Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies


Megan Ashbaugh
Prog. Manager, Lit. Policy & Programs      (405) 521-3363                         

Melissa Ahlgrim
Prog. Director, Lit. Policy & Programs
(405) 522-1591

Dylan Savage
Reporting Specialist
(405) 521-4068

Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies

The purpose of the Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies is to increase the reading outcomes for elementary students by providing quality, job-embedded professional learning on the science of reading to educators supporting Kindergarten-3rd grade by the end of 2024. Funded through the American Recovery Plan, the Science of Reading Academies are available at no cost to all educators who work in Oklahoma public schools, with a focus on those who work with students in kindergarten through third grade.


Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction Communities of Practice 

The Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction Communities of Practice Fall 2024 will welcome 250 Educators. This course is designed for educators in Oklahoma who work with students learning or struggling to read. Participants will complete a three-month science of reading course with 5 live facilitated sessions between September 2024 and November 2024. Oklahoma's team of literacy specialists will lead the live sessions. Upon course completion, participants will receive a micro-credentialing badge for early literacy and a $600 stipend. 

LitCoP Fall 2024 is currently at capacity. If you are interested in participating in this course or any Science of Reading training that may become available in the future through the Oklahoma State Department of Education, please share your contact information with us here: Interest Survey for SORA.

What is LETRS?

LETRS, or Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling, is a professional development program based on decades of research on effective early reading instruction.

LETRS is not a curriculum for students but is a program designed to help teachers use curriculum resources already available in their districts in a more effective way.

LETRS is program agnostic, meaning the knowledge teachers gain can be applied to any evidence-based curriculum resource.

For more information about LETRS or the LETRS platform, visit the Oklahoma LETRS webpage.

Quick Links

Oklahoma Science of Reading with LETRS Cohorts

Click a cohort below for information specific to that group, including pacing guides and facilitator-led training dates, as well as instructions for changing those dates.

Cohort 1

Cohort 2

Cohort 3

Cohort 4 


Frequently Asked Questions

*Click on the question below to view the answer.

What are the Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies?

The Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies is an initiative to support up to 10,000 Oklahoma educators with evidence-based practices for reading instruction. They will provide sustained and job-embedded professional learning on the science of reading, at no cost to educators. The Science of Reading Academies will be based on the Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling, or LETRS, learning modules. The Science of Reading Academies will be offered to four different cohorts of educators over the course of 3 years. 

The Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies are part of the state's comprehensive plan, Oklahoma Ready Together: An Action Plan for Supporting Students Through the Pandemic and Beyond. The OSDE is using approximately $13 million in federal relief to fund the professional development provided through the academies. 

For more information, view the Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies informational document

Who is eligible to participate in the Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies?

The Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies, along with the content of LETRS, is for educators who work with students in kindergarten through third grade in Oklahoma public schools. This includes general and special education teachers, reading specialists, administrators, and those who teach English learners or in Title 1 schools. Educators who work with students in pre-kindergarten or with students in older grades with identified reading difficulties may attend if space allows.

Why should educators participate in the Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies?

Educators who complete the Science of Reading Academies will gain a rich understanding of how to meet the needs of students in their classrooms. Teachers who complete the Science of Reading Academies may also earn a micro-credential. Districts may choose to provide stipends to teachers who complete the Science of Reading Academies. Whether or not a stipend is provided and the amount of the stipend is at the discretion of the district. Districts who are interested in providing this benefit may use federal relief funds (ESSER I, II, or III) or Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA) funds.

What will participants be expected to do?

Educators who register for the Science of Reading Academies are making a commitment to complete coursework for 2 two years. This will involve about one hour per week to complete asynchronous online coursework and apply that understanding through activities with students. At the end of each 6-8 week unit, there will be a 6-hour live session with a facilitator to solidify concepts discussed in the unit.

What materials will participants receive?

Participants will receive an email with information and login access to the online portal. Participants will also receive two print books that accompany the online modules. These books will be shipped to the district office of participating educators. Participants will need to communicate with their district office to obtain the materials.

How do the live sessions work?

Towards the end of each unit, educators will participate in a live session with a facilitator. Some of the eight live sessions may be offered in-person and last 6 hours, and other live sessions will be virtual and divided into two 3-hour sessions. Sessions will also be offered in the evenings and on the weekends for those who desire that option. If a substitute is required, the district will need to cover the cost.

Select a cohort to find more information about training dates for a particular group.

Is this still applicable for educators who participated in LETRS in the past?

The Oklahoma Science of Reading Academies are using LETRS 3rd Edition for this professional development. LETRS modules offered through OSDE in the past have been through a previous edition and a different learning format. The research for LETRS 3rd Edition is updated and there are more opportunities for application of learning. This opportunity would be applicable for those who have already participated in some LETRS modules in the past. Those who participated in previous LETRS training and also participated in the LETRS 3rd Edition conveyed they were able to make deeper connections and found it to be a valuable experience.

Can educators who have completed LETRS 3rd Edition Volume 1 go straight to Volume 2?

If an educator has completed Volume 1 for LETRS 3rd Edition, please send a copy of the certificate of completion to Megan Ashbaugh at [email protected]

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Last updated on August 20, 2024