OKTOY Blog: Overcoming against all odds

I recently finished reading Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, and I am currently reading Good to Great by Jim Collins. The first told the true story of Louis Zamperini’s journey from boyhood to Olympian to a prisoner in World War II Japanese P.O.W. camps and his ultimate release. The second depicts how certain Fortune 500 companies made the leap from mediocre or even poor performers to sustained, great companies.

Oklahoma School Turnaround Program garnering success

OKLAHOMA CITY  (Dec. 8, 2014) — As 2014 draws to a close, the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is celebrating the fact that more than half of Oklahoma’s 175 Priority Schools have shown positive growth over the past two years.

In addition to that accomplishment, OSDE’s Office of School Turnaround reports that 51 Priority schools improved their letter grades on the state A-F Report Card this year. 

OKTOY Blog: Giving Students a Voice

Oklahoma Teacher of the Year Proctor and his studentFor me it has always been, and will always be about the students.

I was fortunate to spend the day discussing Oklahoma's testing climate with fellow educators, administrators, students, and various stakeholders at the OEA Testing Summit. Throughout the day it was clear that everyone's first and foremost concern was what was best for our students.


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Last updated on December 31, 1969