For the 2022-2023 school year, we are pleased to partner with: El Reno Public Schools, McAlester Public Schools, Moore Public Schools, and Sapulpa Public Schools. Each district team is led by an Improvement Fellow.
The Science NIC, like all NICs, is grounded in a working theory of improvement. The theory of improvement outlines the aim, or goal, that is trying to be reached, the levers in the system that need to be addressed, and specifically what instructional strategies or interventions (referred to as change ideas) could be employed. For this year, we will strive to increase student abilities to generate and evaluate evidence to argue a claim.
One of the hallmarks of Oklahoma Excel is the tailored professional development and instructional coaching offered to our participants. During the course of the 2022-2023 school year, our science NIC members will engage in about thirty hours of sustained, job-embedded, data-driven and classroom focused professional learning. In addition, each member will participate in several instructional coaching cycles with the Oklahoma Excel Science Instructional Specialist.
Teachers who participate in Oklahoma Excel collect two types of data to analyze the impact the new instructional strategies are having on their students. The first kind of data is a student survey, which measures students' perceptions, attitudes, and experiences related to their science classrooms. The second kind of data is an academic achievement measure of how well students are making sense of phenomena.
The above academic achievement measure uses a four point rubric to assess students' ability to make sense of a phenomena and apply that understanding to a new phenomena. The highest score on the rubric is a four. The above graph shows an average increase of 1.53 rubric points between the pre and post.
This particular student survey measure explores how respected students feel in the classroom. When norms are established in the science classroom, the culture is one in which students feel their ideas are heard and respected. The data above shows a 22% increase in students who felt heard and respected.