HB 3218

HB 3218 Bill Summary

Repeals the current system of student assessments including the EOIs and OCCTs. Requires SBE to adopt rules for assessments in compliance with ESSA by December 31, 2016, creating a transition year for 2016-2017. Additional information about assessments will be posted soon.

Requirements of HB 3218 Study

HB 3218 directs the State Board of Education, in consultation with the State Regents for Higher Education, the Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability, the State Board of Career and Technology Education and the Secretary of Education and Workforce Development to study and develop assessment requirements. The study shall include:

  1. Multi-measures approach to high school graduation.
  2. Performance level on the assessments for providing remediation or intervention and type of remediation or intervention to be provided.
  3. Ensuring student accountability on the assessments – which may include calculating assessments scores in the grade or GPA.
  4. Recommendations on testing program to make them more efficient and effective. Are aligned to the subject matter standards.
    - Provide a measure of comparability among other states
    - Yield both norm-referenced and criterion-referenced scores
    - Have a track record of statistical reliability and accuracy
    - Provide a measure of future academic performance for assessments administered in high school.
  5. Establishment of a multi-measures approach to accountability as required by ESSA, which includes the following indicators:
    - Statewide assessments including establishment of student performance bands
    - Graduation rates
    - Statewide academic measures for elementary and middle schools
    - English language proficiency for English learners
    - At least one additional statewide measure of school quality or student success, which may include school climate, school safety, student engagement, educator engagement, advanced coursework and postsecondary readiness.

The Board must provide reasonable opportunity for public comment, including comments from students, parents, educator, organizations representing students with disabilities and English language learners, higher education representatives, career technology education representatives, experts in the areas of assessments and accountability, community-based organizations, Indian tribal representatives and business community representatives.

The Board must make a report of the study by October 31, 2016 and adopt the assessment requirements by January 1, 2017. Study report is to be delivered to the Legislature on or before the first day of the Legislative Session.

Draft Timeline for HB 3218

  • July 18 - 29 – Engage OK
  • August – Begin initial draft of study recommendations
  • August 4 - Study Taskforces Meeting
  • August 31 – Draft 1 available for review
  • September – Advisory Councils meet to review plan
  • September 30 – Draft 2 available for review
  • September – Public Hearings/Other input opportunities
  • October 27 – Present Initial Study Report at State Board Meeting
  • November 1 – December 31 – Refine study report, draft Board rules, trial calculations for accountability
  • December 15 – State Board meeting to adopt rules for a student assessment system in compliance with ESSA
  • January – Format and finalize report
  • February 3 – Deliver report to Legislature
  • March 7 – 30th calendar day for Legislative Review
  • March 13 – RFP for assessments released
  • May 1 – RFP awarded


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Last updated on February 23, 2017