Workshops to help educators transition to new science standards

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is offering free two-day regional workshops to support science teachers and school district administrators as they transition to new Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) for Science.

The new standards were adopted by the State Board of Education and signed into rule by Gov. Fallin this summer.  They replace Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS) science standards. State science assessments will not be aligned to these new standards, however, until 2016-2017 so that districts and teachers have time to transition.

State Department of Education to hold PASS Plus Academies For teachers throughout state

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will host professional development sessions statewide this fall regarding Priority Academic Student Skills, or PASS. Under recently signed legislation, Oklahoma’s PreK-12 teachers must use PASS standards for English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics through 2016. The state will develop new and stronger academic standards to go into effect in 2016.

TLE September 2014 Newsletter

Topics include:

  • Register Now for SLO/SOO Training
  • Information regarding OAM Reports
  • TLE Focus Groups

Read the full newsletter ...



OKSCI logoWith the adoption of the new Oklahoma Academic Science Standards in March 2014, several districts and teachers are beginning to make decisions on how to transition from PASS to OAS-Science.

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is offering two-day regional workshops designed to provide districts and teachers the support they need to begin that transition.


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Last updated on December 31, 1969