a. One copy of each textbook and one sample of each learning package, kit, or other comprehensive review materials shall be filed with the office of the Secretary of the State Textbook Committee on or before the date specified in the schedule for the textbook adoption process. Textbooks must be in final form.
b. One copy of each textbook and one sample of each learning package, kit, or other comprehensive review material and materials not listed as free shall be provided to each member of the State Textbook Committee, review teams, and to each Congressional District Review Center. Failure to deliver samples by the date established by the State Textbook Committee calendar will result in a bid rejection.
c. Samples of textbooks provided to the State Textbook Committee members and their advisors may be returned to the publishers, donated to a school district, or donated to a college or university. Under no circumstances shall the samples become the personal property of the committee member or the review team members. Under no circumstances shall the samples be sold or donated for resale purposes.
d. In order for a library or university to be designated by the State Textbook Committee as a Congressional District Review Center the library or university must agree to the following conditions:(1) conveniently display materials immediately upon the receipt of materials and maintain the display until such date adopted by the State Textbook Committee; (2) obtain approval of the State Textbook Committee before disposing or distributing the materials to any other person or entity; and remove materials from public access once they are adopted. Materials may remain accessible for on-site use to a limited audience (education professionals and pre-service teachers); and (3) sample materials may be returned to the publisher or may be disposed of with the approval of the State Textbook Committee.
e. Highly-visible, permanent labels stating, "sample not to be sold" must be attached to each item furnished as a sample to the State Textbook Committee, review teams, Congressional Review Centers, and the office of the Secretary of the State Textbook Committee.
f. Consumable materials must be clearly marked as consumable.
g. Each publisher must warrant that all books adopted shall comply with the standards in the Manufacturing Standards and Specifications for Textbooks approved by the National Advisory Commission on Textbook Standards.
h. The State Textbook Committee favors regular editions, but special editions may be considered provided the differences between the two (2) editions are set forth with the bid.
i. Digital content and related materials will be considered for adoption.
j. Teacher materials will be adopted as separate items only at the kindergarten level and ESL.
k. Instructional Materials shall be adopted in no more than one (1) core subject cycle.
l. A book which has been bid and rejected by the State Textbook Committee cannot be bid again for the subject contract cycle.
m. Technology components of instructional materials, including, but not limited to applications using computer-assisted instruction, Web 2.0 Tools, Saas (Software as a Service) and other Cloud-based technologies, shall include comprehensive teacher materials listing special requirements for the respective subject or course along with(1) instructions on how to use the technology components;(2) an inventory of the components of the program;(3) specifications for the hardware necessary to operate the system;(4) on-demand technical support.
n. Specifications for the hardware necessary to operate the instructional computer software system must be identified. If the hardware and equipment essential for review of the materials bid in any category is not available, it shall be supplied to the State Textbook Committee, Congressional District Review Centers, and the State Department of Education for the duration of the review process.
o. Publishers may not pilot programs to be bid for adoption without explicit written permission from the district superintendent and site administrator. Pilots must be completed no later than the date of the call for bids one adoption cycle year prior to the opening and consideration of bids in that subject area. Violation of this rule will result in immediate removal from the state textbook list.