Alternative Education Information

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If you are interested in placing a student in the local Alternative Education program, please contact your high school administration office for specific program information in the school district where you reside.

Attendance, Behavior, Course Completion is the ABC's of Dropping Out & Rigor, Relevance, and Relationship are the 3 R's of Dropping Out


Students served in Oklahoma’s Alternative Education programs are at-risk for high school failure for a variety of reasons which may include academic deficiency, behavioral difficulties, excessive absences, pregnancy or parenting, adjustment problems, or juvenile justice involvement. Alternative Education programs are specifically tailored to meet the needs of students who may be struggling with poverty, substance abuse, family dysfunction, or psychological or physical trauma. Some of the unique features of many Alternative Education programs include:

  • Flexible scheduling
  • Small class sizes
  • Youth and family involvement in goal-setting
  • Learning activities based on students’ interests and abilities
  • Career skills training
  • Service learning opportunities
  • Innovative instructional techniques
  • Open communication and positive relationships with faculty
  • Assistance with transitioning to college or career training


At-risk children and youth are individuals whose present or predictable status (economic, emotional/social, academic, and/or health) indicates that they might fail to successfully complete their secondary education and acquire basic life skills necessary for higher education and/or employment.

“At-risk student” means a student whose present or expected status indicates they might fail to complete their secondary education for reasons which may include academic deficiency, behavioral difficulties, excessive absences, pregnancy or parenting, family issues, substance abuse, financial issues, physical or mental health issues, juvenile justice involvement, or other such factors, not including disability status. 

[Source: Added at 12 Ok Reg 31, eff 9-29-94 (emergency); Added at 12 Ok Reg 1365, eff 5-25-96; Revoked at 14 Ok Reg 3361, eff 5-5-97 (emergency);Amended at 15 Ok Reg 19, eff 10-7-97 (emergency); Amended at 15 Ok Reg 2306, eff 6-11-98; Amended at 17 Ok 2910, eff 7-13-00; Amended at 32 Ok Reg 933, eff 8-27-15] 



Beginning with the first semester of the 2002-2003 school year, all school districts of this state shall provide Alternative Education programs that conform to the requirements of statutes and rules applicable to alternative education.

A program shall:

1.  Allow class sizes and student/teacher ratios which are conducive to effective learning for at-risk students;

2.  Incorporate appropriate structure, curriculum and interaction and reinforcement strategies designed to provide effective instruction;

3.  Include an intake and screening process to determine eligibility of students;

4.  Demonstrate that teaching faculty are appropriately licensed or certified teachers;

5.  Demonstrate that teaching faculty have been selected on the basis of a record of successful work with at-risk students or personal and educational factors that qualify them for work with at-risk students;

6.  Reflect appropriate collaborative efforts with state agencies and local agencies serving youth;

7.  Provide courses that meet the academic curricula standards adopted by the State Board of Education and additional remedial courses;

8.  Offer individualized instruction;

9.  State clear and measurable program goals and objectives;

10. Include counseling and social services components, requires a person providing certain services in an alternative education progam or school to be certified as a school counselor or mental health provider;

11. Require a plan leading to graduation be developed for each student in the program which will allow the student to participate in graduation exercises at the sending school or district after meeting the requirements of the school district as specified in the individual graduation plan for that student; provided, required by this paragraph shall not be separate from the plan required by Section 1210.508-4 of this title;

12. Offer life skills instruction;

13. Provide opportunities for hands-on arts education to students, including artist residency programs coordinated with the Oklahoma Arts Council;

14. Provide a proposed annual budget;

15. Be appropriately designed to serve middle school, junior high school, and high school students in grades seven through twelve who are most at-risk of not completing a high school education for a reason other than that identified in Section 13-101 of this title; and

16. Allow students in the Alternative Education program, who otherwise meet all of the participation requirements, to participate in vocational programs and extracurricular activities at the sending school or district, including but not limited to athletics, band and clubs.




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Last updated on February 21, 2024