Reporting Requirements Calendar - Accreditation

State and Federal Due Dates for
Oklahoma Public Schools K-12
Report by Division - Accreditation

Contact Information:

Accreditation website:
Phone: (405) 521-3335

Mail to OSDE address:


Districts Presenting Annual College Remediation Report to Local Board of Education

Window: Throughout the year
Legislation: OAC: 210-35-25-4
Description: A district shall annually review and discuss with the local board of education each site's first year college remediation rate.
Activity: The high school principal or a representative from each high school site within the district shall annually review and discuss with the local board of education each site's first year college remediation rate for each subject as presented in the annual Student Remediation Report provided by the Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education within two months of receiving said report.
Related Documents: Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education High School Preparation Reports

First Year Superintendents provide Professional Development Points to the SDE

Window: Throughout the year
Legislation: OAC: 210-20-21-1
Description: Professional development requirements shall be met by each superintendent employed for the first time in the state of Oklahoma as a district superintendent.
Activity: Verification of training shall be submitted to the director of the program at the State Department of Education. A certificate will be provided to district superintendents upon completion of the training requirements. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.
Related Documents: First Year Superintendents

Transfer Notifications—Emergency Transfer Cancellation

Window: Throughout the year
Statute: OAC: 210-10-1-18
Description: Transfers to another district may be approved by the board of education of the receiving school district. If the grade a student is entitled to pursue is not offered in the district where the student resides, the transfer shall be automatically approved by the receiving school district. No student may be granted more than one (1) open transfer per school year, but may qualify for additional transfers pursuant to emergency provisions of the Education Open Transfers Act or a legal change in residence.
Activity: Emergency transfers may only be cancelled with the concurrence of the board of the receiving school district and the guardian of the student. A school district must notify the guardian in writing of the date and time for which the transfer will be considered for cancellation by the school board and the written notice must be received by the guardian no less than five (5) business days prior to the date of a regularly scheduled meeting at which the proposed cancellation will be considered, or no less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at which the proposed cancellation will be considered if it is a special meeting.
Related Documents: Single Sign On and Student Transfer Documents

Transfer Notifications—Request Open Transfer

Window: July 1 - May 31
Legislation: OAC: 210-10-1-18
Description: Transfers to another district may be approved by the board of education of the receiving school district. If the grade a student is entitled to pursue is not offered in the district where the student resides, the transfer shall be automatically approved by the receiving school district. No student may be granted more than one (1) open transfer per school year, but may qualify for additional transfers pursuant to emergency provisions of the Education Open Transfers Act or a legal change in residence.
Activity: Notifications shall be provided to the OSDE no later than May 31 of the same year in which the transfer is requested. The receiving school district shall notify the resident school district that an application for transfer has been filed by the student enrolled in the resident school district.
Related Documents: Single Sign On and Student Transfer Documents

District Requests for Site Changes

Window: January 3 - September 1
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 3-104
Description: Districts periodically need to change site designations regarding grades served or request a new site code due to construction or closing of a site.
Activity: Districts send a formal request by stating the specific changes to sites, along with approved board minutes. The Accreditation Division then assigns a site code, if necessary, and forwards the changes on to the relevant OSDE divisions. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.

Annual CareerTech Center Accreditation Application Forms Sent

Window: September 15
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 3-104.4
Description: Districts complete the accreditation application annually.
Activity: Accreditation Application to be completed and mailed to Accreditation office by October 15. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.

Statutory Waiver/Deregulation

Window: April 1 - October 1
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 3-126
Description: Districts may request waivers from certain Legislations and deregulations from certain administrative code.
Activity: Statutory Waivers/Deregulations for the next year will be accepted from April 1 through October 1 with some exceptions. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.
Related Documents: Statutory Waiver/Deregulation Application (PDF)

Annual Accreditation Application

Window: October 1 - October 15
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 3-104.4
Description: Districts complete the accreditation application annually.
Activity: Single Sign On > Accreditation Application

School Board Member Filing for Open Seat

Window: First Week of December
Legislation: 26 O.S. § 13A-105
Description: Candidates who are filing to become a member of the board of education of every school district or technology center school district shall file declarations of candidacy in the same place and with the same officials as candidates for county office.
Activity: Candidates shall file on the first Monday in December (December 2, 2019) through the following Wednesday (December 11, 2019)

School Board Elections

Window: First Tuesday in April (April 7, 2020)
Legislation: 26 O.S. § 13A-103
Description: Local school board elections are held for vacant school board seats.
Activity: The election of members of the board of education of every school district and technology center school district shall be conducted on the first Tuesday in April of each year, except in any year when a Presidential Preferential Primary is held in February, then the election shall be held on the same day as the Presidential Preferential Primary.

Oklahoma Honor Society

Window: February 1 - March 15
Legislation: OAC: 210-35-23-2
Description: Every accredited middle, junior high, or high school in the state is eligible to organize a local chapter of the society.
Activity: Forms to be used in listing students that have been nominated for membership will be sent to the local school authorities prior to February 1 of each year. Membership will be based upon work done during the first semester of the current year and the second semester in the preceding year. Nominations should be approved by the local school officials no later than March 15 of each year. A list of students nominated shall be provided to the Accreditation Office on forms furnished for that purpose. A certificate of membership for each person approved will be sent to the local school authorities. These certificates will be distributed in time for closing exercises of the school in the spring. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.
Related Documents: Honor Society Instructions (PDF)

Withdrawal from Inter-local Cooperative

Window: July 1 - March 15
Legislation: OAC: 210-1-9-4
Description: Notice of intent of a school district to withdraw from the cooperative agreement must be given no later than March 15 for the ensuing school year.
Activity: Superintendents of districts currently participating in an Inter-local cooperative (ICL) must submit an “Intent to Withdraw” letter by March 15 only if the district chooses not to participate in upcoming school year. The letter is to be submitted to the designated ILC’s Executive Board members and the OSDE Accreditation Director. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.

School Board Membership Report

Window: April 7 - May 15
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 5-110.2
Description: The State Board of Education shall maintain records of attendance by school board members.
Activity: After each April election and no later than May 15, each local school district superintendent must submit a completed Annual School Board Membership Report to the Accreditation Division of the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Superintendents should also submit this report any time there is a change in their local board membership such as a resignation or newly appointed member. If a school board seat run-off election is required, the membership report is due by May 15. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.
Related Documents: Annual School Board Membership Report (PDF)

Inter-local Cooperatives (ILC) - Forms Sent

Window: May 15
Legislation: OAC: 210-1-9-4
Description: Boards of education of two or more school districts may enter into an inter-local cooperative agreement.
Activity: Inter-local Cooperative Directors will receive the OSDE required forms by May 15. ILC administrators must distribute these forms to participating districts.
Related Documents: Inter-local Cooperatives

Charter School Applications and Contracts

Window: January 1 - June 30
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 3-130 through 70 O.S. § 3-145 and OAC: 210:40-87
Description: Charter school sponsors must provide various documents to the OSDE in accordance with the Oklahoma Charter School Act.
The charter school sponsor will send all required documents by June 30 of the year prior to which the charter school is to begin operation. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.
Related Documents: Charter School Information

School Accreditation Recommendations prepared and presented to the State Board of Education

Window: January 1 - July 1
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 3-104
Description: Regional Accreditation Officers (RAOs) travel to each school district and conduct accreditation site visits using the current Compliance Report and Accreditation Standards. Deficiencies are noted, if applicable, and the accreditation status to be recommended is determined.
Activity: The Office of Accreditation presents recommendations to the State Board of Education for approval. Accreditation visits are typically finished by the end of the school year, and the recommendations are usually made to the State Board of Education in July.
Related Documents: Accreditation Standards

Inter-local Cooperatives (ILC) - Form Submission

Window: May 15 - June 15
Legislation: OAC: 210-1-9-4
Description: Boards of education of any two or more school districts may enter into an inter-local cooperative agreement.
Activity: Inter-local cooperatives for the following school year must submit all completed OSDE forms: Participation Agreement, Authorization to Pay Funds, and the District Board Appointee with Loyalty Oath no later than July 15. These forms are provided by the OSDE to the ILC administrators to distribute to participating districts.
Submit two copies of OSDE Accreditation Application to Accreditation Division of OSDE. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.
Related Documents: Accreditation Application

Open Transfer Notifications – Approve or Deny

Window: May 31 - July 15
Legislation: OAC: 210-10-1-18
Description: Transfers to another district may be approved by the board of education of the receiving school district. If the grade a student is entitled to pursue is not offered in the district where the student resides, the transfer shall be automatically approved by the receiving school district. No student may be granted more than one (1) open transfer per school year, but may qualify for additional transfers pursuant to emergency provisions of the Education Open Transfers Act or a legal change in residence.
Activity: No later than July 15 of the year in which the transfer is requested, the board of education of the receiving school district shall approve or deny the application and notify student’s guardian of the decision in writing. Open transfers may not be canceled unless the receiving school district has notified the resident school district and guardian of the students of its intent to cancel the transfer by July 15 prior to the school year for which the school district seeks to cancel the transfer.
Related Documents: Single Sign On and Student Transfer Documents

Summer School Accreditation Application

Window: During the first week of summer school
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 3-104.4
Description: Districts complete an annual accreditation application.
Activity: The State Department of Education must receive this application prior to or during the first week of summer school. Copies of this application are to be kept at the office of the superintendent and the administrative office for the summer school. Submit two notarized copies of this application. Accreditation mailing address at top of page.
Related Documents: Summer School Accreditation Application (PDF)

Open Transfer Notifications – Notice of Enrollment

Window: May 31 - August 1
Legislation: OAC: 210-10-1-18
Description: Transfers to another district may be approved by the board of education of the receiving school district. If the grade a student is entitled to pursue is not offered in the district where the student resides, the transfer shall be automatically approved by the receiving school district. No student may be granted more than one (1) open transfer per school year, but may qualify for additional transfers pursuant to emergency provisions of the Education Open Transfers Act or a legal change in residence.
Activity: By August 1, the guardians of the student shall provide the receiving school district with written notification that the student will be enrolling. Failure of the guardians to notify may result in the loss of the student's right to enroll in the school district for that year only. If a guardian fails to notify the receiving school district that a student will be enrolling, and the receiving school district chooses to cancel the transfer, the receiving school district shall provide a written notice of the cancellation to the guardian and the resident district immediately upon cancellation.
Related Documents: Single Sign On and Student Transfer Documents

School Calendar Hours Notification

Window: January 1 - October 15
Legislation: 70 O.S. § 1-109
Description: For all public schools in Oklahoma, school shall be in session and classroom instruction offered no less than one hundred eighty (180) days; or no less than one thousand eighty (1,080) hours each school year. If a district board of education adopts a school-hours policy, the district must notify the State Board of Education before October 15 of the applicable school year.
Activity: A school district must upload to Single Sign On a letter of notification when it chooses a calendar calculated by hours rather than days for an Accreditation approval of a 1,080 hours calendar. The letter must be signed by the district superintendent and school board president and include minutes from the local board approval meeting.
Related Documents: Days to Hours Instruction Worksheet (PDF)

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Last updated on November 25, 2019