Special Education Professional Development Directory

Sophisticated forms of teaching and leading are needed to develop student competencies that include deep mastery of challenging content, critical thinking, complex problem-solving, effective communication, collaboration, and self-direction. Quality professional development leads to effective teaching practices, supportive leadership, and improved student results.  


Project 613

This project is intended to increase participation in OSDE-sponsored events, training, and conferences, as well as support staff that benefits special education teachers.


District-Level Professional Development 

Implementing effective PD requires responsiveness to educators' needs and the contexts in which teaching and learning will occur. OSDE-Special Education Services is committed to their ongoing mission. OSDE-SES partners with districts in providing educators with professional learning options. Professional development sessions include relevant background information, activities, and/or a presentation for special education and instructional topics. These PD Sessions are perfect to support administrators, educators, and support staff. To learn more about the module descriptions, please view the District-Level Professional Development

Self-Paced Modules:

The Office of Special Education Services has developed self-paced modules focused on highly requested topics of interest. These modules are intended to support districts, sites, and teachers in their understanding of the following topics. Each module is worth approximately 1 to 1.5 professional development credit hours. These modules are available on OSDEConnect and linked below.




Pepper Professional Development Learning Network

Pepper is a vibrant, online learning community where educators can have any time, anywhere access to rigorous, high-quality professional development content focusing on implementing special education services and individualized instruction. Pepper Course Catalog


Professional Learning Series - Recordings

Accommodations and Special Education 101

Universal Design of Learning (UDL)

Classroom Management 



CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) provides your staff with the skills to safely recognize and respond to everyday crisis situations. NCI training complies with all current legislation and is evidence-based and fully accredited. OSDE has a team of trainers ready to help your district gain CPI certification.

Please watch our Special Education Services Listserv for announcements for the 2023-2024 regional training for all districts. Any questions about CPI can be directed to Megan Salisbury.


Are you taking the OSAT for special education endorsement?

We have resources to help. Good Luck! 

• Study Resources for OSAT-Special Education

• Study Materials for Special Education




Special Education 

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Last updated on September 16, 2024