School districts shall develop and implement curriculum, courses, and instruction in order to ensure that students meet the skills and competencies as set forth in this section and in the subject matter standards adopted by the State Board of Education. Students, therefore, shall study social studies, literature, languages, the arts, mathematics, and science (70 O.S. 11-103.6).
The fine arts include dance, drama/theatre, media arts, music, and visual arts. Although there is no fine arts assessment, state law mandates access to a PK-12 fine arts education.
In Oklahoma, textbooks may be purchased with or without textbook funding. If textbooks are purchased with state textbook funding, districts must follow the textbook adoption cycle. The last textbook adoption cycle for fine arts occurred in 2014. The next arts adoption window will be in 2024. More information will be coming soon on the High Quality Instructional Materials website.