What's New?

Wondering if participation in Oklahoma Excel is right for you?

Read our comprehensive Implementation Guide to find out!

Research-Practice Partnerships  

Oklahoma Excel has established a research-practice partnership with the SW Regional Educational Laboratory (REL SW). REL, which is part of the Institutes of Education (a subsidiary of the U.S. Department of Education), currently operates ten laboratories across the nation. Our work together helps us transform research into practice.


Marshal Conley

 Partnership Facilitator

Oklahoma Excel/REL SW Resources

Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement through Oklahoma Excel

Using Improvement Cycles to Promote Equitable Instructional Practices: Oklahoma Excel

Partnership Handout

How can trusting relationships with adults boost student success?

2019 Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education poster

Helping Students Thrive through Oklahoma Excel

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Last updated on November 9, 2022