Teachers
  • Blind/VI Teachers
    and more

For more information please see the Therapeds Flyer and District Flyer.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) needs your assistance in recognizing districts that provide innovative and exemplary school psychological services in your state! NASP offers an Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. However, many districts are not yet aware of this recognition program or its benefits, which include: 

  • A structured self-evaluation tool, with objective feedback provided by peers 
  • A mechanism to raise the profile of school psychologists in the district 
  • A tool to advocate for more effective organizational structures and supports, and a comprehensive range of services 
  • Formal and public recognition that can be shared in the community and with other stakeholders 
  • Perks for the districts that participate and earn levels of distinction, such as complimentary NASP Convention registrations and online learning benefits. 

To date, only one district has been recognized in your state by the ESPS Program. Yet, we know there are many other districts in your state that are providing services worthy of distinction.

Would you please forward this message to your district special education administrators' listserv? As they are closing out and reflecting on the current school year and making plans for next fall, please encourage district special education administrators to consider promoting their school psychological services.

For additional information about the ESPS Program, please see the attached brochure or the NASP ESPS. You may also contact Leigh Ann Fisler, the co-chair of the NASP Practice Model Committee if you have questions.

Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) Need and Interest Survey

Please find the SHORT Need and Interest Survey regarding Education after High School for students with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities in Oklahoma. This survey has been developed in partnership with OKIPSE Alliance, Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and Sooner SUCCESS. Your responses are confidential and very much needed as we look at expanding Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) programs in our state. 

THANK YOU for your time. Your opinion will make a difference when planning new programs!

Finance**NEW** Project 619

FY25 allocations for project 619 are now available.  Those funds are issued to targeted districts for the purpose of developing or improving an OKMTSS framework using an evidence-based academic and/or behavior continuum of interventions through tiered support.  The application can be found on your GMS Access Select page within the GMS.  For assistance contact your special education specialist. 

FY25 Project 613 List

OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.

Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Trainings/WebinarsJuly and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes:

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

**UPDATED** NRCP Saturday Mornings

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, and Interveners is proud to announce a new year of monthly, low-cost, 2-hour, professional development webinars!

Teacher and Paraeducator teams are encouraged to sign up together! New topics every month!! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm MDT! Discounts for multiple webinars and group rates are available!

Please see the Saturday Mornings with the NRCP for registration.  

Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families

Check out the Oklahoma Parent Center for a Zoom series to learn about "Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families."

This is a "4 part series training" so you don't want to miss the remaining session!

Participants will learn:

  • July 30th...Key Resources & Skills To Ensure Career Planning Success

Register Ahead Of Time! For more information please see the Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families Flyer

PECS Training

This intensive 13-hour interactive workshop is designed to teach the theory and protocol for the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), an evidence-based practice based on Applied Behavior Analysis, typical language development, and B.F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. Using presenter demonstrations, role-play opportunities, and video examples participants will gain a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of each of the six phases of PECS. Please join us September 12-13, 2024. 

For more information and registration, please see the PECS Level 1 Flyer.

Staffing**NEW** PPAT Workshop

A two-day hands-on workshop to walk your Alt. Certified teachers through the PPAT process. Teachers will learn how to organize and prepare for PPAT. Each participant will leave the workshop with some portions of the PPAT completed, a plan for
how to complete each task and access to a SNU community website with resources. Participants will be prepared and confident to sign up for the PPAT knowing they
are ready for the challenge.

Join us on July 26-27, 2024. For registration or more information, please see the SNU Professional Services Flyer. 

**NEW** Summer Workshops and Bootcamp

We recognize the challenges districts face in meeting the demands of ongoing professional development. SNU Professional Services is here to help! 

For your convenience, you can register online and pay by card or purchase order for the following upcoming workshops: 

Back by POPULAR Demand

Special Ed and Afraid (Two-Day) Workshop:

  • August 1st and 2nd 8:30-3:30- Special Ed and Afraid - Bethany, OK - Limited seating - Dr. Lynette Thompson  - $225.00 - Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Door prizes

PPAT Hands-on Workshop:

  • July 31st - PPAT Workshop - ZOOM Only - Brett Bradley - $99.00

  • August 1st - PPAT Workshop - In Person - Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Door prizes- Brett Bradley - $115.00 

Assistive Technology and Grant Writing:

  • August 7th- Assistive Tech & Grant Writing - In Person - Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Door prizes- Dr. Gretchen Cole-Ladd - $115.00 

SNU Professional Services (P.S.) provides professionals the opportunity to grow and learn in their field!

Click to register today!

Micro-Credential for Special Education

This program at the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma focuses on foundational Special Education practices related to instructional strategies for students with autism and other exceptionalities, remaining compliant with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

For more information, please see USAO Boot Camp

OSU Special Education Boot Camp

The Oklahoma State University offers a 36-credit online master's degree in special education that focuses on working with children with mild/moderate disabilities in special education and general education classrooms. 

For more information on OSU Online Boot Camp, please see the OSU Boot Camp Flyer

OSDE CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

For additional information contact Jamie Schroeder at (414) 441-1750 

Paraprofessional Training – Fall 2024

The Oklahoma State Department of Education – Office of Special Education Services in collaboration with Dr. Kaylin Coody, will host a series of Paraprofessional training this Fall.

Designed for those wanting to obtain the Tier 2 Paraprofessional Certificate, the training provides an overview of classroom behavior strategies, legal aspects of special education, and data collection.

The training is divided into two locations. With each location having a Part I and Part II.

There is no cost associated with the training. If participants cannot attend and do not cancel within 4 days prior to the training, the district will be responsible for the cost associated with the participant(s), approximately $100 each.

Enrollment is limited to 50 participants.

Registration for the

Questions about the training, or for those requiring interpreting services, can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Certified Trainer for CPI

Beginning with the incoming 2024-2025 school year districts requesting training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention With Advanced Physical Skills are encouraged to send an employee to become a Certified Trainer for CPI.  Once certified to become a trainer the said employee will be certified to train others in their place of employment. Beginning with the forthcoming school year OSDE will be transitioning to Verbal Interventions only and will not train individuals in the disengagements or restraints in CPI.  Please note the dates, locations, and the information for contacting the CPI Senior Territory Manager for Oklahoma below.

  • Associated costs to districts
    reimbursable through Project 615
  • Participants become certified to train
    others in their place of employment.

Location and Date:

  • Oklahoma City
    • August 20, 2024-August 22, 2024
    • December 10, 2024-December 12, 2024
  •  Tulsa
    • August 6, 2024-August 8, 2024
    • October 15, 2024-October 17, 2024
Who to Contact:

Jaime Schroeder, Schedule a Call Senior Territory Account Manager at CPI for Kansas, Oklahoma & Nebraska Crisis Prevention Institute 10850 W. Park Place, Suite 250 • Milwaukee, WI 53224 Direct 414.441.1750 • crisisprevention.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jaime-schroeder

Professional Development**NEW** Professional Development Opportunities

These professional development opportunities are sponsored by the Oklahoma State
Department of Education, Special Education Services, and the Oklahoma Autism Center.
This collaboration strives to provide a comprehensive support system for public school
educators, early intervention personnel, support staff, and/or pre-service educators.

Please see the Oklahoma Autism Center PD Opportunities flyer for more information. 

Oklahoma Autism Center Professional Development

The Oklahoma Autism Center is offering Professional Development Opportunities for 2024-2025.

Please see the OAC Professional Development Opportunities for more information.

Other NewsCenter on Transition Innovations

The Center on Transition Innovations at Virginia Commonwealth University continues providing resources for each month’s focus, with June spotlighting Independent Living!  CTI says “Summer is the best time to dive in and take steps toward independence and success without stressful deadlines! This month, we're focusing on empowering students with the skills they need to live independently.” Check out this month’s Resources for July on the theme of Community Engagement. They also offer free self-paced courses for families, professionals, and youth:

Monthly Theme

Our theme for July 2024 is Community Engagement.

Resources for July

Summer is a time when so many students are out and about with their families. That’s why, this month, we're focusing on the vital role of community involvement in supporting students with disabilities. Engaging in community activities helps build social skills, independence, and a sense of belonging. 
Stay tuned for the following resources:


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - July 23, 2024 - Internal

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 5:00pm
Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.
AnnouncementClarification regarding School-Based Medicaid Services

It has been brought to our attention that some misinformation has been shared recently about School-based Medicaid Services. School-based Medicaid Services can only be reimbursed for Medicaid-eligible students whose medical necessity is listed on their IEP. We are working with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to expand services beyond the IEP in the school setting sometime in 2025. Once the Medicaid expansion has been approved, OSDE, along with OHCA, will provide detailed requirements and guidance. We are excited to bring new opportunities for districts to support student services in the near future.  

For more information on "current" billing procedures and regulations visit the OHCA School-based Medicaid website. Feel free to reach out to Kellie Carter, Manager of School Nursing Programs with OSDE.

Type 1 Diabetes Parent/Guardian Informational Material

The Oklahoma Legislature has enacted a new law to be codified as Section 1210.196 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes. This law requires the State Department of Education, in coordination with other appropriate entities, to develop type 1 diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students. These materials must be made available to school districts and charter schools through the Department's website and must be provided to parents/guardians when a student is initially enrolled in school and when they enter 6th grade. The informational materials may include details on type 1 diabetes, risk factors, warning signs, the screening process, and recommendations for consulting with healthcare providers following a diagnosis. The law will become effective on July 1, 2024.

For more information, please see the OSDE Website: Type 1 Diabetes Information Material for Parents/Guardians.

Related Service Providers OSBTN

We are thrilled to announce the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, sponsored by OSDE-SES and the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a robust support system for Oklahoma's public-school Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Navigating the diverse needs of students in special education settings can be challenging, particularly for new therapists. Even seasoned professionals sometimes seek fresh perspectives on evidence-based interventions. Recognizing this, the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, in conjunction with the Tolbert Center, is dedicated to offering resources, training, and consultative services tailored to the unique demands of school-based therapists.

Starting August 2024, the Network will offer:

  • Continuing Education Opportunities: Earn CEUs conveniently designed for school-based OTs, PTs, and SLPs, addressing their specific learning needs.
  • Technical Support: Access virtual or in-person consultations to address individual challenges and queries.
  • Online Resource Library: Sharing a wealth of resources curated to enhance therapeutic practices in school settings.
  • Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars: Engage in free, informative sessions covering a range of pertinent topics.
  • First-Year School Therapist Training Series: Equip yourself with essential skills and insights tailored for new practitioners.

Empower yourself with knowledge, support, and community through the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network. Together, let's elevate our knowledge to better serve our students.

If you are beginning your first year providing school-based therapy servicesclick here for more information and to sign up for the free series.

We want to hear from you!  What topics would you like more information on?  What resources do you need?  What times are you most available for continuing education opportunities?  Click here for more information.

If you are interested in receiving the listserv that will be sent out for Related Service Providers, please fill out the form. For more details, please reach out to Michele DeBerry or Amber Davis.

FinanceFY25 Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

FY25 Project 613 List

OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.

Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

District FY24 CloseOuts

FY 24 Close Outs are now open.  Districts must perform a closeout for IDEA projects 618, 621, 623, 625, 641, 642. Projects 613, 615, 616, 619, 626, and 627 do not require a closeout. Closeouts must be completed online through the GMS and completed by September 1st. Closeouts cannot be performed until all submitted claims have been processed.  Please contact your finance specialist if assistance is needed. 

High Needs Memo

New memorandum regarding changes and updates to the application for High Needs, Tier I and Tier II.  Please contact your finance specialist for any assistance

Alt DiplomaSecondary Technical Assistance

OSDE-SES is providing Transition Technical Assistance through a temporary, part-time Secondary Transition Program Specialist.  Assistance to schools/districts will be available through various formats to include e-mail, phone, virtual (via Microsoft Teams) and/or in-person.  Please use this link to complete a Transition Technical Assistance Request for your school/district regarding Secondary Transition topics, including the new Alternate Diploma and 18-22 Transition Programs.  For brief questions and/or more information about Transition Technical Assistance, please contact Claudia Beckner or Lori Chesnut

Trainings/WebinarsJuly and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes 

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • Navigating EDPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

Oklahoma AIM Pathways Kick-Off

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), Office of Special Education Services (SES) has partnered with the AIM Institute for Learning & Research to provide a course for educators to earn an “AIM Pathways to Proficient Reading Dyslexia Focus” micro-credential badge accredited by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). We are also offering a general track containing the same content as the micro-credential. However, the general track will not result in a micro-credential badge. The general track does not require assignments with the rigor similar to a college course as the micro-credential track. 

Prior to applying for this course paid by OSDE, there will be an in-person meeting on August 7, 2024, to explain the difference between the “general” track and the “micro-credential” track. We will hold 4 sessions, make sure to register for only 1 of the sessions

At the end of each session, participants will make the determination to apply for either the “general” track or the “micro-credential” track through an online process.  Please bring a device to complete this application.

Each applicant must be employed with a public school district and provide a letter on school letterhead from an administrator indicating employment for the 2024-2025 school year. As applications are reviewed and selected, priority will be given to individuals currently teaching in the area of reading.  For example, priority will be given to positions such as special education teachers, Title I reading teachers, reading specialists/interventionists, speech-language pathologists, and lower elementary general education teachers, etc. There will be a limited number of individuals selected to enroll in these courses due to limited funds.  Completion of the micro-credential course, including submitting all course assignments on time, the individual will receive a $2,000 stipend. The general track will not receive a stipend, but the course will be paid by OSDE.

Please register as soon as possible since there is limited space available. For more information, please see the attached flyer

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Classes:

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request

Live Class Options-

Vision Screening Provider Training- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training) - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

**NEW** From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition

Join SoonerStart and OSDE this fall to discuss early childhood transition from SoonerStart to the LEA. Choose from one of 5 locations (OKC, Tulsa, McAlester, Enid, or Lawton) and meet your transition partners to discuss policies, practices, guidance and resources to ensure a ‘smooth and effective transition’.

Objectives for this training include:

  • To provide SoonerStart, LEA personnel and other community agencies/programs with the knowledge of requirements under IDEA Part B and C regarding transition.
  • To offer SoonerStart and LEA personnel the opportunity to get real time technical assistance regarding guidance from the Office of Special Education Program. 
  • To foster relationships between SoonerStart, LEAs and other community agencies/programs that serve our families.

For more information and to register, please see From Part C to Part B: Early Childhood Transition Flyer.

StaffingCPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

For additional information contact Jamie Schroeder at (414) 441-1750 

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our Annual Conference for Support Staff for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional DevelopmentFY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - July 18, 2024 - External

Thu, 07/18/2024 - 5:00pm
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Announcement**NEW** School-based Medicaid Services Survey

Please share with organizations or persons in the school, community, parents/guardians, organizations that support schools, etc. (Really anyone breathing and over 18!!)

The Oklahoma State Department of Oklahoma (OSDE) and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) are conducting needs assessment surveys to gather feedback from medical providers, school districts, parents/guardians, schools, and community members about the program. The goal is to understand its current landscape, challenges, awareness levels, and impact on student health and well-being. This data will help identify areas for improvement and ensure the program meets everyone's needs.

By participating in these surveys, you provide crucial insights that will guide enhancements to the School-based Medicaid program. Your feedback is essential in refining the program to better support student health services, streamline administrative processes, and strengthen community engagement. We value your input and are committed to using this information to drive positive change. Survey ends on 7/30/2024.

School-based Medicaid Survey

A school-based Medicaid reimbursement program enables schools to receive federal funds for health services provided to eligible students. This program covers services like health screenings, mental health counseling, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy within schools, aiming to improve students' health and academic performance.

Email Kellie Carter, Program Manager for School Health at the Oklahoma State Department of Education, for questions, comments, or concerns. 

* School-based Medicaid Services are currently pursuant to an Individual Education Plan (IEP) in the state of Oklahoma.*

**School-based Medicaid services do not limit access to health services in the community; instead, they complement community health resources by providing additional care and support to eligible students directly within the school environment. This ensures that children can receive necessary medical attention without having to leave school, enhancing overall access to healthcare.**

This survey is supported by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling 2.5 million dollars with 100 percent funded by CMS/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CMS/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

**NEW** Therapeds We are TheraPeds

With over 25 years of experience in schools, we know firsthand the demands of working in the educational system and the need for qualified contract staff. We support schools & their special education teams by hiring qualified therapists and educators for in-person and virtual services.

We staff:

  • SLPs and SLPAs
  • OTs and COTAs
  • Social Workers
  • SPED Teachers
    DHH and ASL Teachers
  • Blind/VI Teachers
    and more

For more information please see the Therapeds Flyer and District Flyer.

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) needs your assistance in recognizing districts that provide innovative and exemplary school psychological services in your state! NASP offers an Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. However, many districts are not yet aware of this recognition program or its benefits, which include: 

  • A structured self-evaluation tool, with objective feedback provided by peers 
  • A mechanism to raise the profile of school psychologists in the district 
  • A tool to advocate for more effective organizational structures and supports, and a comprehensive range of services 
  • Formal and public recognition that can be shared in the community and with other stakeholders 
  • Perks for the districts that participate and earn levels of distinction, such as complimentary NASP Convention registrations and online learning benefits. 

To date, only one district has been recognized in your state by the ESPS Program. Yet, we know there are many other districts in your state that are providing services worthy of distinction.

Would you please forward this message to your district special education administrators' listserv? As they are closing out and reflecting on the current school year and making plans for next fall, please encourage district special education administrators to consider promoting their school psychological services.

For additional information about the ESPS Program, please see theattached brochure or the NASP ESPS. You may also contact Leigh Ann Fisler, the co-chair of the NASP Practice Model Committee if you have questions.

Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) Need and Interest Survey

Please find the SHORT Need and Interest Survey regarding Education after High School for students with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities in Oklahoma. This survey has been developed in partnership with OKIPSE Alliance, Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and Sooner SUCCESS. Your responses are confidential and very much needed as we look at expanding Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) programs in our state. 

THANK YOU for your time. Your opinion will make a difference when planning new programs!

Finance**NEW** FY25 Project 613 List

OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.

Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Trainings/WebinarsJuly and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes:

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

NRCP Saturday Mornings

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, and Interveners is proud to announce a new year of monthly, low-cost, 2-hour, professional development webinars!

Teacher and Paraeducator teams are encouraged to sign up together! New topics every month!! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm MDT! Discounts for multiple webinars and group rates are available!

Please see the Saturday Mornings with the NRCP for registration.  


Who? STEM is open to all Oklahoma students with disabilities, ages 14-19 (i.e., on an IEP, 504 Plan, or other documented physical, mental, or cognitive disabilities). Parents, guardians, and siblings are encouraged to support this learning experience by helping if needed, or wanted.

What:  Students will learn how to use computers, software, and related technologies to design and create the following:

Power Racer Dragster – Powered HT Racer – Full Color Patches for caps, jackets, and pants – Bracelet – T-Shirt – Mouse Pad – Pin Back Buttons – And More! Come join us. Registration links are in the flyers. 

Who? STEM is open to all Oklahoma students with disabilities, ages 14-19 (i.e., on an IEP, 504 Plan, or other documented physical, mental, or cognitive disabilities). Parents, guardians, and siblings are encouraged to support this learning experience by helping if needed, or wanted.

What:  Students will learn how to use computers, software, and related technologies to design and create the following:

Power Racer Dragster – Powered HT Racer – Full Color Patches for caps, jackets, and pants – Bracelet – T-Shirt – Mouse Pad – Pin Back Buttons – And More! Come join us. Registration links are in the flyers. 

Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families

Check out the Oklahoma Parent Center for a Zoom series to learn about "Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families."

This is a "4 part series training" so you don't want to miss the remaining sessions!

Participants will learn:

  • July 23rd...Successful employment skills strategies and resources available
  • July 30th...Key Resources & Skills To Ensure Career Planning Success

Register Ahead Of Time! For more information please see the Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families Flyer

PECS Training

This intensive 13-hour interactive workshop is designed to teach the theory and protocol for the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), an evidence-based practice based on Applied Behavior Analysis, typical language development, and B.F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. Using presenter demonstrations, role-play opportunities, and video examples participants will gain a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of each of the six phases of PECS. Please join us September 12-13, 2024. 

For more information and registration, please see the PECS Level 1 Flyer.

Staffing**NEW** Micro-Credential for Special Education

This program at the University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma focuses on foundational Special Education practices related to instructional strategies for students with autism and other exceptionalities, remaining compliant with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).

For more information, please see USAO Boot Camp

**NEW** CPI Regional Training

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be holding their CPI 2-day Regional Training. 

We have additional spots remaining. If you would like to attend, please register

Join us on July 25-26, 2024 in OKC! 
OSU Special Education Boot Camp

The Oklahoma State University offers a 36-credit online master's degree in special education that focuses on working with children with mild/moderate disabilities in special education and general education classrooms. 

For more information on OSU Online Boot Camp, please see the OSU Boot Camp Flyer

OSDE CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

For additional information contact Jamie Schroeder at (414) 441-1750 

Paraprofessional Training – Fall 2024

The Oklahoma State Department of Education – Office of Special Education Services in collaboration with Dr. Kaylin Coody, will host a series of Paraprofessional training this Fall.

Designed for those wanting to obtain the Tier 2 Paraprofessional Certificate, the training provides an overview of classroom behavior strategies, legal aspects of special education, and data collection.

The training is divided into two locations. With each location having a Part I and Part II.

There is no cost associated with the training. If participants cannot attend and do not cancel within 4 days prior to the training, the district will be responsible for the cost associated with the participant(s), approximately $100 each.

Enrollment is limited to 50 participants.

Registration for the

Questions about the training, or for those requiring interpreting services, can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Certified Trainer for CPI

Beginning with the incoming 2024-2025 school year districts requesting training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention With Advanced Physical Skills are encouraged to send an employee to become a Certified Trainer for CPI.  Once certified to become a trainer the said employee will be certified to train others in their place of employment. Beginning with the forthcoming school year OSDE will be transitioning to Verbal Interventions only and will not train individuals in the disengagements or restraints in CPI.  Please note the dates, locations, and the information for contacting the CPI Senior Territory Manager for Oklahoma below.

  • Associated costs to districts
    reimbursable through Project 615
  • Participants become certified to train
    others in their place of employment.

Location and Date:

  • Oklahoma City
    • August 20, 2024-August 22, 2024
    • December 10, 2024-December 12, 2024
  •  Tulsa
    • August 6, 2024-August 8, 2024
    • October 15, 2024-October 17, 2024
Who to Contact:

Jaime Schroeder, Schedule a Call Senior Territory Account Manager at CPI for Kansas, Oklahoma & Nebraska Crisis Prevention Institute 10850 W. Park Place, Suite 250 • Milwaukee, WI 53224 Direct 414.441.1750 • crisisprevention.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jaime-schroeder

Professional DevelopmentOklahoma Autism Center Professional Development

The Oklahoma Autism Center is offering Professional Development Opportunities for 2024-2025.

Please see the OAC Professional Development Opportunities for more information.

Other NewsCenter on Transition Innovations

The Center on Transition Innovations at Virginia Commonwealth University continues providing resources for each month’s focus, with June spotlighting Independent Living!  CTI says “Summer is the best time to dive in and take steps toward independence and success without stressful deadlines! This month, we're focusing on empowering students with the skills they need to live independently.” Check back each week this month for CTI’s  Resources for June on the theme of Independent Living. They also offer free self-paced courses for families, professionals, and youth:


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - July 16, 2024 - Internal

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 5:00pm
Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.
Announcement**NEW** Clarification regarding School-Based Medicaid Services

It has been brought to our attention that some misinformation has been shared recently about School-based Medicaid Services. School-based Medicaid Services can only be reimbursed for Medicaid-eligible students whose medical necessity is listed on their IEP. We are working with the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) to expand services beyond the IEP in the school setting sometime in 2025. Once the Medicaid expansion has been approved, OSDE, along with OHCA, will provide detailed requirements and guidance. We are excited to bring new opportunities for districts to support student services in the near future.  

For more information on "current" billing procedures and regulations visit the OHCA School-based Medicaid website. Feel free to reach out to Kellie Carter, Manager of School Nursing Programs with OSDE.

Type 1 Diabetes Parent/Guardian Informational Material

The Oklahoma Legislature has enacted a new law to be codified as Section 1210.196 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes. This law requires the State Department of Education, in coordination with other appropriate entities, to develop type 1 diabetes informational materials for parents and guardians of students. These materials must be made available to school districts and charter schools through the Department's website and must be provided to parents/guardians when a student is initially enrolled in school and when they enter 6th grade. The informational materials may include details on type 1 diabetes, risk factors, warning signs, the screening process, and recommendations for consulting with healthcare providers following a diagnosis. The law will become effective on July 1, 2024.

For more information, please see the OSDE Website: Type 1 Diabetes Information Material for Parents/Guardians.

Related Service Providers OSBTN

We are thrilled to announce the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, sponsored by OSDE-SES and the Lee Mitchener Tolbert Center for Developmental Disabilities. This collaboration aims to provide a robust support system for Oklahoma's public-school Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists. Navigating the diverse needs of students in special education settings can be challenging, particularly for new therapists. Even seasoned professionals sometimes seek fresh perspectives on evidence-based interventions. Recognizing this, the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network, in conjunction with the Tolbert Center, is dedicated to offering resources, training, and consultative services tailored to the unique demands of school-based therapists.

Starting August 2024, the Network will offer:

  • Continuing Education Opportunities: Earn CEUs conveniently designed for school-based OTs, PTs, and SLPs, addressing their specific learning needs.
  • Technical Support: Access virtual or in-person consultations to address individual challenges and queries.
  • Online Resource Library: Sharing a wealth of resources curated to enhance therapeutic practices in school settings.
  • Monthly Lunch and Learn Webinars: Engage in free, informative sessions covering a range of pertinent topics.
  • First-Year School Therapist Training Series: Equip yourself with essential skills and insights tailored for new practitioners.

Empower yourself with knowledge, support, and community through the Oklahoma School-Based Therapist Network. Together, let's elevate our knowledge to better serve our students.

If you are beginning your first year providing school-based therapy servicesclick here for more information and to sign up for the free series.

We want to hear from you!  What topics would you like more information on?  What resources do you need?  What times are you most available for continuing education opportunities?  Click here for more information.

If you are interested in receiving the listserv that will be sent out for Related Service Providers, please fill out the form. For more details, please reach out to Michele DeBerry or Amber Davis.

Finance**NEW** FY25 Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

**NEW** FY25 Project 613 List

OSDE sponsored events, professional development, and conferences are beneficial to special education teachers and staff. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Project 613 list.

Additional information or questions about Project 613 can be directed to Abby Johnson.

**NEW** Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

District FY24 CloseOuts

FY 24 Close Outs are now open.  Districts must perform a closeout for IDEA projects 618, 621, 623, 625, 641, 642. Projects 613, 615, 616, 619, 626, and 627 do not require a closeout. Closeouts must be completed online through the GMS and completed by September 1st. Closeouts cannot be performed until all submitted claims have been processed.  Please contact your finance specialist if assistance is needed. 

High Needs Memo

New memorandum regarding changes and updates to the application for High Needs, Tier I and Tier II.  Please contact your finance specialist for any assistance

Alt DiplomaSecondary Technical Assistance

OSDE-SES is providing Transition Technical Assistance through a temporary, part-time Secondary Transition Program Specialist.  Assistance to schools/districts will be available through various formats to include e-mail, phone, virtual (via Microsoft Teams) and/or in-person.  Please use this link to complete a Transition Technical Assistance Request for your school/district regarding Secondary Transition topics, including the new Alternate Diploma and 18-22 Transition Programs.  For brief questions and/or more information about Transition Technical Assistance, please contact Claudia Beckner or Lori Chesnut

Trainings/WebinarsJuly and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes 

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • Navigating EDPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

2024 Administrators Conference Welcome Oklahoma School Superintendents and LEA Administrators!

OSDE is thrilled to host the 2024 Administrators Conference, a world-class conference venue located at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond.

Join us for what promises to be an inspiring and productive gathering of education professionals from across the state. This conference will serve as a unique platform to explore the latest in administrative innovations, gain insight into changes in education policy, share best practices, and collaborate on strategies that will shape the future of education in the great state of Oklahoma!

July 22-23, 2024 at 8:00 AM, Registration is now open! 

Oklahoma AIM Pathways Kick-Off

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE), Office of Special Education Services (SES) has partnered with the AIM Institute for Learning & Research to provide a course for educators to earn an “AIM Pathways to Proficient Reading Dyslexia Focus” micro-credential badge accredited by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). We are also offering a general track containing the same content as the micro-credential. However, the general track will not result in a micro-credential badge. The general track does not require assignments with the rigor similar to a college course as the micro-credential track. 

Prior to applying for this course paid by OSDE, there will be an in-person meeting on August 7, 2024, to explain the difference between the “general” track and the “micro-credential” track. We will hold 4 sessions, make sure to register for only 1 of the sessions

At the end of each session, participants will make the determination to apply for either the “general” track or the “micro-credential” track through an online process.  Please bring a device to complete this application.

Each applicant must be employed with a public school district and provide a letter on school letterhead from an administrator indicating employment for the 2024-2025 school year. As applications are reviewed and selected, priority will be given to individuals currently teaching in the area of reading.  For example, priority will be given to positions such as special education teachers, Title I reading teachers, reading specialists/interventionists, speech-language pathologists, and lower elementary general education teachers, etc. There will be a limited number of individuals selected to enroll in these courses due to limited funds.  Completion of the micro-credential course, including submitting all course assignments on time, the individual will receive a $2,000 stipend. The general track will not receive a stipend, but the course will be paid by OSDE.

Please register as soon as possible since there is limited space available. For more information, please see the attached flyer

Diabetes Management Training (DMT)

These courses fulfill the requirements listed in 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5: Guidelines for Training of Volunteer Diabetes Care Assistants. 

If you have any questions, please contact Diabetes Training.

Live Classes:

Live Virtual Registration:

On-demand virtual Classes on OSDE Connect will open on July 1, 2024:

Vision Screening Provider Training

This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284: Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports.

If you have any questions, please send them to Kellie Carter

  • On-Demand Renewal Training Password Request

Live Class Options-

Vision Screening Provider Training- 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Vision Screening Trainer of Provider (only available to those who are certified in Vision Screening Provider Training) - 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Staffing**NEW** CPI Regional Training

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be holding their CPI 2-day Regional Training. 

We have had 10 spots. If you would like to attend, please register. All questions can be directed to Megan Salisbury

Join us on July 25-26, 2024 in OKC! 
CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

For additional information contact Jamie Schroeder at (414) 441-1750 

Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference 2024 You Bring the Magic: Your Magic, Your Impact

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be hosting our Annual Conference for Support Staff for the 2024-2025 School Year. 

If you have any questions about the Oklahoma's Engaging Support Conference, please email Megan Salisbury or Abby Johnson

Professional DevelopmentFY 23/24 Bonus Points

Districts may now submit 2023-2024 school year documentation related to special education to receive bonus points.  Bonus points are located on the annual Determination report to be released November 2024. A district can earn up to two bonus points for professional development, transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings. 

To access the bonus point survey, go to EdPlan>Tools>LEA Document Library>PD Bonus. Complete the survey and upload all professional development documentation (agenda with summarized description and sign-in sheet), transition planning and parent advisory committee meetings to the PD Bonus tab.  Instructions to upload documentation are also located under the PD Bonus tab.    

  Documentation must meet the following criteria:
  1. Must have 3 hours on the same topic.
  2. Can be divided into shorter time segments
  3. Must include general education and special education teachers.
  4. Topics related to special education only (no general district training)
  5. Documentation required includes topic, agenda and summary with date and times, and dated sign-in sheet.  

Districts assigned "level 2, 3, or 4" DMR support through the differentiated monitoring process will automatically receive bonus point credit for completion of monitoring requirements.

Email Felica Denton when submission is ready for review or if you have questions.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 27, 2024.

Other NewsEducational Interpreter Registry

If your district employs educational interpreters, please verify that they are on the OSDE Educational Interpreter Registry.  All interpreters in an educational setting are required to be on the registry and are required to obtain yearly CEUs. 

Educational Interpreter Registry - Oklahoma State Department of Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is the state education agency of the State of Oklahoma who determines the policies and directing the administration and supervision of the public school system of Oklahoma.


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

OSDE - SES - July 11, 2024 - External

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 5:00pm
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Announcement**NEW** Paraprofessionals for the 2024-2025 SY

Paraprofessional courses in Pepper are being transitioned to OKConnect. The date of the launch and other information regarding will be published in the Listserv at a later time.

Opportunities for Paraprofessionals to receive Professional Development credits:

  • Attending Professional Development sessions at the district level
  • Attend the Regional Support Conference within the state
  • Enroll in Direct-Step, Direct Specialized Training for Education Paraprofessionals through LRP or,
  • Enroll and complete paraprofessional courses in OKConnect 
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) needs your assistance in recognizing districts that provide innovative and exemplary school psychological services in your state! NASP offers an Excellence in School Psychological Services (ESPS) Recognition Program. However, many districts are not yet aware of this recognition program or its benefits, which include: 

  • A structured self-evaluation tool, with objective feedback provided by peers 
  • A mechanism to raise the profile of school psychologists in the district 
  • A tool to advocate for more effective organizational structures and supports, and a comprehensive range of services 
  • Formal and public recognition that can be shared in the community and with other stakeholders 
  • Perks for the districts that participate and earn levels of distinction, such as complimentary NASP Convention registrations and online learning benefits. 

To date, only one district has been recognized in your state by the ESPS Program. Yet, we know there are many other districts in your state that are providing services worthy of distinction.

Would you please forward this message to your district special education administrators' listserv? As they are closing out and reflecting on the current school year and making plans for next fall, please encourage district special education administrators to consider promoting their school psychological services.

For additional information about the ESPS Program, please see theattached brochure or the NASP ESPS. You may also contact Leigh Ann Fisler, the co-chair of the NASP Practice Model Committee if you have questions.

Updating "Type of School" In EdPlan (Update Requested)

OSDE is partnering with EdPlan to create an online Intervention Management System and Data Dashboard. These are free of charge for any district choosing to use this tool. However, in the data integration process, OSDE has noticed that some schools are labeled as the incorrect "Type of School" (e.g., Under OKMTSS tab the list of schools some sites are listed incorrectly as an elementary school when they are actually a high school site).

Please see this guidance included to update the "Type of School" under the Admin tab within EDPlan under the "Schools" tab to correct the site's school type. See the "Type of School" dropdown list.

Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) Need and Interest Survey

Please find the SHORT Need and Interest Survey regarding Education after High School for students with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities in Oklahoma. This survey has been developed in partnership with OKIPSE Alliance, Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and Sooner SUCCESS. Your responses are confidential and very much needed as we look at expanding Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) programs in our state. 

THANK YOU for your time. Your opinion will make a difference when planning new programs!

Finance**NEW** Project 615

The FY25 allocations for Project 615 are now available.  Districts can begin submitting their online budget through the GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your Project 615 budget.  Applications must be completed and submitted by December 31, 2024.  Districts not submitting a budget by December 31 will forfeit their allocation.  For assistance, please contact your finance specialist.

**NEW** Project 613 and Project 616

Project 613 and Project 616 applications are now available.  Districts may begin completing online budget applications through GMS.  Once on the GMS Access Select page, you will need to create your chosen budget. For assistance, please contact your finance specialist

Trainings/Webinars**NEW** July and August EdPlan Training

EDPlan webinar scheduled is now available for registration. 

Training Includes:

  • Introduction to OK EdPlan
  • EDPlan Administrator Training
  • OK Eligibility Training
  • OK EdPlan IEP Process
  • OK EdPlan 504 Training 

Please register for the July and August EdPlan training with PCG. 

NRCP Saturday Mornings

The National Resource Center for Paraeducators, Related Service Providers, and Interveners is proud to announce a new year of monthly, low-cost, 2-hour, professional development webinars!

Teacher and Paraeducator teams are encouraged to ign up together! New topics every month!! Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 12 pm MDT! Discounts for multiple webinars and group rates are available!

Please see the Saturday Mornings with the NRCP for registration.  


Who? STEM is open to all Oklahoma students with disabilities, ages 14-19 (i.e., on an IEP, 504 Plan, or other documented physical, mental, or cognitive disabilities). Parents, guardians, and siblings are encouraged to support this learning experience by helping if needed, or wanted.

What:  Students will learn how to use computers, software, and related technologies to design and create the following:

Power Racer Dragster – Powered HT Racer – Full Color Patches for caps, jackets, and pants – Bracelet – T-Shirt – Mouse Pad – Pin Back Buttons – And More! Come join us. Registration links are in the flyers. 

Who? STEM is open to all Oklahoma students with disabilities, ages 14-19 (i.e., on an IEP, 504 Plan, or other documented physical, mental, or cognitive disabilities). Parents, guardians, and siblings are encouraged to support this learning experience by helping if needed, or wanted.

What:  Students will learn how to use computers, software, and related technologies to design and create the following:

Power Racer Dragster – Powered HT Racer – Full Color Patches for caps, jackets, and pants – Bracelet – T-Shirt – Mouse Pad – Pin Back Buttons – And More! Come join us. Registration links are in the flyers. 

**NEW** Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families

Check out the Oklahoma Parent Center for a Zoom series to learn about "Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families."

This is a "4 part series training" so you don't want to miss the remaining sessions!

Participants will learn:

  • July 16th...Key laws that support youth with disabilities
  • July 23rd...Successful employment skills strategies and resources available
  • July 30th...Key Resources & Skills To Ensure Career Planning Success

Register Ahead Of Time! For more information please see the Introduction to Work for Youth With Disabilities and Their Families Flyer

2024 Inclusive Communication Conference

2024 Inclusive Communications Conference - Inclusive Minds, Unified Hearts: Empower through Communication

Don’t miss Oklahoma’s very first 2024 Inclusive Communication Conference and unlock the power of inclusive communication! Hosted by the Autism Foundation of Oklahoma, Beyond the Spectrum OK, and the Down Syndrome Association of Oklahoma, the one-day conference will be held on Wednesday, July 17th from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Metro Tech in Oklahoma City. This inaugural conference aims to bring together K-12 educators, providers, and caregivers for a comprehensive discussion on communication in various forms, particularly addressing the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and complex communication disorders in academic settings. The conference will feature keynote speakers, breakout sessions, panel discussions, and resource vendors from both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors from across the state of Oklahoma.  

Registration for attendees is FREE, but space is limited, so make sure to register today!

PECS Training

This intensive 13-hour interactive workshop is designed to teach the theory and protocol for the Picture Exchange Communication System® (PECS®), an evidence-based practice based on Applied Behavior Analysis, typical language development, and B.F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior. Using presenter demonstrations, role-play opportunities, and video examples participants will gain a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of each of the six phases of PECS. Please join us September 12-13, 2024. 

For more information and registration, please see the PECS Level 1 Flyer.

Staffing**NEW** CPI Regional Training

The Oklahoma State Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services will be holding their CPI 2-day Regional Training. 

We have had 10 spots. If you would like to attend, please register

Join us on July 25-26, 2024 in OKC! 
OSU Special Education Boot Camp

The Oklahoma State University offers a 36-credit online master's degree in special education that focuses on working with children with mild/moderate disabilities in special education and general education classrooms. 

For more information on OSU Online Boot Camp, please see the OSU Boot Camp Flyer

OSDE CPI Verbal Intervention

OSDE-SES will host CPI Verbal Intervention Regional Trainings with no associated costs to districts. Verbal interventions will not include de-escalation techniques or holds/restrictions. This training is reimbursable through Project 615 for substitutes, travel, and lodging at least 60 miles one-way. Registration is limited to 4 participants per district.

While OSDE will be pressing forward with verbal interventions, prior blue card certifications are applicable to the content of the training until the expiration date. At that time the district has two options.

  1. One option is to send a district representative to become a train-the-trainer with certification from the CPI "institute".
  2. The second option is attending a training for verbal interventions hosted by OSDE.

Should districts choose to train with the CPI institute those associated costs are reimbursable through Project 615 as well.  Lastly, the individual trained can only train within their base of employment.

For additional information contact Jamie Schroeder at (414) 441-1750 

Paraprofessional Training – Fall 2024

The Oklahoma State Department of Education – Office of Special Education Services in collaboration with Dr. Kaylin Coody, will host a series of Paraprofessional training this Fall.

Designed for those wanting to obtain the Tier 2 Paraprofessional Certificate, the training provides an overview of classroom behavior strategies, legal aspects of special education, and data collection.

The training is divided into two locations. With each location having a Part I and Part II.

There is no cost associated with the training. If participants cannot attend and do not cancel within 4 days prior to the training, the district will be responsible for the cost associated with the participant(s), approximately $100 each.

Enrollment is limited to 50 participants.

Registration for the

Questions about the training, or for those requiring interpreting services, can be directed to Abby Johnson.

Certified Trainer for CPI

Beginning with the incoming 2024-2025 school year districts requesting training in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention or Nonviolent Crisis Intervention With Advanced Physical Skills are encouraged to send an employee to become a Certified Trainer for CPI.  Once certified to become a trainer the said employee will be certified to train others in their place of employment. Beginning with the forthcoming school year OSDE will be transitioning to Verbal Interventions only and will not train individuals in the disengagements or restraints in CPI.  Please note the dates, locations, and the information for contacting the CPI Senior Territory Manager for Oklahoma below.

  • Associated costs to districts
    reimbursable through Project 615
  • Participants become certified to train
    others in their place of employment.

Location and Date:

  • Oklahoma City
    • August 20, 2024-August 22, 2024
    • December 10, 2024-December 12, 2024
  •  Tulsa
    • August 6, 2024-August 8, 2024
    • October 15, 2024-October 17, 2024
Who to Contact:

Jaime Schroeder, Schedule a Call Senior Territory Account Manager at CPI for Kansas, Oklahoma & Nebraska Crisis Prevention Institute 10850 W. Park Place, Suite 250 • Milwaukee, WI 53224 Direct 414.441.1750 • crisisprevention.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jaime-schroeder

Professional DevelopmentOklahoma Autism Center Professional Development

The Oklahoma Autism Center is offering Professional Development Opportunities for 2024-2025.

Please see the OAC Professional Development Opportunities for more information.

Other NewsCenter on Transition Innovations

The Center on Transition Innovations at Virginia Commonwealth University continues providing resources for each month’s focus, with June spotlighting Independent Living!  CTI says “Summer is the best time to dive in and take steps toward independence and success without stressful deadlines! This month, we're focusing on empowering students with the skills they need to live independently.” Check back each week this month for CTI’s  Resources for June on the theme of Independent Living. They also offer free self-paced courses for families, professionals, and youth:


Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-2380
[email protected]

Categories: specialed

Oklahoma ABLE Tech - Vol. 2, Issue 6

Tue, 07/09/2024 - 6:00pm
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ABLE Tech Banner
Assistive Technology (AT) Highlights

Summer is here, which means we're all spending more time outdoors. Check out these AT picks to make summer activities more accessible and enjoyable for individuals with disabilities.

  • 30 Love Tennis Kit - This tennis kit has large racquets with shorter handles. Tennis is a great sport for practicing sound localization skills and socialization and meets national physical education standards. We also have soccer, football, basketball, and catch kits!
  • Switch Adapted Musical Whale Popper - This ball popper is great for teaching cause and effect, enhancing language skills, providing auditory and visual stimulation, and encouraging movement. The whale-shaped toy features sound effects, music, and colorful balls! It can be activated with its original button, or plugged into a switch.
  • Rib It Ball - Rib It Balls come in two sizes, large and medium. They're inflatable, crinkly, and easy to catch. The two colors and high-contrast ribbing make it easy to see and catch or throw.
  • 20 Games in One - This all-in-one device comes with 20 games! The games are classics, like Farkle, Pig, Seven Up, and Slam. The dice are large wooden lightweight blocks that are easy to read & roll. The bucket has a handle that carries everything, so the games are easy to store.

Oklahoma ABLE Tech's Short-Term Device Loan inventory offers almost 5,000 devices in many AT categories including hearing, speech communication, vision, learning cognition/development, seating/positioning/mobility, daily living, recreation, environmental adaptations, computer access, and vehicle modifications. Visit the Device Loan Program webpage to learn more.

Celebrating the 34th Anniversary of the ADA

On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. This historic civil rights law protects the rights of people with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places. 2024 marks the 34th Anniversary of the ADA!

The ADA ensures people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The ADA makes our communities more inclusive. It means people with disabilities can join in activities and events without facing barriers. Use the hashtags #ADA34 and #ThanksToTheADA on social media to be part of the nationwide celebration.

If you want to learn more, check out our fact sheets that provide overviews of the laws protecting the rights of people with disabilities.

New Regulations on Digital Accessibility

Speaking of fact sheets, the U.S. of Justice recently updated Title II of the ADA. These new regulations increase the digital accessibility requirements of state and local governments. Read their Fact Sheet on the new rule for more info. Reach out to our Digital Accessibility Team at [email protected] if you have any questions!

For more information on digital accessibility, visit our Digital Accessibility Resources page, or contact us at [email protected].

OkAT Seeks New Board Member

The Oklahoma Assistive Technology Foundation (OkAT), a nonprofit organization, partners with Oklahoma ABLE Tech in the low-interest financial loan program for the purchase of assistive technology. OkAT is seeking a board member for the current year. The term is three years, and board members meet to review loan applications and attend a quarterly board meeting, all via Zoom. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact Natalie Rohwer at 405-744-4254 or complete the OkAT Board Member Questionnaire.

Device Loan Success Story - Kenshin

Kenshin is a young boy who has Cerebral palsy and Persistent Atrial Fibrillation (PeAF), and gets tired of toys quickly. He recently found success trialing the Music Jam Playmat, the Number Robots and the Mostop Voice Control Elephant from the Oklahoma ABLE Tech Device Loan Program. 

The Music Jam Playmat is a touch sensitive mat fit for one or more players. Its drum and keyboard have various instruments and melodies. The mat has adjustable volume and a jack to plug in external music devices. Two drumsticks are included. This is a wonderful way to practice gross motor skills, music appreciation and teaching cause and effect. 

The Number Robots are 10 brightly colored pieces for numbers 1-10. The Number Robots provide a fun, interactive, hands-on way to explore number recognition, counting, and math skills. Use the Number Robots to help individuals become excited and engaged during math activities. These robots are good for finger dexterity, problem-solving, and critical thinking.  

Use the Mostop Voice Control Elephant along with a speech-generating device or app to increase engagement and participation! The Mostop Voice Control Elephant has 7 voice commands that it will respond to. The voice commands can be used to support, teach, and practice pragmatic functions using the speech generating device. 

Kenshin’s guardian was having trouble finding educational toys that Kenshin enjoyed while also improving his skills. Since his trial, Kenshin’s speech and occupational therapy skills have improved! 

Device Loan
SERC Update - Meeting the Needs of Students with Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) often co-occurs with other diagnoses in students with disabilities. The effects of this particular diagnosis are frequently external behaviors that cause difficulties both in and out of school. These children test the patience of adults around them. Their behavior challenges our competence. The number of students with an ODD diagnosis has increased, and the diagnosis itself is associated with confusion as to how to categorize and treat these students' behaviors. Check out SERC's recent Wisdom Wednesday Webinar with Dr. Bev Johns on this topic entitled "You Can't Make Me: Strategies for Meeting the Needs of Students with Oppositional Defiance Disorder." You'll learn more about who these children are, other factors and diagnoses that occur with ODD, how the biases of adults can stand in the way of meeting their needs, and effective strategies in supporting these children. 

To learn more about ODD and watch this Wisdom Wednesday Webinar, visit the webinar archive webpage.

SERC’s mission is to help school districts and parents resolve disputes at the earliest stage possible. Learn more on the SERC website. 

Assistive Technology and Accessible Education Materials Technical Assistance Documents

Each year, Oklahoma ABLE Tech reviews, updates, and republishes the Assistive Technology Technical Assistance (AT-TA) and Accessible Educational Materials Technical Assistance (AEM-TA) documents.

The AT-TA document explains, "The purpose of this document is to help Oklahoma Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams provide assistive technology devices and services to students with disabilities as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)."

The AEM-TA document states, ”The purpose of [AEM-TA] document is to assist entities in Oklahoma in understanding best practices regarding AEM service delivery including related accessible technology and assistive technology devices and services.” 

These documents are essential resources for practitioners and administrators. They contain information for setting up and maintaining processes related to delivering Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services and providing Accessible Educational Materials (AEM).

In January 2024, the United States Department of Education published AT guidance in a “Dear Colleague Letter” and a document titled “Myths and Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology Devices and Services." One important update in the 2024 AT-TA document is the inclusion of references to specific "Myths and Facts" where relevant.

Oklahoma ABLE Tech continues to support Oklahoma students and teachers through its core programs. The publication of the AT-TA and AEM-TA documents is part of that support. They can be found at any point on the AT Services and Professional Development for PK-12 webpage.

If you have any feedback about the documents, please contact Dr. Joshua Hawkins.

ORC Update - DRS Priority Group 2 Opens

The Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council (ORC) congratulates the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) for their hard work and dedication, resulting in the opening of Priority Group 2 on June 17, 2024. This allows DRS to offer services to all eligible Oklahomans who were previously placed on the waitlist for this group. The DRS Executive Team has worked diligently to reduce the waitlist, marking a significant step forward since Priority Group 1 was opened in February 2023.

If you are seeking employment but face barriers that prevent you from doing so, contact DRS. You can call 800-487-4042 or visit the website and use the Self-Referral Portal and apply for services.

ORC's mission is to facilitate consumer education and empowerment, to assure services are of high quality and lead to the employment of individuals with disabilities within Oklahoma. To learn more about ORC, visit their website. 

Device Exchange Program

Let us help connect you to another Oklahoman for a direct exchange. The Device Exchange Program can be used as a person-to-person exchange of equipment, which functions like a free, classified, online marketplace. Oklahoma ABLE Tech can help you donate, sell, or locate equipment, such as wheelchairs, modified vehicles, lift chairs, and other devices/supplies, for a reasonable price. Check back often, as the list changes daily.

To find or request an exchange, visit the NATADS Exchange Portal.

Listing DME for Sale or Exchange

To list equipment in the exchange portal, you must first create a secured account in NATADS.

Once your account has been created, log in, then click the "Add Classified Item Listing" button at the bottom of the page. Complete the Classified Item Entry form. Make sure to add a detailed description and pictures.

Once you click "Save," your listing will go to our Device Reutilization Program staff for approval.

Oklahoma ABLE Tech Oklahoma State University 1514 W. Hall of Fame Stillwater, OK 74078 Phone: 800.257.1705 Email: [email protected]

Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 North Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 412
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73105
P: (405) 521-3351     F: (405) 522-3503
[email protected]

Categories: specialed


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Last updated on December 31, 1969