Improvement Fellows
Check out the latest edition of the Roundup Blog Series: Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement through Oklahoma Excel, which features two of our amazing former Improvement Fellows: Tim Collier from McAlester Public Schools and Donna Hogan from Oklahoma Connections Academy.
What is an Improvement Fellow?
Improvement Fellows are teacher leaders who help manage the day-to-day operations of the local improvement team. They serve as a liaison between their local team and the OSDE Excel hub. Each local team is required to have one of the team members serve as the Improvement Fellow. Although administrators, such as a principal, are encouraged to join the local improvement team, they may not serve as the Improvement Fellow. Improvement Fellows have additional responsibilities and receive additional training and support in the following areas:
Improvement Science
High leverage instructional strategies
Data analysis
Building relationships
Leading effective teams
Jim Knight's Partnership Principles
Peer observation and feedback
Coaching conversations
Team meetings: planning and facilitation
What are the required Improvement Fellow qualifications?
Improvement Fellows help support their team members in implementing high-leverage instructional strategies to enhance student outcomes. Successful Improvement Fellows:
must have at least 3 years experience in the content area
evidence of successful teaching, including a proven track record of student achievement
demonstrated leadership skills
ability to adhere to deadlines
excellent communication skills
have technology skills
To learn more about the Improvement Fellow program, visit
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Last updated on October 27, 2022