Alternative Education Advisory Committee

 EngageOK - Alternative Education

Alternative Education Advisory Committee

As part of our eight-year plan for education, SDE launched six goals.  One of these goals is to rank among the top 10 states with the highest graduation rate for students in four-, five- and six- year cohorts.  To do so, one of the areas we must bring focus to is alternative education.

We know alternative education programs across the state are doing wonderful work in supporting our most at-risk students, but we need district guidance on designing strategies and supports to move alternative education forward.

Below are links to the agendas, handouts, and recordings for each meeting.

May 3, 2022 - Consortium Group Meeting

June 15, 2021- Advisory Group Meeting

May 24, 2021 - Accountability Work Group Meeting

April 12, 2021 - Accountability Work Group Meeting

April 7, 2021 - Funding Working Group Meeting

Februay 16, 2021- Advisory Group Meeting

October 13, 2020- Advisory Group Meeting

June 11, 2020-Advisory Group Meeting

February 20, 2020- Advisory Group Meeting

October 15, 2019- Advisory Group Meeting

May 28, 2019 - Advisory Group Meeting     

May 23, 2019 - Accountability Work Group Meeting

May 22, 2019 - Evaluation Working Group Meeting


May 20, 2019 - Data Working Group Meeting

March 25, 2019 - Funding Working Group Meeting

February 15, 2019 - Advisory Group Meeting

January 15, 2019 - Funding Working Group Meeting


December 11, 2018 - Advisory Group Meeting

December 3, 2018 - Funding Working Group Meeting

October 8, 2018 - Advisory Group Meeting

May 15, 2018 - Advisory Group Meeting

Accountability Working Group Meeting


1. Fully inform the purpose behind Alt Ed programs, what the funding is to be used for, and the criteria the programs are expected to meet.
2. Create a proposal to the A-F report card that would highlight alternative education in a more growth mindset.

Data Working Group Meeting

1. Study current data trends in alternative education.
2. Identify what student and program data should be collected.
3. Analyze data for training, programs, and incentives to improve outcomes.

Evaluation Working Group Meeting


1. Current Alt Ed Rubric 
2. MS Rubric 
3. HS Rubric


1, Create an evaluation tool that can be used evaluate alternative education programs for middle school/junior high that promotes improvement and innovation with compliance and eligibility.

2. Create an evaluation tool that can be used to evaluate alternative education programs for high school that promotes improvement and innovation with compliance and eligibility

Funding Working Group


1. Create a proposal to update the alternative education funding formula.
2. Broaden the options and definition of an alternative education program for funding purposes

February 13, 2018 – Advisory Group Meeting

January 24, 2018 - Evaluation Working Group



1. Create an evaluation tool that can be used evaluate alternative education programs for middle school/junior high that promotes improvement and innovation with compliance and eligibility.

2. Create an evaluation tool that can be used to evaluate alternative education programs for high school that promotes improvement and innovation with compliance and eligibility

January 23, 2018 - Data Working Group



1. Study current data trends in alternative education.
2. Identify what student and program data should be collected.
3. Analyze data for training, programs, and incentives to improve outcomes. 


December 4, 2017 - Advisory Group Meeting

October 10, 2017- Advisory Group Meeting

September 18, 2017 - Advisory Group Meeting


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Last updated on May 4, 2022