Part B Parent Survey





We need your opinions!

Your response to the parent survey allows state, federal and district stakeholders understand whether your local program is meeting its expectations for parent engagement. Every district is expected to provide parents or other caregivers the opportunity to respond to the parent survey at the initial and each annual IEP meeting.

Please answer yours here! It is very quick—taking only five to ten minutes to complete. If you would rather complete the survey over the phone, please call this number between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM: (435) 797-9008.

Your answers will help Oklahoma improve its programs for all students with disabilities!



¡Necesitamos su opinión!

Su respuesta a la encuesta de padres permite a las partes interesadas estatal, federal y distrital a poder entender si su programa local está cumpliendo con sus expectativas de participación de los padres en la escula. Se espera que cada distrito provea la oportunidad a los padres y otros cuidadores ​a poder responder a la encuesta de padres en la reunión inicial y en cada reunión anual del IEP.

¡Por favor responda la encuesta aquí! Para acceder a la encuesta en español, seleccione Español en el menú desplegable en la esquina superior derecha de la encuesta en línea. Es rápido, toma sólo cinco a diez minutos para completarse. Si prefiere completar la encuesta por teléfono, llame a este número entre las 10:00 AM y 6:00 PM: (435) 797-3690.

Su respuestas ayudarán a Oklahoma a mejorar sus programas para todos los estudiantes con discapacidades!



Please encourage your parents or other primary caregivers to respond to the annual parent survey (one response per child, yearly). 

How can you recieve more parent respopnses? The most successful districts do the following:

1. Give parents a brochure at the beginning of the IEP meeting. 

2. Offer ways for parents to respond immediately at the end of the meeting

• Providing a laptop or tablet, opening the link for the survey;

• Providing a phone with the phone number at their disposal (435-797-9008 English or (435) 797-3690 for Spanish);

• Providing a paper copy of the survey (must be in a sealed envelope for the privacy of protecting the student and parents rights) and mail the survey to the address on file. 

3. Leave the room or move across the room, to provide the parents privacy of completeling the survey. 


NOTE: Districts...make sure you are using te most up to date version of the paper survey. We are no longer accepting old surveys as they will not be counted



Part B Survey Brochure (English) 

Part B Survey Brochure (Spanish) 

Survey - Paper Copy (English)

Survey - Paper Copy (Spanish)

• Parents' Rights in Special Education: Notice of Procedural Safeguards

• Parents' Rights Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese


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Last updated on July 23, 2024