Indicator 4

Each Local Educational Agency (LEA) must have a rate of suspension/expulsion of students with disabilities comparable to the suspension/expulsion of non-disabled peers. The minimum criteria of discrepancy for each State Educational Agency (SEA) is determined with stakeholder input. Indicator 4a is a broad overview, while Indicator 4b focuses on the discrepancy within specific sub-groups.


Indicator 4

Indicator 4: Significant Discrepancy in Suspension/Expulsion

• Indicator 4A: Risk ratio for all students with disabilities with long-term suspension/expulsion: rates of suspension and expulsion.

• Indicator 4B: Findings of (a) a significant discrepancy by racial identity and (b) policies, procedures or practices that contribute to the finding and do not comply with requirements. 


Indicator 4 Toolkit

**Toolkits must be completed in EdPlan**


District Dates to Remember:

• District Dates to Remember


• The Toolkit will be completed in EdPlan.

• Professional Development documentation will be uploaded to the LEA Document Library Compliance tab in EdPlan. 




• Data Special Education Child Count Collection and End of Year Collection

• Indicators 4, 9, and 10

Indicators 4, 9, and 10 Slide Deck


Professional Development

• Special Education Services - Professional Development - This is the Special Education Services Professional Development page, with links to Project 613, PD Requests, and other OSDE specific resources.


EdPlan Monitoring System 

• EdPlan Uploading Instructions

• Accessing the Child Count Report in EdPlan


Additional Resources 

• Accessing the Discipline Report in EdPlan

• SpEd Discipline for Principals




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Last updated on January 8, 2024