Professional Development

The Oklahoma State Department of Education offers professional development for teachers and administrators in multiple formats, including synchronous and asynchronous virtual sessions, webinars, and in-person regional workshops.


One way to access free online professional learning courses is to visit OSDE Connect. Many of the courses listed below as required professional development for 2024-25 are accessible on the OSDE Connect platform.




New - 
Professional Development Required for 2024-2025

Topic Audience Guiding Rule or Law Dates, Frequency, & Suggested Resources

Alcohol and Drug Awareness

Certified employees & support staff

70 O.S. 1210.225

70 O.S. 1210.229-5

First year of hire, then once every fifth academic year

OSDE Substance Abuse Prevention Resources


Certified employees & support staff who work with students in early childhood to third grade

H.B. 1684

70 O.S. 2011.194.6

One time every three years

OSDE Connect

Bloodborne Pathogens

Certified employees & support staff

20 CFR 1910.1030

Once each school year

Online training in OSDE Connect

Overview 1

Overview 2

American Red Cross

Bullying Prevention

Certified employees & support staff

HB 1661

70 O.S. 24-100

OAC 210:10-1-20

Annual training for all school staff, including SROs

OSDE Bullying Prevention

Bus Driver Training

School Bus Drivers

OAC 210:30-5-8 (Section b:3-A)

4 hours of training every year

Documentation for each bus driver must be recorded on the

Annual Inservice Form

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Heimlich Maneuver

Appropriate staff including, but not limited to ALL athletic coaches, athletic trainers, and school nurses must complete CPR/AED training yearly. 

70 O.S. 1210.199

SB 1921

Once each school year

OSDE CPR Resources and Information

American Red Cross

Child Abuse and Neglect; Child Sexual Abuse Awareness & Reporting

Certified employees & support staff

H.B. 1684

Amendment to 70 O.S. 6-194, 24-100.5

70 O.S. 1210.160, 1210.161; 10

O.S. 601.69

The first year a certified teacher is employed by a district, and then once every fifth academic year

Educators as Mandatory Reporters

OSDE Youth Violence Prevention Resources

Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth

Diabetes Management

Employees responsible for students with diabetes

H.B. 1051

70 O.S. 1210.196.2

Once each school year

" OSDE Diabetes Management Training

" OSDH Guidelines for Diabetes Management in Schools

Digital Teaching and Learning

Certified teachers

H.B. 1576

70 O.S. 6-192

Frequency determined by board of education

OSDE Resources

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

ISTE Standards for Students, Educators & Administrators

Dyslexia/Dysgraphia Awareness

Certified teachers and administrators

H.B. 1228

70 O.S. 6-194

Must be offered once each school year for all certified staff including information about the characteristics of dyslexia, identification and evidence-based interventions, as well as resources for teachers, parents, and students.

OSDE Connect

EL (English Learners)

Certified employees & support staff who work with EL students

20 USC 6301

2015,ESSA,Section 3115 (c)(2)

Public Law 114-95

70 O.S. 6-192 & 194

Annual professional development activities focused on effective implementation of district Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) instructional model(s)

OSDE English Language Proficiency (ELP) Resources


EL Instruction & Professional Development

OSDE Connect Courses

Annual WIDA Professional Development Opportunities

Family & Community Engagement

School personnel

OAC 210:20-19-2

Type and frequency determined by local board of education

" Family & Community Engagement

"Online training in OSDE Connect

FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act)

Certified employees & support staff

20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99

(Section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act, P.L. 90-247 and P.L. 93-380 as amended) OAC 210:1-3-8

Once each school year

General Overview

FERPA for School Officials


School District encumbrance clerks and treasurer clerks

70 O.S. 5-190

OAR 210:25-5-10

OAR 210:25-5-11

Initial training within 9 months of hire, or within 3 years prior to employment in the position; then 12 hours of approved training every 3 years from the date of initial employment.

Oklahoma Administrative Rule for

School Encumbrance Clerks

School Treasurer Clerks

Hazardous Communications

Certified employees & support staff

29 CFR 1910.1200

Once each school year

Overview 1

Overview 2

OSHA Training Requirements

Health Education micro-credential

Teachers who teach health education

A stand-alone health class must be taught by a certified physical education/health teacher. A teacher must earn a micro-credential to integrate health education into other content areas.

Health Education Act (70 O.S. § 11-103.13)

Health Education Micro-credential in OSDE Connect

Oklahoma Academic Standards for Health Education

Human Trafficking

Certified employees and support staff

70 O.S. Supp. 2018, Section 24-100.5

Safe School Committees to recommend PD needs of faculty and staff to recognize and report suspected human trafficking

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Human Trafficking Training Request

Online Human Trafficking Training

Medication Administration Training Recommended training per OSDH 70. O.S. 1-116.2

OSDE Connect Training Course

Medication Training Guide

Mental Health Needs of Students

Certified employees and support staff

70 O.S. 6-194.3

The first year a certified teacher is employed by a district, and then once every fifth academic year

OK Aware Resources

Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services

OSDE Prevention Services

OSDE Student Mental Health Resources

OSDE Crisis Preparedness and Response

Personal Financial Literacy

Certified teachers delivering Personal Financial Literacy instruction

70 O.S. S 11-103.6H

Every Personal Financial Literacy (PFL) teacher within the first year of being assigned this content must complete training on the OAS for PFL

Racial & Ethnic Education

Certified employees & support staff

OAC 210:20-19-2

Type and frequency determined by local board of education

Science of Reading

For districts receiving greater than $2500, 10% must be spent on evidence-based professional development from an SDE approved list for any PK-5 teachers within a district. This is a requirement for funding but not a requirement for all teachers to participate.

70 O.S. § 1210.508.D

Once each school year

State Department of Education has approved a list of evidence-based professional development programs which is published on the RSA Coordinator website.

Seizure Rescue training

One school employee at each school

S.B. 128

"Online training in  OSDE Connect

" Seizure Forms

" Seizure First Aid Resources

" Epilepsy Foundation website

Sports-Related Head Injuries-Concussion Management Guidelines- Penalties

Student athletes and their

parents/guardians,coaches, game and team officials

70 O.S. 24-155

Once each school year

OSDE Resources and Information

OSDH Management of Concussions in Sports

OSDE Return to Learn Protocol

Concussion and Head Injuries Awareness & Management

OSSAA (Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association)

STEM micro-credential

Certified teachers

H.B. 2752

Resources forthcoming and to be developed in coordination with the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA)

Student Communication All school district staff

H.B. 3958

70 O.S. 6-401

Schools provide training, developed by OSDE for school personnel on student communication requirments. Resources forthcoming. 

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training

Student athletes, their parents/guardians, and coaches. Each must also sign and return a completed information sheet and acknowledgement statement. Once each year, a coach of an athletic activity, school nurses, and athletic trainers shall complete sudden cardiac arrest training. 

S.B. 239

70 O.S. 24-156

Once each school year by a provider approved by the OSDH

"OSDE Resources and Information

" OSDH Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information Sheet

Athlete/Parent/Guardian Sudden Cardiac Arrest Symptoms and Warning Signs Information Sheet and Acknowledgment of Receipt and Review Form

Approved providers of Sudden Cardiac Arrest training courses for coaches: 

Provider: National Federation of High Schools 

Course: Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Provider: Sports Safety International

Course: CardiacWise 2.0

Suicide Awareness training

All school district staff

S.B. 21

Biennial training


OSDE Suicide Prevention Resources

ODMHSAS Training Resources

(Oklahoma Dept. of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services)

ODMHSAS School Based Suicide Prevention

Superintendent Training

First-time Oklahoma superintendents

OAC 210:20-21-1

11 days (66 hours) of training during first year of employment as a superintendent

Teacher Induction Program

Teachers in their first, second, or third year of teaching,


Instructional Coaches

70 O.S. 6-195

70 O.S. 6-182

70 O.S. 1-116

 Frequency determined by board of education

OSDE Teacher Induction Program

Teacher Induction Program Guidelines

Title IX

Certified employees & support staff of institutions receiving federal financial assistance

Sex Discrimination (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972)

At least one certified or support staff named as Title IX coordinator to ensure compliance. Training determined by local board of education.

US Department of Education

USDE Title IX Resource Guide

Title IX Coordinators' Newsletter

Title IX, Part A Education for the Homeless & Other Laws

Certified Employees and support staff

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Sec. 722;

Title 42 U.S.C. §11432(g)(1)(D) & (g)(6)(A)(ix)

District Homeless Liaison: Once each year - Complete training through .

Certified Employees and support staff: Once each year - Complete training provided by Homeless Liaison or approved vendor annually.

TLE Framework Training

Evaluators of certified personnel

70 O.S. 6-101.10

Initial certification training and recertification training completed prior to conducting evaluations of certified personnel

OSDE TLE Resources

Vision Screening Provider Training Screeners of K, 1st, and 3rd grade are required to take this training and be on the statewide vision registry at OSDH 70 O.S.  § 1210.284

Training Registration

OSDH Vision Screening Resources

Workplace Safety Training in Schools

Teachers of grades 7-12 are informed of the importance of incorporating training into curriculum

S.B. 262

70 O.S. 11-103.6j

Frequency determined by board of education.

Safety and Health Curriculum

OSDE Connect Catalog background

OSDE Connect Certificate background

OSDE Connect User Statement

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Last updated on September 4, 2024