Rewarding Excellence

Ever give your child money for a job well done – maybe $5 for keeping his or her room clean or for helping with chores around the house, maybe a reward for good grades?

It works in business on a larger scale, and it should work the same in state government. You reward exceptional performance, and in so doing, you incentivize others to strive for similar success.

State Board of Education Member Bill Shdeed to Receive OCU Law Lifetime Achievement Award

Oklahoma State Board of Education member William F. “Bill” Shdeed will be honored with the Justice Marian P. Opala Award for Lifetime Achievement by the Oklahoma City University School of Law on Saturday night.

Shdeed is one of three alumni of the OCU School of Law and a leading local law firm to be honored Saturday at “Lights up the Night,” the 2013 Awards and Reunion Gala for the law school.

State Board of Education Oct. 29th Meeting Highlights

Board Approves $2.5 Billion Budget Request

State Board members approved a $2.5 billion Fiscal Year 2015 budget request for the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). Representing a $171.9 million increase over last year, the proposal will go before the state Legislature when it convenes in February. The budget requests an $81.4 million increase in financial support for schools, part of $1.9 billion overall in the State Aid Funding Formula.

Public Notice: Comment Invitation on Middle School Mathematics Test Waiver Request

Notice of Public Comment Invitation

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is providing this public notice to solicit comments from local educational agencies (LEAs) and the public regarding a waiver request from the United States Department of Education. The waiver, if granted, would allow middle school students taking high school mathematics courses to take only the End-of-Instruction test, instead of taking both the End-of-Instruction test and the grade-level mathematics test for the students’ grade.


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Last updated on December 31, 1969