The OSDE Crisis Team provides professional development and training to school districts covering a wide range of school safety, crisis management, behavior support, and mental health topics. Each presentation can be tailored for district needs to support teachers, support staff school mental health professionals, administrators, and crisis teams. To schedule a training or presentation, please complete a Training Request Form or contact us to set up a collaboration meeting.
The OSDE Crisis Team provides districts with training in the PREPaRE crisis curriculum. Developed by the National Association of School Psychologists, PREPaRE is a comprehensive, evidence-based, and resource-rich curriculum for school crisis prevention and response. This training is ideal for schools committed to improving and strengthening their school safety and crisis management plans, empowering crisis teams, and providing appropriate emergency response with an emphasis on balancing physical and psychological safety for students and staff. This training can be provided to school districts through a reimbursement process.
This 1-day workshop provides school mental health professionals, administrators, teachers, security officers, school nurses, and other educators knowledge, skills, and resources important to establishing and sustaining comprehensive crisis management. The curriculum focuses on school safety and crisis prevention, mitigation, and preparedness. Making use of existing personnel, resources, and programs, PREPaRE can be adapted to a school’s specific needs and culture. Specific attention is given to developing, exercising, and evaluating safety/crisis teams and plans, and integrating school and community crisis response personnel. Also addressed are issues associated with the media, social media, technology, students with special needs, culture, and memorials. Training reinforces improved school climate, student behavior and academic functioning, student resilience, and school staff crisis response capabilities.
This 2-day workshop provides school-based mental health professionals and other school crisis intervention team members with the knowledge necessary to meet the mental health needs of students and staff following school-associated crisis events. This workshop teaches participants how to prevent and prepare for psychological trauma, help to reaffirm both the physical health of members of the school community and students’ perceptions that they are safe and secure, evaluate conduct psychological triage, respond to the psychological needs of the school community utilizing a multitiered approach, and examine the effectiveness of school crisis intervention and recovery efforts. This workshop is an excellent course for all professionals in a district who provide mental health crisis intervention services.
For more more information, click here: PREPaRE