Test Security & Assessment Monitoring

Each district test coordinator, building test coordinator, test administrator, and test proctor is responsible for all secure test materials received and for returning all secure test materials (See Section 210:10-13-4 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code). Violation of regulations may result in revocation of a person’s teaching, counseling, administrative, and/or other certificates.

**Test Proctor (Test Monitor) Requirement**

For the 2022 test administration, each school site/building is required to utilize at least one (1) trained Test Proctor or Roving Proctor for OSTP/CCRA assessments grades 3-8 and 11.

Buildings may use Roving Proctors only when simultaneous test sessions are occurring. The Roving Proctor must rotate between test sessions every 15–20 minutes and cannot be assigned to more than five testing sessions at any given time.

During testing, Test Administrators must remain in the testing session at all times. If using a Test Proctor for a test session, the Test Proctor must remain in the test session as well in order to maintain and oversee the security of tests.

Note: To maintain test security, it is required that a dedicated Test Proctor be assigned to test sessions where the test items are being read-aloud. This includes text-to-speech accommodations used without headphones, Human Readers, and translators. Furthermore, Test Proctors for test sessions where the Test Administrator provides the verbatim reading accommodation must use a Test Proctor who is employed by the school district. Please see the OSTP IEP 504 Manual for additional guidance.

Academic Assessment Monitoring Program (AAMP)

2024 AAMP Monitoring List

  • This list may not include districts selected to receive a special desk or on-site monitoring and/or additional compliance review.  Districts/sites may be added at any time. 

Desk Monitoring Documentation Training

  •  AAMP Training Slide Deck - Coming Soon 

AAMP Handbook - 03/1/2024

AAMP Checklist -   03/1/2024

AAMP Flowchart | Oklahoma Administrative Code 210: 10-13-21 (AAMP)

Academic Assessment Monitoring Program (AAMP) - FAQ

Test Security Requirements

The tests and the materials associated with them are secure at all times. Students cannot be provided with access to materials before the administration of the tests. Prior exposure to the tests would result in invalidation of the student's test scores.

Materials associated with the tests cannot be photocopied or reproduced in any fashion, including paraphrasing--to do so is in violation of copyright law.

Testing materials can only be provided to the trained individuals conducting the testing process or the students' testing.

Test questions cannot be taught in part or in whole before, during, or after testing. Answers to questions cannot be provided to students in any fashion. Student answers can only be erased or altered by the student during the course of taking the test; changing student answers by someone other than the student testing or changing student answers after the test session has concluded is strictly prohibited.

Paper Testing

Test documents (test booklets and writing answer documents) cannot be opened before the test session by anyone.

The seal on the testing document can only be broken by the student testing at the beginning of the test session.

The student testing is the only person allowed to view the materials inside the testing documents during the test administration. The only exception to this rule is in the case of a test administrator who must provide certain testing accommodation(s).

Online Testing

Student test tickets and access codes must remain secure at all times. Immediately following testing, test administrators and/or test proctors should collect all test tickets prior to students leaving the testing environment.

Only students are authorized to access the online test with their student access codes at all times. Accessing student tests before or after the testing window are strictly prohibited.

District personnel needing to verify system functionality may do so by creating students and student test sessions in the Online Assessment System Practice Test environment.

Test administrators cannot leave testing materials in open or unattended areas.

Parent, student, and teacher guides (PSTGs) and test administration manuals should be distributed prior to testing so that test administrators may become familiar with these directions before testing begins. No other materials are to be removed from the school building except under special conditions outlined in the test administration manual.

Test Proctor Observation Log Sheets

Test Proctors or Roving Proctors must complete an Observation Log sheet for test sessions proctored. One Observation Log may be used for multiple sessions. Every test session must be documented through the use of an Observation Log sheet. By signing the Observation Log, Test Proctors also acknowledge and certify that they will not divulge any contents of the test.

Test administrators will no longer list test proctors and the range of dates they administered tests with them on their security form prior to signing it. Instead, the Official Schedule of Testing will be used to list and reference Proctors.

For questions concerning Test Security and/or Monitoring, click here.

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Last updated on April 8, 2024