2025-2026 School Year School Nurse Summit- TBA
The Diabetes Management Training during the 2024-2025 school year offered by the Oklahoma State Department of Education and the Oklahoma State Department of Health will provide virtual and in-person trainings which is required for volunteer diabetes care assistants in schools (70 O.S. § 1210.196.5). To identify the pathways for obtaining certification and recertification and to determine the level of training needed please read the Diabetes Management Training Guidance and FAQ's. Once you’ve determined the type of training you or staff in your school may require, please sign up for the appropriate training(s) listed below.
This year training will be offered virtual, in-person, and on demand. It is recommended that first-time volunteers register for one of the 3-hour virtual or in-person diabetes management training and one of the 1.5-hour in-person needle skills sessions listed below. First-time volunteers can register for in-person training (dates will be coming soon).
See calender for Professional Development below
In-person needle skills training is due for first-time volunteers then every other year after. RN and LPN volunteers are not required to complete the needle skills portion. If you do not have an RN in your district, you can feel out the Needle Skills Training Request.
All trainings are subject to cancellation upon federal, state and local recommendations for safety protocols in the 2022-2023 school year. An email message would be sent to all registered participants at least two days prior to the scheduled event if the event is cancelled.
If you have questions, contact Kellie Carter, BSN, RN
"Vision Screening" is the process or system used to identify children in Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd grades who may be at risk of having or developing visual problems that may adversely affect their ability to acquire knowledge, skill, or learning. The process is for the purpose of recommending further evaluation by an eye care professional. A vision screening is NOT the equivalent of a comprehensive eye exam.
This course fulfills the requirements listed in 70 O.S § 1210.284 Vision Screening - Recommendations on Standards - Comprehensive Eye Exam on Failure - Annual Reports
For more information, you can visit the OSDH Vision Screening SiteLinks to an external site..
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to
Kellie Carter, BSN, RN, at [email protected]
Gayle Black, BSN, RN, at [email protected]
Reesa Hembree at [email protected]
See calendar for Professional Development below
See calendar for Professional Development below
In accordance with the Seizure-Safe Schools Act, beginning January 1, 2022, each school district board of education shall have at least one school employee at each school who has met the training requirements. The Seizure-Safe Schools Training for School Personnel and Seizure-Safe Schools Training for School Nurses is available now on the OSDE Connect Learning Platform.
Epilepsy Foundation's Guidance for School Personnel Training
Key Components of Oklahoma's Seizure Safe Schools Act
Seizure Safe Schools Act: FAQ's
Concussions are serious brain injuries that can impact children physically, cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally. Childhood concussions can have many causes, such as falls, motor vehicle crashes, and athletics. The OSDH Injury Prevention Service, in partnership with the Oklahoma Childhood Concussion Coalition, created Developing Concussion Policies: A Guide for School Districts to assist schools with writing and implementing policies for the prevention and management of sports- and recreation-related concussions in accordance with Oklahoma state law. In addition, Return to Learn and Return to Play protocols for Oklahoma were developed, along with concussion fact sheets for youth, caregivers, and coaches.
All materials can be found at https://concussion.health.ok.gov. Printed copies are available upon request.
Coming Soon!