Reference the General Supervision Manual for detailed Level 3 information.
• Front-loaded technical assistance
• Targeted technical assistance
• Self-assessment
• Professional development
• Data retreat
• Improvement plan
• Targeted or comprehensive review of student confidential files and the district program
• The Toolkit will be completed in EdPlan.
• Professional Development documentation will be uploaded to the LEA Document Library Compliance tab in EdPlan.
A DMR Level 3 LEA, may need to address multiple indicators as indicated on the District Data Profile (DDP) or the District Special Education Risk Score report.
• Indicators 4, 9, and/or 10 - if the DDP indicates three asterisks (***) for one or more of the indicators the target has not been met. The flow chart above details the required activities.
• Indicators 11, 12, and/or 13 - if the DDP indicates the district percentage is less than 100%, then the target has not been met. The flow chart above details the required activities.
• Indicators 1, 2, 3, 7, and/or Fiscal - for the indicator the district is furthest from the target, the district will be required to complete the toolkit aligned to the specific area(s) of concern to identify the root cause and develop a plan for improvement.
• Special Education Services - Professional Development - This is the Special Education Services Professional Development page, with links to Project 613, PD Requests, and other OSDE specific resources.
• EdPlan Uploading Instructions
• LEA IDEA Director Training Video
► Special Education Compliance