2016 Administrative Rules Archive

2016 Administrative Rules

Oklahoma State Department of Education administrative rules are published in Title 210 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code.  

August 12, 2016
Good afternoon,
The Oklahoma State Department of Education has developed a hybrid of the proposed testing window options after thorough review of data collected from the testing calendar survey, assessment advisory committee discussions and the unique reporting considerations for this new school year. 
The revised testing calendar consists of a 20-day window, April 3-28.
Recent legislative changes to reduce the number of tests and time spent administering the Oklahoma School Testing Pro

OSDE’s EngageOK on the Road draws thousands, sets new highs in attendance

OKLAHOMA CITY (August 11, 2016) – The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) recently concluded its first professional development conference for educators in a regional road trip format, and officials are praising the results.
“At a time when every education dollar is precious, we were determined to minimize travel costs to educators by bringing our EngageOK conference to them rather than asking them to mak


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Last updated on December 31, 1969