With the adoption of the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Mathematics (OAS-M) in the spring of 2016, it has been the priority of the Oklahoma State Department of Education to ensure all Oklahoma educators are provided with the opportunity to deeply understand the instructional shifts needed to fully meet the intent of the standards while also supporting educators with a vision and resources that promote implementing the standards with fidelity.
As a way to provide guidance and resources to support standards implementation, the Oklahoma Math Frameworks page was created. On this site, educators analyzed the standards and objectives, created suggested learning progressions, designed optional units, and adapted/created sample instructional tasks.
Download the Oklahoma Academic Math Standards
Explore the OKMath Frameworks Pages
As a part of the OKMath Frameworks Pages, educators have analyzed and interpreted each OAS-M objective. By clicking the links below, you will be directed to the Objective Analysis Page for your grade level. From there, click on each objective to see teacher actions, student actions, key understandings, and potential misconceptions.
Pre-K OAS Objective Analysis:
Pre-K |
Elementary OAS Objective Analysis:
Kindergarten | First Grade | Second Grade |
Third Grade | Fourth Grade | Fifth Grade |
Middle School OAS Objective Analysis:
Sixth Grade | Seventh Grade | Pre-Algebra |
High School OAS Objective Analysis:
Algebra I | Geometry | Algebra II |
Once you click on the links below, you will be taken to the OK Math Frameworks suggested learning progressions. Here, you will receive guidance on how to "bundle" standards and objectives, a timeline for units, and activities as options to use in your classroom. Click on each unit to see sample lesson plans, essential questions, and more.
Pre-K OAS Suggested Learning Progressions:
Pre-K |
Elementary OAS Suggested Learning Progressions:
Kindergarten | First Grade | Second Grade |
Third Grade | Fourth Grade | Fifth Grade |
Middle School OAS Suggested Learning Progressions:
Sixth Grade | Seventh Grade | Pre-Algebra |
High School OAS Suggested Learning Progressions:
Algebra I | Geometry | Algebra II |
The diagnostic mathematics formative probes are fantastic options for determining student understandings and misconceptions.